Monday, December 19, 2016

Beginning Immigration Application To New Zealand


RE: Application For Immigration Request For Additional Immigration Points Evaluations

Response To Received Communications, From:

Immigration, New Zealand

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-872-4774

To Whom It May Concern:

           I require immigration, to New Zealand. I need to leave the US. I have been traveling over-seas, for 2 years now, and I have been requesting: political asylum-with plenty of evidence, and, I have gotten no results. In the meantime, my situation in the US, has grown worse-every time, a country overseas, told me: “No, we refuse to assist you in anyway,” and, I was forcibly returned, by deportation, to the US. I have requested, emergency and immediate political asylum, from the three following countries: France, UK, and Norway.


              My application for political asylum was never considered, for the country of France. I was told, at the application center in Martinique, FR-that, due to the fact, that I do not speak French, that I would not be allowed, to submit an application, for political asylum in France. I was told in the UK, that the United States, has been evaluated, by the UK government, as being a: “Safe Country,” and therefore, it does not matter, what documentation, I would present, to the contrary. In Norway, I was told, that I had a right to speak to lawyer, regarding my application, for political asylum.

           I was deported, from Norway, on the very day, of my legal appointment.  I left Norway, with a stack of legal documents, in Norwegian, that I cannot read, and, although, I have tried to make arrangements, with a lawyer in Norway, to assist me-with at least a translation of the legal documents-that has not been possible. I have contacted, numerous Norwegian Embassies, in several different locations around the world-they told me, that this matter, is outside of their purview, and therefore, they would be unable to help me.

           In addition, I have been in constant contact, with UDI-the Norwegian government entity, that processes, applications, for political asylum in Norway-and, they have not offered me, any additional assistance-although, I keep them abreast, of my circumstances in the US, by email, as well as calling the Norwegian Secret Service. My last efforts, to contact Norway, after I could receive no help from UDI, or from free legal service organizations, was to look for the services of a paid attorney, and-that was unsuccessful, as well.

           I post complaints and commentary online, in regards to how difficult this situation, has been for me. I am a political prisoner and hostage, in the US. I have been both: badly and abused, by my adopted family. I have been abused, and tortured in the US, for the past 20 years. When Mr. Obama became president, my situation then escalated, and became unbearable. I have been: unemployed, and homeless, for almost the entire Obama Administration.

                 Nothing in the US, has been fair for me, for the entire Obama Administration. Not only, have I been, homeless, and unemployed, I have had no access, to almost: medical care and medicine-and now none, or to social services. I have had no access to: homeless shelters in the US, or to, vocational welfare to work programs, that are paid for by the US government. US police, persecute me, and stalk me, and then, they: threaten& harass me, and try to kill me, for the US government.  I have been permanently damaged, on too many occasions-painful physical injuries, from assaults, from US police.

               I am constantly starving to death. Sometimes, my food stamps, are only 22.00 USD per month. Other times, my food stamps are cut off. Yet other times, I go to a grocery store, and they refuse to accept the food stamp card. My adopted mom, tells me, to book at a hotel, with my pithy welfare check, then, she refuses to help me with food, for most of the month, and with the housing, I have no money left, for food, or anything else I need.

             My US bank accounts are drained, well after checks have cleared.  My US bank accounts are blocked, for almost 2 years, and then, people pretend like I have serious mental health issues, for not having money-after, a US bank, has illegally stolen it from me. I hate everything about America, and, I am not supposed to tell anyone anywhere, how tortured I am, or, how abused I am. The US government, tries to cut off, all my means of communications.

            I receive almost none of my postal mail. The United States Postal Inspector, said, that she could care less-at least my post mail was sent somewhere. I receive no birthday, or Christmas presents. My adopted mom, said, that I could have post mail, sent to her home address-she keeps most of it, and will not allow me to read it-which is supposed to be a Federal crime in the US. Additionally, my adopted mom, refuses to accept, and birthday, and Christmas packages, that arrive at her home-for me. I have not had, a birthday, or Christmas, for 7 years now.

         I have no friends or family in the US, who are willing to assist me. I am a continuing student, as well as an active volunteer-in more than just one capacity, to improve my communities. I am politically active, although, I cannot vote. The Obama elections, were won-in part, with the help of the: “New Black Panther Party,” who harassed and threatened Republicans at the poles. Republicans-for both: Mr. Obama US Presidential election, were forced to vote Democratic.

        Additionally, I am always having problems, with my cell phones, email accounts, and social networking websites. My cell phones-all of them, were stolen by my adopted mom, she broke all 7, and erased all of my investigative research-3 years worth of work, because, she hates my guts, and she thought it was fine, because she constantly abuses and tortures me-anyway. I was able to file a police report against, my adopted mom-however, the US court system, and attendant lawyers, are inaccessible to me.

