Thursday, December 22, 2016

Shot With A Semi-Automatic Weapon With Silencer-Point-Blank Range, And Straight To My Heart, Late Last Night, In Front Of US Police


To Whom It May Concern:

        Late last night, I was shot point-blank range-to my heart, in front of US police, in the US city, of: New Orleans. The perpetrator of the crime, pulled out, a: large semi-automatic weapon, with a silencer. US police, had their bright blues lights flashing-however, the did nothing to interfere, or to save me-when the perpetrator aimed, and shot directly, at my heart. I had to place calls, to 3 US local FBI offices, before, I reached an FBI agent, who would listen to my situation, and what had just happened. I was able to divert the bullet, with a comfort blanket, and my new Winter coat-however, there is a mark on the coat, where the bullet hit it. 

       I returned to the: New Orleans Louis Armstrong International Airport, to await a direct deposit, to book a flight, back to Florida, for Christmas. Less than 4 days ago-with nowhere safe to go-I am not allowed in to the New Orleans shelters, police at this airport forced me out. Other homeless, live at this airport, for 6 months, and longer, as: prostitutes. I, however, was forced back in to, an unsafe community, for refusing to prostitute.  I was almost unable, to return to the airport tonight. I could have been killed. I might have been dead by now.

                      After the shooting, the local police, here in New Orleans decided to pretend-like nothing at all had happened. New Orleans police, took over a stretch of the road, to the: Louis Armstrong International Airport, and-slowed and blocked traffic, for both: a significant length, and time-that I was on the return road. The New Orleans, LA International Airport, is located: in Kenner, LA-50 miles, outside of downtown: New Orleans. I am too tired, and a little shaken-up, by my experiences, late last night.

       I am exhausted, and I have tried to place a few calls, to International Intelligence Agency’s, regarding the scary events that occurred last night. It was only Russia, that cared enough, to respond to my situation when I called-just a little bit.  Thank you Mother Russia, for caring about me, and my immediate life threatening circumstances.  Although, I had an application, for political asylum, that I had begun to process through: Norway-Norwegians, have finally refused to allow me, to complete the application, for political asylum, regardless of how dire my circumstances are, here in the US.

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