Thursday, December 15, 2016

Communication To Hjort Law of Norway Specializing In Defense of Human Rights From Norway-Requesting Pro Bono Services-Assistance With Application For Political Asylum From US To Norway


Dear Hjort Attorneys of Norway,

       My name is: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS. I am a political prisoner and hostage, in the US. The US government, and banking system, has left me homeless and unemployed, for almost the entire Obama Administration-8 years. I am well educated. I am enrolled in an Intelligence Officer Training Program, with the US Marines, as a civilian-it is my second Masters Degree program. I switched in to the second Masters program, from a doctoral studies/PhD program. 

       However, although I am working on my 4th college diploma, and I am also an applicant for law school abroad right now, for the 2017 school year: Australia, UK, and New Zealand- I have no opportunities, in the US.  I have no family here, who cares for me, or who helps me-just my own three children, who are young adults, and not independently wealthy. I was adopted, and have been searching for my birth family in India-where I have been informed, I am originally from-with no results, thus far.

       Although, the US Constitution exists in theory-there is a hard copy on file-it is recognized-the United States right now, because of the Obama Administration, is not following the guidance, which is provided, by the: US Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Because Mr. Obama, assigned the wrong leadership, to important US government posts-such as: The US Department of Justice, and the CIA-I have no legal recourse, within the US, when my US Constitutional Rights, are violated. I am persecuted by US police-they stalk me, harass me, threaten me, attack me, try to beat me to death, damage my belongings, steal from me, and: lock me up in solitary confinement, and mental hospitals-for no legal reasons.

            I am in constant excruciating pain, from beatings, and assaults, that I have received from US police, and other people, who travel in and out of the US, to support, the Obama Administration, and International terrorism.  I am always ill, because I am homeless. I was “Blacklisted,” by the US government, in 2008. I am competent, and smart, and, no one in the US, is willing to hire me-not even as a janitor. My university degrees, and my straight: “A” academic record, as well as my lengthy research papers, and independent study, have done me no service, in so far as obtaining employment, in the US-is concerned. Some of my: investigative research, academic studies, and legal complaints, are posted online, to my active Google Blogger account: .

           I have been contacting various countries, for almost 8 years now, and requesting emergency assistance, with my situation, here in the US: France, UK, Australia, Russia, Sweden, Norway, etc. Only Norway, responded in any way, to my immediate needs, and, it was only after I arrived in Oslo, that Norway was willing to help me a little. I am a torture and abuse victim, from the US. I have more files, both: legal, and digital, than I can carry-some of which is posted online, some of which has been emailed to my MI5 email account, and some of which I constantly carry, everywhere with me. I flew to Norway, this year, at the beginning of the Summer, to process an application, for political asylum, and, I was not allowed by: pro-Obama African and Kurdish police, that had been hired by your Norwegian Immigration police, to speak to a lawyer.

       I was picked up, and sent to the Norwegian Salvation Army Deportation Detention Center, one day prior, to my appointment, with a free legal services attorney, at Stargata 19, in Oslo, Norway. There was an attorney, who never spoke to me, who was hired by Udi to represent me-who only represented, his own best interests-which entirely conflict, with my reality, and needs. The Udi attorney, filed a copious amount of legal paperwork, with both: Udi and UNE-against my best interests-without speaking to me, and, against my wishes-I have never seen any of it, and, I never agreed to any of it. I was returned to the US, with a stack of legal documents, in Norwegian-which, I cannot read, and, I have no real idea, what any of the paperwork says.

        I spent a great deal of time, from the US, collecting additional hard-copy, film footage, and photos, as well as sound recordings, to give additional support, to my application for political asylum to Norway-after African/Kurdish Norwegian Immigration police, illegally deported me back to the US. My life, is in immediate danger, here in America. Not only, have I been locked out of the US employment system, I am not allowed to have housing, medical care or medicine-even with full insurance cover.  I am not allowed to have access to any US social services, including, and not limited to: shelter for the homeless, free medical clinics for the uninsured or indigents, clothing closets, food kitchens, food banks, etc. US police, harass and threaten, every one I speak to-they try to keep track-even food banks, if they give me half a slice of bread, to keep me from starving to death.

       My first Masters Degree, is in Library and Information Science, and, I am not allowed into most US libraries-this is illegal as well, and, due to the Obama Administration, I have no one to complain to, in the US, and no court system in the US, is willing to hear my complaint.  The US police, threaten to arrest anyone-including the Sheriff’s department, who offers to service my lega cases, pertaining to violations, of: civil and human rights, in the US.  Additionally, Americans are soo opposed to civil and human rights in the country right now, that, when I tried to raise money online, by selling T-Shirts, with slogan related to the defense, of human rights, the online T-Shirt companies, cancelled my T-Shirt fundraising sales, as: “offensive, and unacceptable,” because I am in America, and constantly complaining about my: civil and human rights, being violated.

