Saturday, April 29, 2017

"Hitler Men" Retarded Richt-Always Wrong-Are Actively Attacking US-Like WWIII, Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Freelancer

4-29-2017 Communications From Me-Received?

Press Release International Media-Please Reproduce, Forward, Share-I claim full Attribution:

Freelance reporter: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Communications From Me-Received?:

“US Under Attack: “Hitler Men”-Communications Blocks,

Please Respond, in An Appropriate Way,

Without, Becoming Part of The Problem Too. Viva Le Pen!”

From: Freelance Reporter: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

Freelance reporter: Communications-Did You Receive It?:
Hotlink To"Reach out And Touch Someone Touched!"

Actively Seeking Movie Producer: Evidence Missing Announced Scene:

Miss. Bayo E. Cary-Freelancer: "My Movie Script, I wrote it-while Hitler Men Are Harassing Me, and Trying To Copy My Script, While I Type it."

Miss. Bayo E. Cary-Freelancer: "Less Than 1 Week and Record of An Order Already Missing-Political-'Hitler Men,' Are Deleting International Human Rights Court Evidence."

"Hitler Men": 'How Can You Prosecute Me-Where Is All Your Evidence?"

Miss. Bayo E. Cary-Freelancer: "No, I Object!" International Human Rights Court, is Necessary.

Original Communications-Sent By for Me, Less Than A Week Ago-Paid For-Did You Receive It!

Deleting Court Evidence A Strong Implication For Guilty Illegal Acts of Anti-Americanism, Terrorism, and Treason, Against the US-No Privacy Required, According To The US Patriot Act, A Response To 911-Which, "Hitler Men," Have Also Confessed To-Hollywood Brown Face Make Up, And Costumes, To Blame Middle East, and-Isreali with a Tan-The Full Time: "Hitler Terrorist Hub," and International Zion AIDS Support Group.

Body of Email Communications:

To Whom It May Concern: 

       The biggest immigration issues for America, are the countries closest to us: Canada, and Mexico. The US, has open borders, between both: the US, and Canada, and regular flights, all over the world. People, who are not allowed, to fly in and out of the US, simply drive in and out-through Canada, and, Muslims, are flying now, and-all-of the Russians, were not kicked out. The WiFi at this airport-all of it-even private connections, barely works, and, you have to book plane tickets, online most of the time, in the US.

          No WiFi, is a big deal, anywhere in the US, and in the US-the unnecessary, aggressive Hitler movement, cuts WiFi all over, and, if you refuse to cut it off, they begin taking out the closest cellphone towers, until there is no WiFi for anything, and, they block local landline phones, soo no one can: communicate, call, or leave-they try to lock down one area, at a time-until, there are no options for anyone. America is under attack, and our news media, are not allowed to report it.

         The situation in Boston, MA, is not well. The Chinese community in the US, refused to pay the US National debt this past Friday. French Hitler people came to town, and started beating, raping, and harassing the Chinese everywhere. I saw some, at the airport, and then again, in China town, downtown. This morning, the Hitler people got news, that: Botha, was not well, and that Le Pen, is gaining support in France, for the next PM, police came to the airport, and began to false arrest Chinese, who were trying to fly elsewhere.

       I am in a dangerous environment, and reporting Internationally, I also have some local support, and it is not enough. The group of Hitler supporters in Florida, who almost killed me there, and who locked me out of the hospital system there, when my leg was broken, and I had a serious skin infection-I could have died, just arrived here, earlier this afternoon-they began to threaten, and attempt to attack me. I tried to defend myself with polite communications, and then I had to spit my yeasty spit at a man, who was among those, who tried to attack, and kill me in Florida, he contacted the police, and they tried to arrest me, for defending myself.

        It appears, that the people from Florida, brought some of their own police, and others with them. I got ready to leave the airport-thus, avoiding arrest, and my suitcase broke. Then, the people from Ft. Lauderdale, FL, did not want to go into town, and, people who just arrived here, began getting back off buses, to this airport-Boston at Logan International, although, they just arrived, and bused to town, less than 2 hours ago.

