Friday, December 2, 2016

APUS-Forced To Drop December 2016 Classes-No Financial Aid Accessible To Me For Books For Classes

-------- Beginning of forwarded message--------
02.12.2016, 19:44, "Bai Eliza Cary" <>:


To Whom It May Concern:

      I was not able to qualify, for any accessible student financial aid, to pay for my books, for the December Semester, 2016. I therefore, had to drop the December 2016 classes, and, I had to re-register, for January 2016 classes instead. I need the financial aid for the books, however, in January 2017-just like I needed the financial aid, for my December, 2016 classes.

       I do not have a post address in the address, where I receive any post mail. I am an applicant, for political asylum in Norway. I receive almost no post mail, all of the time in eth US-even if I have a temporary home address. I have complained to both: the local post office, and to the US Postal Inspector, and, no one, at either level, cared at all-about me not receiving my post mail.

      At this point, until I take the issue to International Court-there is nothing I can do, about not receiving my post mail, in the US. Please respond to my email. I look forward to receiving your reply. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
New Cell: 1-352-872-477Old Cell: 1-352-219-1872

-------- Beginning of forwarded message --------
 Dear Bayo,

 Your December 2016 semester is getting ready to begin on 12/05/2016
 but currently you do not have any course registrations in place. Please take a moment to place all course registrations you plan to take from
 12/05/2016 - 04/02/2017.


 * You must start a course in the first month of your
 Academic Year or it will be cancelled.

 * All registrations should be placed prior to
 the semester start date to avoid a balance due or decreased FSA eligibility.

 * If you are scheduled to receive Federal
 Direct Loans, you must be registered at least half-time status in order to qualify. For convenience see half-time statuses

 * Undergraduate Half-Time = At least 6


 Graduate Half-Time = At least 3 credits

 If you are scheduled to receive Federal Direct Loans, make sure your Master Promissory Note (MPN) has been signed. You can do this at

 Once you have registered, please verify all steps within the Financial Aid Office
 have been completed.

 If you have any questions about the Federal
 Student Aid process, please contact one of our Financial Aid Advisors at or 855-731-9218, Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET.


 Financial Aid Advising – Automated

 American Public University
 American Military University | American Public University
 111 W. Congress Street, Charles Town, WV 25414
 855-731-9218| |

 This message is private and confidential. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender and remove it from your system.

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