Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Request To UDI For A Translation of Legal Expullsion Paperwork, From Norwegian, To English


To Whom It May Concern:

        I was expelled from Norway-at almost exactly the very same time, last year, after I attempted to apply for political asylum in Norway, from the US. I never had the opportunity, to meet with my lawyer, at free legal services, at Stargata 19, in Oslo, Norway.

      Although, I received a copy, of the original UDI rejection and expulsion paper work-it was all written in Norwegian, and my first language is English. I was promised, by UDI, and Norwegian Immigration police-that, I would have an opportunity, with the use of my attorney, to appeal, the UDI decision against me, through UNE, and with the assistance,of my attorney.

        I need my legal paper work, from the first UDI expulsion decision, to be sent to me, via email-translated, into English, my Norwegian reading skills-after only 10 days in Norway, are not well-enough developed yet, for me to translate the legal document, on my own. Email: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com

       More information, about the dire state, on my situation, in the US, in regards, to the turmoil persisting, after the close, of the Mr. Obama Administration, is available online, at both: my active Google Blogger account, and my active Flickr account: www.baielizacary.blogspot.com  and Flickr: Elizabeth 1.

     Thank you for your time, and your continued concern, in regards to my desperate need, for political asylum in Norway. I continue to update information, regarding my political asylum materials, to Norway: document@udi.no, as well as-continuing to call, and to speak to, your Norwegian Secret Service-on a regular basis, about the increased political troubles, that continue to confront me, in the US, and on a daily basis: Telephone: 23-31-09-40

       Thank you again. I look forward, to your prompt reply!


Miss. Bayo Elizbeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


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