Thursday, December 1, 2016

American Airlines Law Suit-No Payment On Refund Ticket Owed, Since: July 2016 And All Communications Stopped


To Whom It May Concern:

     I have been waiting for a refund, from American Airlines, since July: 2016. I was told, that first, a refund had been sent, to the home address, attached to my plane ticket, from July, 2016. Then, I was told, that the refund check, had in fact been issued, to the travel agent, that booked my flight, to Cozumel, MX, for me. I contacted my adopted mom, who lives at the house address, attached to my ticket, and she states, that she never received a refund for me, from American Airlines. I then checked with my booking agent, for my ticket to Cozumel, MX, from Miami, FL airport, and, the booking agent, told me the very same-that they had never received, a refund for me, in regards to my American Airlines cancelled flight, from: MIA, to: Cozumel, Mexico. 

         The last communications, that I received from American Airlines, was a request, that I provide a post address, that a refund check, could then reliably be sent to. I did then, explain at length, that, a refund paper check, would never be received by me, I am not receiving the majority of my post mail, in the US. I paid for my plane ticket, with a Visa debit card, and, therefore, I am requesting, that the: 74.00 refund, be sent directly back to the Visa debit card, or, American Airlines, could consider issuing me, a complementary ticket: domestic/international, to replace the International flight ticket, that was illegally cancelled, by Africans at MIA, for both: US police, and the Obama Administration. I am a political prisoner and hostage in the US. I am an applicant for political asylum in Norway.

           The US police, and US government, are illegally detaining me in the US-in a variety of ways and means-including, and not limited to, illegally cancelling my International flights.  I have written, to your attention, at American Airlines, on a number of occasions, in regards to the above mentioned issue.  Due to the fact, that it is taking American Airlines soo long, to respond, to my requests, I am now in the position to argue, that American Airlines, really owes me, more than just a simple: 74.00 refund, or, a free: domestic/International flight. My life is in immediate danger, in the US. I am being stalked. My life is always being threatened. I need a ways an means, to travel far enough away from the US, to finally arrive somewhere safer. I was at Ft. Lauderdale, FL airport last night-where I was assaulted.  Then, I was attacked again, on my jetBlue flight, from; Ft. Lauderdale, FL, to: New Orleans.

           I am presently located, at: Louis Armstrong New Orleans, International Airport. I am in excruciating pain, from the two assaults, in less than 12 hours, and, I am desperate to fly abroad, to get away from: violent, stalking, aggressive, inappropriate immigrants-to the US, who were invited to re-locate here, by: The Mr. Obama Administration.  If you could please respond promptly, to my communications, and assist me, in some affirmative, and resolving way, then, we will no longer have to continue with these, drawn out communication-about money, that: American Airlines, has already conceded, that in fact, you do owe me, and, you in fact, do intend to pay to me, and in some form, as it is understood to be, a refund.

               Additionally, airlines, oft time, do have a cash draw on hand, the American Airlines ticket counter, here at: Louis Armstrong New Orleans Airport, could resolve, to simply offer me, the: 74.00 dollars owed to me, from the American Airlines, ticket counter, cash draw. Thank you again, for continuing to receive my legal complaint, regarding the refunds money, that are owed to me, from: AA-since: July, of 2016. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
New Cell: 352-872-4774
Old Cell: 352-219-1872

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