Friday, May 19, 2017

Requesting Assistance, from Intl Lawyers, for My: International Human Rights, Violations, Legal Cases


To Whom It May Concern:

          I am now working, as an intelligence officer, with a number of various countries, worldwide. I did, some few years ago, apply, to work, as an intern, with the Clinton Foundation, and, I received no response, to my internship applications. I am now, in Mexico City, MX-preceding the visit, from President Trump. I am reporting online, and through emails, on the situation here-it is more than a little inhumane. I am wondering, if you could please forward this message onto Mrs. Hillary Clinton?


      My question pertains to her experiences, as a US State Department representative. The airport lawyer, and the US Embassy, told me today, that-they refuse to deport me from Mexico City, MX, and, that US laws, offer me no protection, here in Mexico, and, I-know-for-a-fact, that-this is not true. The airport, is a major baby sale and rape, Intl market. Men who work here, and who pass through here, think that, they can legally rape, anyone, who is located, at the airport.


         I know, and you know, that this is illegal, and ridiculous. Mexico, apparently, has no diplomatic protocols, of any reasonable accommodation. The US Embassy, here in Mexico City, MX, told me, to tell President Donald Trump, that he has no legal rights, here in Mexico. Mexico City, MX, is much worse, than anywhere, that I have ever been, in the US. Mexico City, supports: Hitler, Mr. Obama, and Intl Terrorism, and, with no deviations, from the hardest core, acts against humanity-this is the religion, of the: "anti-Christ."

       I post my intelligence reports, and additional information about me, and my continuing investigations, in the US, and abroad, online-please peruse: Thank you, for your continued support. Please reply to my comments, in a prompt manner. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Email:   Thanks.

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