Sunday, January 1, 2017

APUS-American Public University System: Intl 500-My Intelligence Officer Training With US Marines As Civilians-Beginning-Welcome To Class!

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01.01.2017, 18:28, "curtisbrandt smith" <>:

Welcome to INTL500,
This is going to be an exciting course for many of you beginning your academic pursuits. There are weekly tasks, forums and readings. Be on time and active in the course room. Many of my students have indicated this research methods and writing course is very helpful. I think you will agree.
Please set aside time every day to read, prepare an initial forum posting and respond to your classmates. The minimum requirement is a substantial comment based upon our reading material with citations and references listed, two responses to your classmates and all beginning as early in the week as possible. Initial posts are due by Thursday with counter posts no later than Sunday evening. This is "C" level work or 88/100 points.
If you want to earn more points, go the extra mile and post to additional classmates. Average participation means you meet the stated requirements. This is "C" level work. However, above average work means a student adds a reference list to support their comments and forum contribution, responds to more than 2 students and will often return to their initial posting to pick up comments made by other students.
I began my career in "field studies" in 1979 on the Philippine island of Mindanao as a twenty year old student. Since then, I lived and worked in some of the most challenging and hostile environments imaginable. In the late 90's I lived alongside the "Wild Wa" of China and Myanmar, former head hunters and producers of raw opium, coming in second to Afghanistan's opium production. As a matter of record, I have been interrogated 23 times by Chinese border guards stationed along the China-Myanmar border and was taken hostage 1 time for several days by a local opium producer in the Wa Bang (Wa State).
My background also includes serving 24 months in Iraq as country leader for a nongovernment organization ( during the U.S. led "surge." My wife and daughter were with me during this time living on the economy unsupported by USF-I; more about me in the "introduction" forum.
In addition to serving you as instructor for this course, I am about to begin my second term as a state legislator in the Arkansas House of Representatives.
Helpful University Contact info:  Bookstore ( <>); Financial Aid ( <>); Transfer Credit ( <>); Student Services ( <>); Chaplain ( <>);  Academic Advising ( <>
Please familiarize yourself with the syllabus. It is filled with relevant information directly impacting you for INTL500.

See you in the course room,

Dr. Brandt Smith

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