Monday, May 29, 2017

Looking For My Birth Family In India-Adoption Never Works-Every One, Needs Some One!


Dear Mr. Patrik Mathur,

        Thank you soo much for your prompt reply, and email address correction. I am an intelligence officer, and working hard, on site, as HUMINT, in Mexico City, MX. I am in desperate need, of political asylum. I have no family in the US-only my 3 adult children, to of whom, are enrolled at US universities, in Engineering programs.

       My adopted family, has abandoned me, because I refuse, to prostitute. I began political asylum applications, to Europe. France, and the UK, turned me down-right away. Norway, allowed me to begin the political asylum application process, and, then-gave me a huge pile, of legal paperwork-with no legal representation, and, it is all written in Norwegian.

         I have flown all over the world-without flying back to Norway, looking, for a Norwegian, to translate, the legal documents, from UDI, and political asylum immigration police, in Norway. I have been told, many times, that my country of original birth, is India, and that, I should simply return to India-however, I have no idea who my family are in India. India, in America, call me: Bai, Mumbai, and Princess-however, I have no idea, if there is any significance, to any of the above mentioned titles or names.

        I just today, applied to law school, in Scotland. I require a full scholarship, to study law, and to pay for my: housing costs, fees, and books, and transportation. The US, has been torturing me, for the past 7 years. My adopted family-left me homeless, after the US government, under the Obama Administration "Blacklisted," me. My homework, and my memory files, computer chips, flash drives, and homework, are all constantly being stolen, and all of my cells phones, and the photos I take-are erased.

       I am exhausted, and still working, and with no pay. I am praying. I meditate. No one seems to care though. I am sending emails, all over the world-just as His Holliness The Dalai Lama of Tibet, had too-and no one cares enough, on most occasions, to respond. I look for a response, to my: email, fax, and telephone communications, and-almost nothing I send out, is ever responded to? Why?

      I have no tolerance, for prostitutes. I am tired, of crazy men, approaching me, in illegal and disrespectful ways, and trying to rape me. Only Russia, has expressed some concern for me, and some interest in assisting me. However, when I arrived here, in Mexico City, MX-I cam eto speak to, both: the Norwegian, and the Russian Embassies here.

        The Norwegian Embassy, took me 6 days, to walk to-and, I still needed a short ride, from the Mexican police. Everyone, in the Norwegian Embassy office, was from Mexico-except for one woman, who was Danish. The giant fat Danish woman, had taken over the Norwegian Embassy, and she was a pimp or something, and not a real Norwegian Embassy staff member. The Danish woman, moved all the return to Norway, and Visa applications to visit Norway, to the Danish Embassy.

      I thought that was ridiculous. The Norwegian Embassy was expecting me. I walked, with almost no food or water, for 6 days, to get there, then a retarded Dane-refused to help me. I have no idea, where the Norwegian Embassy staff members, had gotten to. After, such an awful experience, at the Norwegian Embassy, in Mexico City, MX-I had no desire at all, to break my back, trying to walk, all the way, to the Russian Embassy here-as well.

       When I last called, the Russian Embassy, in Washington, DC-Russia, expressed some interest in hiring me, as staff, for their Embassy, in Washington, DC. My life is in immediate danger, here in the US, because I have almost no money, all of the time. I have no family-except for my 3 adult children, who are working through the US university system. I have no way, to support, or to take care of myself.

       Is there anyway at all, that India, could help me? Do you know who I am? Have you ever heard of me? Could you me find my birth parents in India? Could you consider hiring me, at one of your offices, in the US-or abroad? I am an accomplished intelligence officer. I can get, almost any information you want, or need. I have no one who cares about me though.

        I have 3 children, and they need family, as well. My adopted family, is soo incredibly abusive-that, none of the four of us, have any one at all, to depend upon. Hopefully, I will be admitted to law school, in Scotland soon. I am bright. My grades are usually the top of the class. However, I am all alone-it makes me sad. I am not depressed, I am just sick of America, and of how people in the West-never care about anything, except money.

       If I were a silver dollar, and not a human being-some one would offer me, both: friendship, and a home. I am not for sale. I am not more, or spendable, and, I am a real person with feelings. I still have value. Thank you, for receiving my email communications. I am home sick, for a family, that I have never known-do you know who they are, and if they miss me? Was I stolen? Thank you again.

         More information, about my situation, in regards to: my political asylum applications, my applications to law school, my resume-for my search for employment, and examples, of my recent intelligence reports-from all over the world, are posted online, at my currently active Google Blogger: I can be most easily reached, by email: Thank you again. I look forward, to your prompt response. I must belong to some one. I had to come from somewhere. I am some one.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Flickr: Elizabeth 1

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