Friday, May 5, 2017

"Viva Le Pen, No More Hitler Men" From: Mexico City, Mexico Locals Are Voting For Le Pen! Yay! Liberty.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Freelance Reporter
From: Mexico City, Mexico

Please Pass On and Send Help-I am stranded, at the International  airport. Look for me!

To Aljazeera News Media Press Release:

         Greetings, from Mexico City, Mexico. On the heals, of the May 7, 2017, Le Pen, PM French elections, the atmosphere in Mexico City, MX, is unstable, and electric with argument. Over the past several days, there has been fighting in the streets, with guns and otherwise.

        Today, was: "Cinco De Mayo," and the celebration, was quiet, and understated, as compared to the loud, and contentious arguments, about the up coming L Pen, PM election in France. We, in America, have suffered to too great an extent, from the occupation, and abuse, of the Hitler Men. I am now, in Mexico City, waiting to speak, to Ambassadors, from, both: Russia, and Norway.

             My political asylum application, to Norway, has not cleared, and, my situation in the US, has become soo desperate, due to the Hitler politics, that I will have to apply for political asylum in Russia, if, Norway refuses to respond. I just called, secret service in Norway, and, I pray, that they will decide, to assist me. "Viva Le Pen-Le Femme!"

     -Mexico City, MX


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