       Online social networking groups, like: Fling, Facebook, WordPress, Instagram and Twitter, are constantly kicking me off my social networking webpages, and out of my online accounts, for complaining about being tortured in the US, and, for honestly complaining about: police brutality, attempted rape, theft, and so on. It is not legal, in the US, for a social networking company, to over-ride, the civil and human rights, granted to me, by: The US Constitution and Bill of Rights. As an American, I am supposed to have the right of freedom of speech. According to US laws and regulation-long standing precedents, related to both: The US Constitution and Bill of Rights, as well as more contemporary Internet law, I should be able to say, almost anything I want to online-even if it is not true, and, I am talking about, my real life experiences online, and sharing information, and evidence, with my friends-I am not a liar.

          After contacting, the Norwegian Embassy in Washington, DC, and the Norwegian Embassy in the UK, I was referred back to Udi-for help. Both English speaking Embassies, of the US and of the UK, from Norway, said that they had no English speaking attorney, who could be available to me, to translate, any of my legal documents, regarding my political asylum application, to Norway. UDi told me, by phone recently, that I must find an attorney in Norway, who can help me some by phone and at a distance.

         The office, for free legal services, and my assigned free lawyer Egil, had his secretary communicate to me, that he could only help me, if both: myself, and me legal documents, were in his offices, in Oslo, Norway-that he does not practice any long distance, human rights law. Udi, also said to me, that I need a lawyer in Norway, to collect the paperwork, that the Udi assigned lawyer has filed, to try to figure what this bizarre lawyer-has said about me, without my permission, to help me to return to Norway, in order to complete my application for political asylum to Norway, with, my additional evidence that I have collected, through: UNE, and a hearing-the appeals process.

         I am poor, and understand that lawyers in Norway are quite expensive, however, the UDi assigned lawyer, has illegally spent, all the funding UDi provided him with, in filing paperwork, against me. I am requesting that your offices, contact UDi, to see if they will pay you, to help me, because what the first lawyer, hired by UDi did to me, was soo wrong and illegal-by Norwegian standards, as well. I have contacted, the Norwegian Bar Association, on several occasions, in regards to this initial UDi attorney, who has filed illegal paperwork against me, to file a formal complaint against the lawyer, and against his Norwegian Bar Association Membership, and his ability to practice law-in general. My situation is dire.

            I have such a great difficulty in surviving in the US-always terribly ill, and with broken/fractured bones, and antibiotic resistant infections, that, in filing false paperwork against me, to keep me from gaining political asylum in Norway, the first lawyer assigned to my case, by UDi-really could have killed me-America is that dangerous for me, even before consideration is given to: the constant assaults, the persecution by the US police, and the illegal detainment, in: jails, prions, and mental hospitals “rape therapy centers,” for being a political dissident, in the US. The US government, has allowed the US banking system, to steal all of the money, out of my bank accounts-as previously mentioned-so taking care of myself, is not only a matter of having very little money, in most cases-the struggle to provide for myself in the US, has a great deal to do with, having absolutely no money at all-most of the time.

       America, is filled with mean and jaded immigrants, that the Obama Administration, invited to the US. Most of the new immigrants to the US, support Mr. Obama, and International Terrorism. The new immigrants, are often times: African/Latino/ or Israeli, and LBGT-they support terrorism, within the US, and abroad, and to such an extreme extent, that they try to kill you, if you refuse to prostitute, or, if you refuse to convert to their brand of Christianity.  I am not a prostitute. I have never been a prostitute. I was not raised a prostitute. I am not willing to ever become a prostitute. I have never used illegal drugs. I am not an alcoholic.

          I have 3 children, who also need to leave the US. I have never given any children up for adoption. I have sole-custody, of my 3 children-although they have lived with my adopted mom-since they were small, due to my financial struggles, in the US. All 3 of my children, are adults, or almost there, the oldest two, are taking advanced academic courses, at US universities: computer science, and, science technology and math, for engineers. My three children, are Indian like me, and, they are not prostitutes either.  The US, is a dangerous country, Africans who immigrated here, during the Obama Administration, compare Mr. Obama to Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and to Botha, of South Africa-African dictators, I cannot leave my 3 children, here, in the US, without me-not for very long.