          My email accounts, are hacked, and I lose access to them-soo often, that I have begun, calling-all over the world, faxing, and also, traveling as much as possible, to speak to people in person.  As much as I have emailed, and faxed, and placed phone calls, I have received-almost no responses, to any of my requests for help. In the US, I sit for days on end, waiting for a flight, at an International airport, or at a train station, or bus station, and people look past me, and walk past me-all day and night, like I am not alive.

           I try to complain, and to reach out for help, on various online social networking accounts: Facebook, Fling, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube, Instagram, WordPress, etc.-all of my comments online, come under the harshest of scrutiny-all of the time. My commentary is: edited, removed, silenced, and then-my access to the online social networking account-is illegally blocked, as well.  I complain about how people torture and abuse me in the US-they have no legal basis to do so, and, they feel comfortable and happy, to treat me with complete disregard.

             I need medicine, for my constant back pain, and ankle/foot, wrist, and headaches. I am asthmatic, and cannot gain access to my 4 different kinds of required asthma medications.  I suffer from constant attacks on my life, and constant assaults. The US government, an US police, do nothing-that I am aware of, to help me, to keep me safe, or-even respond to my constant complaints. I began to lose hope, in my ability to locate, a US government agency, that would assist me, and nonprofit organizations, that advertise US and overseas-they do nothing at all really, from what I can perceive. I am a freelance reporter, and US and International media-ignore me.

            I attempted, on a number of occasions, to file complaints, with the US Department of Justice, under the leadership, of Mr. Obama appointed: Holder. My religious freedoms, are being violated in the US. I am told often, that I have access to nothing, because I am not a Christian. I have not only been denied, almost everything I need to survive, on the basis that I am not a Christian, I have also had, almost all of my belongings stolen from me, on the very same basis. I can only presume, that my access to lawyers, as well as the US court system, has also been blocked, because I am not a Christian too.

            I post online, my freelance new report stories, as well as my resume, examples of my completed academic homework, and independent research, as well-unusual emails, that I receive to my inbox: John Kerry, US secretary of state, FBI communication requests for additional funding from US government, requests from overseas, for: International investigations, into illegal government affairs-as well as messages, from: “Peace Keeping Soldiers,” stuck anywhere in the world, in the middle of a war.  My current active Google Blogger addresses-is as follows:

               Frustrated, with the full extent, of denial to basic needs, and torture in the US. I decided, to process my legal complaints-pertaining to: civil and human rights. I began to apply to law schools overseas, and because of financial need, I request full scholarship. I have no money, to even survive in the US-however, I am able to collect a sufficient amount of evidence, for a legal case, and, to process court documents, for the establishment of a hearing-already, I have practiced within the US-as a civilian. Additionally, I gained experience, while study as an undergraduate, in working for an attorney, and, attending a law school, on scholarship-where, I earned enough superlatives, for the Law School Dean, to write for a scholarship-that, I did receive.

          I have been accepted for overseas law studies before. I was accepted to several schools in the UK-however, the schools did not offer me any financial aid-that was in: 2012, and therefore, I was unable to attend. I am now, in the process, of applying to law schools in New Zealand. The UK, has turned a cold shoulder to me, since I flew there, and requested political asylum-although, I did not process, the application.  Additionally, although, I have begun to process my law school applications, through Australia-as well, the news from Australia is reporting, that police there-are really a problem, I am concerned, that maybe, Australian police, are, just as bad, as police here, in the US.

         I looked through, the online information, in regards to employment, in high needs areas, to see if my application, for political asylum, might qualify, for additional points, based on my current and future, fields of study. In addition to being pre-legal, I am pre-medical. There, too, was a code available, for my Master’s Degree, in the high needs employment area listed online, however, it was a slightly varied listing-as Bachelors, instead of Masters, and, as an Engineering Degree, instead of an Information Science Degree: NZQF Level 7 Information Science Degree, BA-through an Engineering department.  The online information, available through New Zealand Immigration stated, that my degree, and qualification for points, would have to be approved, through: New Zealand: IPENZ.

                 In addition to having already obtained-what I hope to be, a point qualifying Master’s Degree, in: Library and Information Science, with a specialization: Information Science, as well as the voluntary completion, of a thesis, and perfect: 4.0 CGPA-for the entire degree, I could consider, attending medical school, in New Zealand, after law school-if I you agree to accept my immigration, application. I was pre-medical, for a number of years, as an undergraduate: volunteer hours, mentored education, overseas medical outreach for indigent and provision of free medical supplies, grant writing for community health center/pre-medical secondary student organization, as well as employment, as a university student, at a medical school, and visitation and shadowing of medical doctors: major hospital, and nursing home.