        The Hitler people from Ft. Lauderdale, are more aggressive than most, and support various groups of terrorists. They are upset, that I encouraged Russia, to move into Cuba, after Fidel Castro finally was killed off, to make more room for Russia, a few months ago. When Miami, and Ft. Lauderdale, get out of control with Hitler terrorists in Florida, Russia in Cuba, begin to threaten a second: "Bay of Pigs," against Florida.

         My homeless friends, and Chinatown down town here, in Boston, MA-can no longer tolerate Hitler people, their friends and family, and mine: all Asians, and Russians, have been arrested for no reasons, and have been carried out on stretchers to ambulances, for at least a few days now-I have photos uploaded to a few Flickr accounts online. There are some, very difficult Mexicans, that are adding to our distresses with immigrants, here in the US. To make the problems worse: text messaging, WiFi, and other ways to connect Internationally.

           My first report to your UK offices, as an intelligence worker, on US immigration issues, which, unfortunately, are also impacting the UK, and other countries, in a too dramatic, and negative fashion. Le Pen, is really a must, for France. My 3 children, and I, must have somewhere else to migrate to, and legally-even if only temporarily. The US, is not safe for us. I am flying to Mexico City, Mexico-this coming Monday, May 1, 2017. I am applying for work with Russia, because, the UK said, that I must have citizenship, before they could consider my employability.

          I am well educated, and must have employment. It is pure misery, with these crazy Hitler people here, I taped a confession from them this morning, concerning responsibility, for the death, of Princess Diana. A Happy Mother's Day card, and another post card, are on the way, from me, to: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, regarding the ongoing investigation, of the death, of Prince Diana.

           The Hitler people, gave me a bizarre piece of bone, and some died laughing, about who it came from, because, he-the man who left it for me, said something about it being: "freezer burned." I can have the bone analyzed in Russia, if they accept me, for: political asylum, or employment. I am requesting, that MI5, consider me, for the intelligence officer position, of: "Aunt Jammima," negotiator, between Russia, and the UK, from the Russian side. Boris Johnson, former mayor of London, is doing an awful job, and, he is not even willing to speak to Putin.

          Hitler men, Internationally, are taking claim, for the death, of Princess Diana. Unfortunately, some of the men, already employed anywhere in the world-are also a member, of the Hitler Richt neo Nazi movement, and that is the foremost reason, I am supporting, and stressing the need in France, for an alteration, and quick change-over to: PM Le Pen. I was only able, to speak at length, this morning, to: MI5, about the growing instability, in the Boston area, in-regards-to, the: Hitler people, and the Le Pen situation, because, a female answered the telephone, when I dialed. Generally, when I call MI5, I can hardly get a word in edge wise, because a man answers.

        My impression, was that MI5, has no cares, about who killed Princess Diana, or why, and that in fact, too many of the MI5 ranks, both: old and new, may in fact be, Hitler men, and neo nazi. Because Princes William and Harry, were soo distressed, by the loss of their Mum, I agreed, as an investigator, and researcher, and as an applicant to law school in Scotland-now, to provide them with evidence, soo they could have some closure, someone, and other people, to successfully, and fully prosecute, in court-with compelling and necessary evidence, and enough, that they could prove their facts, beyond a reasonable doubt.

        My best wishes. Please reply soon. I will call and attempt to visit, the British Embassy, in Mexico City, Mexico-next week. My first Embassy appointments, in Mexico City, Mexico, are with: Russia, and Norway.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

*Active Google Blogger, updated regularly, and additional information:

*Evidence photos, are posted online, from me, to various Flickr accounts. Log into Flickr, and then search: Mumbai Bai Bayo Elizabeth Eliza Cary, in various Boolean queries. Thank you, for your continued assistance. I look forward, to your prompt reply.


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