Wednesday, December 7, 2016

APUS-Complaint To: Nicole Drumhiller-Progam Director of Intelligence Studies and School of Global Security-Re: APUS Federal Student Financial Aid Not Accessible For Books December Term 2016


Sent From:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Currently located: Tulane Law Library During Public Access Hours

New Orleans, LA

New Cell: 352-872-4774

Old Cell: 352-219-1872

Enrolled: APUS

2nd Masters Degree Program

Intelligence Studies

Intelligence Officer In Training

Applicant: Law School Abroad: Spring and Fall 2017 Semesters

Specialization: Law and Politics Honors

Intended Field of Employment:

International Defense of Civil and Human Rights Abuses/Torture Cases

Communications By Email To:

American Public University System (APUS)

Program Director, Intelligence Studies,

School of Security and Global Studies:

Ms. Nicole Drumhiller

Dear Ms. Nicole Drumhiller,

      Thank you for the link, to the peer reviewed journal-I do have several articles, that I would like to submit-which are in fact, on point, in regards to: US Intelligence and International Security issues. I tried to download, the attachment that you sent, and was unable to do so-I do not know why?

          I will be working from the Tulane Law Library-for a short while, during public access hours, in order to have, a: clean, quite, studious environment, to complete some of my independent research-that, I hope to gain credit for, through my APUS Masters Degree program-it is a second Masters program, for me. I am investigating-in a very superficial way-post New Orleans Katrina, and, the mess that Holder, of the US DOJ. The US DOJ under Holder left a mess behind here in: New Orleans, before he quit, and additional incriminating evidence, brought additional: legal and congressional charges-against him.

          I will look for your response, to this email address:, in regards to my request, for the: 2017 IAFIE Essay Competition attachment, to be re-sent to me, sometime soon.

          New Orleans field work is difficult-it is one of the hardest locations in the US, thus far, with the two exceptions being: Portland, OR, and Gainesville, FL-my hometown. I will send you a rough draft, of my: "Post-Deluge Katrina and DOJ Foul Player"- as soon as I have completed it, and posted it, to my currently active Google Blogger: . Additionally, I also wanted to mention to you-as the director of the Intelligence studies program, at: APUS-I was not granted enough money, or access, to text books-through the APUS financial aid office, this semester, of December: 2016.  Therefore, although fully admitted, I will not be able to join, the structured class room environment, until this coming January-2017.

          I am disappointed, and I would not want to burden you with the information, however, as part of my qualification, for: US Federal Student Financial Aid, the financial aid office at APUS, should have made the book money easily accessible to me, and they did not allocate enough, for Masters Degree level text books. Only: 128.00-for text books, was granted, for me for my books, for two Masters Degree level classes.  I just switched programs, over from doctoral studies, and, have-as previously mentioned, a first Masters Degree-even online text books, for a Masters level of study, start out, at: 100.00-approximately, per text book ordered.

        I am too disappointed, and think that the university, did not work hard enough-after admitting me to, the APUS: Intelligence Officer In Training Program-to allow me, to actually enter the class room. I am a hard-working individual, and I submit high quality academic work, in a sufficient quantity.  I really needed the financial aid, this December, 2016-to assist me, with living expenses, associated with my independent investigations, into many of the: social, political security, and intelligence issues and problems, that: surfaced and developed, during the: Mr. Obama Administration. I am a serious student, and need the university, to take my enrollment-seriously. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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