              I will be sending you offices, a series of emails, because I have soo many documents, for you to look through, and to qualify, to see if you might be able to allow me, to immigrate to New Zealand. I have 3 children-all quite bright, two of whom, are enrolled in university studies in the US, and the youngest, is completing her high school program-this year.  My oldest daughter is 20, and she is almost done studying for a computer science degree-she, therefore, will also have earned a high needs university degree, as per New Zealand standards-at a Bachelor’s level. My only son, is 19, and he is working towards an engineering degree: Science Technology Engineering and, Math-a two year university, for a transfer, to a four year college.  My son, therefore, also qualifies, for the high needs immigration stipulations, he want to complete his studies on the Bachelors level, with an Engineering degree.  My youngest daughter-who is just finishing high school this year, has not decided yet, what she will endeavor to study, at: university.

            I will call your offices, after I have sent several emails, containing some of my explanations, to your offices, as well as several non-romantic photos-so you can recognize my visage. I want to be certain, that the communications, regarding my requests for immigration status in New Zealand, have been successfully received, for an initial evaluation, prior to sending more. If, I receive a favorable response, from: Immigration Services New Zealand, and a higher point score evaluation, than: 110, is returned to me, then I will be too happy, to pay, and to submit-my final and formal application, for immigration to New Zealand, online. Thank you.

         At present, I am working on my second Master’s Degree. I am at: APUS University, and in training, with the US Marines-as a civilian, in an: Intelligence Officer In Training program. Although, I am already engaged, in independent research-that will possibly bring me academic credit, my formal online classroom studies, do not being, until: January 2017. I intend, to complete, both my legal studies program, and my: law school program on campus in New Zealand, at the very same time-if accepted. In between, my first Master’s Degree, and my second Master’s Degree, I attended: Northcentral University, and a doctoral studies program, in Advanced Accounting, however, due to the political situation in the US, I was unable to complete the doctoral studies PhD, program-even though, my grades were-straight: “A.”

             I will send to you, with my initial emails, and attachments, copies of my transcripts, with degrees earned, thus far, as well as proof, of my high school graduation, and enrollment, in: Intelligence Officer Training-at this point in time. Unfortunately, my situation in the US, has been soo incredibly politically adverse, that almost everything, has been stolen from me-on a number of occasions, including and limited to: high school transcript from high school, high school diploma, all university diplomas, etc., and therefore, I will not-initially, be able to send into, the New Zealand Immigration Department, my official university diplomas.  Although, I do have an email account, with Mi5, I have no assurances, that the documents, I am emailing into them, for preservation for court-will ever be available to me.

             I have begun on my own, to process legal cases, through several of the European Courts, of Human Rights. My initial complaints, and my follow-up commentary, are sent into, both court houses-on a regular basis. However, I have not submitted, a formal application, to be heard, in either court house, because, I am not admitted to law school yet, and, there are procedural, and substantive time constraint limitations. I am not in a safe enough position, in the US, to proceed with a formal application, to be heard-against the American government, in an International Court of Human Rights. Immigrants, terrorists, pro-Obama LBGT/African, Israeli/Jews, etc.-as well as US police, stalk me, and persecute me, anywhere I go right now, all of the US.

               It is incredibly difficult, to reach me, although, I do have a cellphone, I do not receive most of my messages-the Boost Mobile provider, blocks the downloads, from a server, to my voicemail, on my cell. I am upset, that I am in such a scary place, in the US. I worry for my children. I do what I can to assist others, and then-almost no one is generous enough, to notice me at all. I have been asked in the US, for a number of years, to: complete the university homework of others, to work and complete difficult tasks-in exchange for almost nothing, and to volunteer all the time, with no hopes of ever being hired anywhere. I cannot work any harder at my academics, because I am not allowed to, and there will never be: housing or employment available to me, in the US.

             If you require, any additional information from me, regarding my application for immigration, after you have received, attachments by email, then do please attempt to reply, to my communications by email. I will call, to follow-up by phone, on a regular basis, because I know from experience, how difficult it is-to reach me. I do not, at this time, have access, to: International faxes, however, I very well will-in the near future, and at the time, I can attempt to send your offices, copies of more information-if you require it, in the form of a: fax, instead of an email. I appreciate, Immigration Services of New Zealand, for taking the time, to respond to my interest, and my needs, regarding immigration, to New Zealand. I will look for a response from your offices, in the very near future. Happy Holidays.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

New Cell: 1-352-872-4774




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