         On too many occasions, people in America, because they are uncomfortable talking to me, about prostitution, have explained that my lack of opportunity, and access to resources in the US, are based on my religion. I am Asian, and so are my tree children-we are Buddhist.  Many Americans say to me, due to the fact, that you are unwilling to become a Christian, you cannot have access, to anything you need to survive, in the US-including your own money-and this is illegal too, just like trying to tell me, that I do not have a freedom of speech in the US.  The US Constitution, and Bill of Rights, protects my right-not just for freedom of speech, also, freedom of religion, and so-on. The US Bill of Rights, is a long list, to basic human rights, that as an American-must be protected, because I am a US citizen, on paper. However, because of the Obama Administration, my human rights, are not respected, or protected in this country-not at all.

        I have begun-on my own, because my personal situation is soo devastating, to process legal complaints, about the Obama Administration, through two European Courts of Human Rights: The Hague, and The European Court of Human Rights in France.  I have searched high and low, all over the US, for any attorney anywhere, who would be willing to defend, any one of my legal cases-that has originated, because: my life is being threatened in the US, I am constantly being assaulted, and, my human rights are being violated-I am a torture victim. No one in the US will help me. US police, are soo scary, that most people in the US-even if they do care about my situation-will not speak to me. The US police, are not in-check, at all, they do whatever they want, most of the time, and, they make up rules and laws, that do not exist anywhere in the US, and then, they apply them, with no care or concern, that their activities are illegal. Therefore, for fear of US police, most Americans, will do nothing for me.

        I am in the process, of applying to law school abroad, to carry my own legal cases, through the International Court system, of Human Rights. I have collected, more than enough-information, documentation, legal documents, and so on, to both: support my application to Norway, for political asylum, and to process cases, through an International Court System of Human Rights, against the Obama Administration. Last night, I was online-on Twitter, Tweeting to various celebrities, who have been active politically, during the Obama Administration, to see if anyone is interested in a plea bargain, to turn, and to testify in person, against Mr. Obama, and his Administration in court. I have been calling overseas, to follow up with my law school applications, to the following English speaking countries: UK, Australia, and New Zealand. The law schools are friendly towards me, and, I pray, that my applications, are receiving a fair reception.

        I have almost nothing I require in the US-all of the time, including US postal services. My adopted mom, and other people, steal my post mail. I called the US postal inspector, to complain, and the inspector to whom I spoke-did not care at all. In the US, it is a Federal crime, to steal, or to open, someone else’s post mail. However, in third world countries, like those in Africa, post mail is stolen-all of the time. Law schools overseas, are requesting, to finalize some of my applications, for the 2017 school year.

         Hard copies of documents, that I cannot send by post mail-they would never arrive, and therefore, in the next month-God willing, if I am allowed access, to my US Federal Financial Aid, for my 2017 school year-through my Intelligence Officer in Training, US University program-then, I will have to fly-quite literally, all over the world, to hand deliver, the last remaining aspects, of my law school application paperwork. I am soo poor, that I will need a full scholarship to attend law school, and therefore, I do think that it will behoove me, to arrive, and to show-up in person, and to be a pleasant introduction, to see if any English-speaking law school-anywhere in the world, is concerned, about: civil and human rights, and the end, to International Terrorism-the US does not care.

       I am requesting, your immediate assistance. I know that it is cold in Norway right now, because it is Winter, and the Christmas Holidays, are fast approaching. However-my life is in immediate danger. I have no one, and nothing in the US. I will not have a Christmas-again, this year, for approximately the 10th year in a row.  I have no one here who cares about me-except my own 3 children, and no one here helps me. I have no Christmas, I have no Easter, I have no Birthdays. I have almost no phone calls. I have almost no responses to any of my emails, and requests for help.

           My emails, are constantly being hacked, and stolen. Gmail, will not send a single email for me. My situation is soo awful, with my communications, being cut off all the time-even when I pay for fax services, my faxes do not go through-I therefore, travel all over the US, in order to ask for help, and to hand deliver and pick up documents, and not just because, I am running away, from the local police. I will look for your reply by email, after, I call your law offices this morning, to follow-up, and to be certain, that you have received my request for assistance, and for your pro-bono services. I have already called, and tried numbers of other Norwegian nonprofit, and legal assistance services, with absolutely no results: SEIF, NOAS, JURK, JussBuss.

           If you are for any reason, not able to assist me, if you knew of another lawyer, or law firm in Norway, who would care enough, to help get me back into Norway-then, I would be forever indebted to you. Free legal services, at Stargata 19, has informed me by phone, on many occasions, that they will indeed assist me, and help me to proceed, with my appeal through UNE, once I have returned, with my additional documentation and support, and my legal files, to both: Norway, and directly to their offices, in Oslo. Thank you again, for your time, and for your consideration. I do hope, that you are concerned enough, about my devastating circumstances, to assist me, in some meaningful way. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

New Cell: 1-352-872-4774

Old Cell: 1-352-219-1872

Active Google Blogger:


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