Wednesday, December 14, 2016

American Airlines Settlement/Compensation Demanded-Cancelled Ticket Refund Owed Since: July 2016


To Whom It May Concern:

       I have been in constant contact with American Airlines, since July of 2016, when my plane ticket, from Miami International, to Cozumel, Mexico, was illegally cancelled, and I was not permitted to check-in to my flight. I am at an airport again. I fly all the time, both within the US, and overseas. I need American Airlines, to pay back, the 72.00 USD, that they owe me. I have been told several times, that a check was issued, and sent to my home address. I have also been told, several times, by American Airlines, that the 72.00 check, was issued as a repayment, to my travel agency in Mumbai, India. I have checked both with my home postal address, and with my travel agents in India, and, a check has not been received at either location.

      At present, I am located, at the Louis Armstrong International Airport, in New Orleans, and I need money, for another flight. I am returning to Florida, and the flight that I need to take, happens to be, with American Airlines. Due to the fact, that AA has owed me a significant amount of refund money, since July of 2016, I am once again requesting that AA consider issuing me a free: domestic/International ticket, and or, a financial credit of 72.00 USD, towards the purchase of an additional flight-either domestic or International, with American Airlines. The flight I need from New Orleans, is to, Jacksonville, FL-Duval county, anytime soon, that it would be available, from American Airlines. Alternatively, if I am issued the 72.00 USD credit that I am requesting-based on the refund that AA owes me, than, I will be attempting to fly, from: New Orleans, to Jacksonville, FL, with AA, on the 21st of December, 2016.

       The amount of money owed to me, by American Airlines, is a paltry sum, compared to how much money, AA earns on a yearly basis. AA, is making the recovery, of the small amount owed to me-much too difficult. I am an applicant for law school overseas. I will be accepted full scholarship, to some law school overseas very soon. And, at present, I am enrolled, as an Intelligence Officer in Training-as a civilian with the US Marines. American Airlines, is making it soo difficult, for me to recover, the small amount of money that they owe me, that, I have begun to report the situation, as an act of domestic terrorism, to both: the overseas law schools, that are considering my enrollment, for: 2017, as well, as to my US military university. It was wrong, for AA, to cancel my trip to Cozumel, Mexico, and, it is even more wrong, for American Airlines, to refuse to settle on some mutually agreeable payment compromise, so that I can be adequately compensated, for the 72.00 USD-that I lost.

       I call American Airlines, and speak to too many representatives, both: online, by phone, and in person-at the various airports that I visit: West Palm Beach, FL, Reagan National, DC, Orlando International, Miami International, etc., with no tangible results. I have no proof what-so-ever, that AA, has ever sent any check to me, and therefore, I continue to request a settlement offer instead. AA can swear all day long, that they sent me  something via US post, however, changing the story, from-we sent it to your home post address on file, to, we sent it to your travel agent in India-when it was not reported as being received at either location, hurts American Airlines defensive stance. I am respectfully requesting, that AA decide, to settle this matter amicably, and simply-so that an expensive International litigation process, does not to be initiated. If I have to take American Airlines to International court, over a 72.00 repayment-after AA, has refused a fundamental settlement offer-since July of 2016-the cost to AA, other than just reputation, is going to be far more, than: 72.00 USD.

      Thank you for receiving my communications. I look forward to your prompt response.  I am at Louis Armstrong International airport, waiting to fly, and would greatly appreciate it, if you could please see a away, to work with me, and to assist me, in a helpful, and meaningful way-which will be beneficial to both of us. Thank you again, for your time, and your attention. I have included the details, regarding the ticket purchase, date, travel route, and so-on, at the top of the communication, making the details, easy for your reference-to locate the connected flight and ticket records. The last few times, that I have contacted AA, I have received no response a all, from your administrative offices, in regards to my on-going complaint. It is vital, to the nature of any on-going discussion and/or settlement matter, that you-AA, continue to respond in a relevant way, to my valid complaints, and legal argument-against you. Thanks.


Miss.  Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLI

New Cell: 1-352-872-4774

Old Cell: 1-352-219-1872


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