Thursday, December 1, 2016

Requesting Financial Donations, For A Job Well Done-I Continue To Work Hard, And To Celebrate Positive Recognition


To Whom It May Concern:
        I was on the telephone, and computer, as well as sending faxes, all day long today. It is very difficult-as of yet, to tell, if I was able to accomplish anything at all. I have a number of pending International legal cases, which require, my constant attention. I called about several of the cases today, and argued, to the best of my ability, and, I should have won, all of the arguments. However, by the end of a very long day I still have no money, nowhere to sleep, not a single person has called me, or sent me a text message. I had nothing to eat today, and, I did not even have enough pocket change, to catch the public city bus, into: New Orleans. I am still at, the Louis Armstrong International Airport, and I am praying, that some of the communications, and phone calls, that I made today, will encourage others-from almost anywhere in the world, to show-up, and to help me, in some meaningful way.
        I spend soo much time, working, and applying for law school study programs. I send tons of emails, and I leave voicemail messages-all day some times, and then, I never receive any responses. I am a: 24/7 scrambling to make my limited ends meet, type of worker-with no paycheck, in over 6 years. I am still sending out my resume, to anyone with an email account, who might have an interesting work position, that I could fill. I feel like, no one cares about me-not anywhere in the world, and, I do not know why. I am a sane, hard-working, out-going, capable person. I am used to pushing for the best results, and then, going the extra mile, so that the impact is impressive.  On December 5, 2016, I begin my second Master's Degree program, as: An Intelligence Officer In Training, with The US Marines, as a Civilian. I am excited, and wonder-will this then lead, to finally, and employment position-somewhere in the world?
           Tonight, I am exhausted. I was assaulted, at the Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport last night. A Latino woman, dropped a heavy suitcase, as hard as she possibly could, on the connected seat-right next to me. I have been in unbearable pain-ever since. Then, on the flight today, from Ft Lauderdale, to New Orleans, the people sitting behind me, were harassing me, and threatening my life. The man, who sat directly behind me, on the jetBlue flight-kicked my seat, as hard as he possibly could. I took too many pain killers-Aleve, to quell the pain, and, to reduce the swelling and inflammation, around my spinal cord-sometimes, my feet begin to tingle, and I lose feeling in my toes. I was assaulted two times today, in less than 12 hours, and recovery-can be slow, and painful. My life is in immediate danger, here in the US, and Norway, is not responding to my continued requests, for assistance with my: political asylum application-through Oslo.
          My skin, on my face, is breaking out, all over the place. It is Winter in the US. The weather is cool, and I ma inside in air conditioning, all of the time. I still have giant pimples popping up, all over my face. Being indigent, poor, homeless, friendless, and having no family, or social services for help-is soo incredibly stressful.  I have only myself to rely on-most of the time. I place phone calls, and send emails and faxes, and then, it is still up to me, to make something happen, in my favor.  I started a second T-shirt und raising campaign. I made no sales on Bonfire, and I have no idea why. I am looking for new, and creative ways, to raise money-the funds I need, to pay for my studies, and to pay myself, for my work, as both: Director and President, of my own nonprofit organization: Emergency International Internet Relief.  Donations that I receive, are usually very small, and far in between, like just a couple of dollars, and only 1 time a week-not a reliable source of money.
          I do, however, request financial donations-they make it possible, for me, to work harder, and longer hours, and to accomplish more. There are soo many fundamental needs, that I cannot meet, that interfere with me accomplishing even greater works. I never have enough money, for: travel, clothing, temporary housing, food, school supplies, hygiene products, vitamins, public transportation, etc. I have tried-on several occasions, to reach out to some of the people, who I helped, when they were homeless. Although, I was generous, an allowed others to stay with me, or a prolonged period of time-while they had housing issues, and while, I am an American citizen, by birth certificate-none of my childhood friends, or their families-even when they had spare bedrooms, were willing to help me, with my serious need, for immediate, emergency housing.
       If you are willing and able, to help me, in any way-then, please do so. I am sending emails, all over the world, and begging for emergency relief assistance. I pray, that at some time, in the very near future, someone will care enough, to respond for my need for help, nd for family and friends who care about me.  I know, that I deserve better, than the torture and abuse, that I am being subjected to, in the US.  I look forward to your prompt response. Thank you for your continued communications.  I sent faxes, to the United Nations, Haag section (The Hague), and to the prosecutor's attention, with a request, that the faxes be forwarded overseas as well, to the attention of the prosecutor, at: Den Haag/The Hague-International Human Rights Court-in the Netherlands.  I am hopeful, that today, I did move myself, one step closer, to a successful court date, in Holland, at The Hague.  Thank you, for your continued interest.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
New Cell: 1-352-872-4774
Old Cell: 1-352-219-1872

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