Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Law School Abroad-Applications Under Review-Logical Explanation And Full Justification


New Law School Personal Statement

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Homeless, New Orleans, Working From Tulane University Law Library

New Cell: 1-352-872-4774

Old Cell: 1-352-219-1872

“Attending Law School Abroad-Justification Based on Current:

Post-Mr. Obama, Sociopolitical State”

To Whom It May Concern:

      I am presently located, at: Tulane Law School, and I am borrowing the law library. When I first arrived, in downtown New Orleans, to begin my: "Post-Katrina and Holder, US DOJ Fiasco" investigation-to earn credits towards my: 2nd Masters, and Intelligence Officer in Training Program-I tried to access, the public library. As a trained librarian-my first Masters Degree, is in Library and Information Science, I know that it is illegal to deny people access, to the library-however, I was denied access-again. I then had to walk, for three days, with no food, and almost no water, to the Tulane Law Library, I was frustrated-when I arrived here.

       I have been unemployed and homeless in the US, for almost the entire Obama Administration. There are soo many problems in the US, related to: US police, laws, law enforcement in general, and the legal system-that, attending law school in the US, would not be helpful. I was accepted to several US law schools-even full scholarship, in 2012, and, could not afford the cost of housing in Boston-even with a full scholarship for tuition. I was also accepted, in 2012, to several UK law schools, however, no scholarships were available to me: University of Buckingham, Cardiff at Wales, and Northumbria.

       In the process, of trying to escape from this nightmare, that other people still refer to as America, I have tried to process legal cases, and to lodge legal complaints, with the US courts system. For me, because of the large influx of immigrants to the US-primarily: Israeli, and Africans, I cannot even enter a US Court House, without having all my brief cases and bags, cut to shreds, with exacto knifes.  I filed a few valid legal cases, through the civil court system, in Boulder, CO, and then finally, when the police in Boulder, threatened to arrest whoever offered to service the cases, a judge reviewed my necessary complaints, and then-dismissed them without prejudice, so I can bring them up again, in a different court room, and in a another country.

        In the US, the police bully the court system. The police come into the court room, and they wear their uniforms-so there is no confusion, about who they are, and they fill up every row-and with impunity. The judge, and everyone else in the court room-in fear of retribution, and punishment, then feel obligated-because in many cases-their lives are dependent upon it, to side with the police-even if the argument by the US police, is complete illogical nonsense.  I cannot practice law, in this sort of: US “police state.” It is as if, the US police, are a military ruling power in this country-since the inception of the: Mr. Obama Administration, and, as the Obama Administration, has come-to-a-close, and the next president: Donald Trump, has been elected-there have been no improvements, to the: attitudes, or behaviors of US police-for what I can detect-in fact, to the very contrary.

      I have been false arrested, and beaten almost to death, by US police-when I was not engaged in any criminal activities at all. I have been assaulted several times by US police, in some of the meanest ways imaginable. When I was in Washington, DC, a Black police officer, through a lit cigarette, at my flammable dress. When I was in Washington, DC, a Black police officer, kicked a chair I was seated in, as hard as he possibly could-while I waited for a flight, at the: Reagan National Airport. Just last night, a police officer here in New Orleans, tried to kick my computer bag, as I was moving my belongings, to another location, because someone was uncomfortable, with where I was sitting.  US police, are soo out-of-control, and such a scary threat, that, I do not think it is even possible, to practice: honest, ethical, concerned, moral, helpful law, in the US-anymore.

        I am, therefore, applying to law schools abroad, and I am praying for a full scholarship of some sorts, that will meet my study, housing and book needs. I have a number of legal cases, that I have begun to file, with the: European Court of Human Rights, and with: The Hague, because they are: civil and human rights violation cases, that I cannot file here in the US.  I have searched arduously, both: high and low, for any legal assistance, both: within the US, and abroad-for anyone, of my valid, and necessary legal cases, concerning: human rights abuses. After, many years, of not being able to locate assistance-within the US, from any: law enforcement, legal counsel, or legal assistance-at all, I, at long last, decided to apply to law school abroad, to: help myself, to help others, and to represent myself and others, as well-no one else, has ever-to the best of my knowledge, been interested in the job. No one in the US helps me at all.

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