Thursday, May 18, 2017

Request: Legal Permission To Re-Enter Norway, To Complete, My Political Asylum Application: Re-entry Block Lift Requested


To Whom It May Concern:

        I require the assistance, of the Norwegian government, in regards, to both: civil and human rights violations-which, are strictly political and, that continue to occur, within the US. Russia, did promise me assistance, however, after I flew, all the way, to: Mexico City, MX, then, the Russian Embassy here, changed their mind. I am quiet ill now, from walking for days, with a freshly diagnosed: sun sensitivity and poison healthcare issue, as well as previously diagnosed dehydration problems-in the heat for several days, and on a broken leg, and fractured ankles, with fractured wrists, in the desperate hopes, that Russia, might really make good, on their promises to assist me. I am quite ill now, after my return trip, in to Mexico City, MX, in search of, the: Russian Embassy-that, I never found.

      Although, I am taking a great deal of Aspirin, I am still burning with fever. All my clothing is dirty now. I did call ahead of time. Hostels, and the Russian Embassy, were both expecting me. The WiFi, hardly works at the airport. It took me several days, before I was even able, to get an email out from here (Mexico City, MX Intl Airport). I am exhausted, and the change in Presidential color guards, in the US, from Mr. Obama, to Trump, provided me, with no additional benefits. I hate Mexico City, MX. Airport administration, and police, promised to help me, then, they changed their mind-they now, refuse to assist me with anything-at-all, not even a local phone call. I am placing calls, from Mexico City, MX, by way, of my Skype online account, and pre-paid credit.

     I have never worked soo hard in my life. I am trying to re-enter, and intelligence officer training program, that, I began with the US military, as well as apply, for several law schools in Scotland, that offer online programmes, beginning, in September, of 2017. The students at Juss Buss, invited me several times, to apply for a student visa, with my English legal studies, and, to join them in community clinic, right there in Oslo, Norway. I had such a wonderful time, interacting with some of the next generation, of Norwegian bar association members, that-I do keep that invitation close, at the back of my mind, when I am contemplating, various ways, and means, to legally move out of this dangerous political situation, in the US, which-has my life, in constant peril.

       I am writing to your, Norwegian Embassy offices, here in: Mexico City, MX, to present you with, the travel Visa addendum, to have my travel restrictions in to Norway lifted. It very well ma be, that my travel restrictions, will be lifted, this June 2017-regardless, and then perhaps, I would not need to submit, the additional paperwork, for a short stay visitation, travel visa, to Norway (for only 30 days or less.) However, I did read, in the Norwegian governmental online webpages, that, being that, I was deported once, in relation, to my political asylum application case-which is why I desire to return, to-complete my application, and UNE appeals process, with the legal counsel, of my choice, that, it would be better for me, and for Norway, to have a prior approval on file, before attempting a second visit soo soon. I do follow rules, of immigration, and visitation, International, and other words, and to the very last direction.

          Thank you, for your time, and your attention, in regards to beginning the processing, of my applications, for a temporary visa, to visit Norway. I have a huge stack, of legal papers, from: UDI, from the beginning, of my political asylum application process, in June of 2016. I traveled, to several countries, outside of the US, and spoke, to several Embassies, in representation, of the country of Norway: Washington, DC, London, UK, and now: Mexico City, MX, and none of the above mentioned Norwegian Embassies, were willing, or able to translate, my legal documents, from Norway.

            My attorney, and his team, at: Free Legal Services, at: Stargata 19, in Oslo, Norway, have communicated to me, and several times, that-they would love to assist me, however, I much bring the documents, and all other supporting evidence, in to, their offices, right there in Oslo, that-they are not able to assist me, with the UNE appeals process, for political asylum in Norway, by phone. Thank you again. I look forward to your prompt reply, by email. Additional information, regarding my on-going needs, for political asylum, in Norway, are posted online, at: Google Blogger: My 3 children, who are all almost adults, as well, will also require political asylum, after my application, has been completed. I have no family, or even friends, in the US, or abroad.

        However, I am a hard worker, and two of my oldest children, are already, half-way through, difficult American university engineering programs. I myself, will try to complete my 2nd Master's Degree, in Intl military intelligence, with the US military. I have completed some PhD studies, in Advanced Accounting-as a college of Business major. This month-June 2017, I will complete my law school applications, to universities in: Scotland, UK, that, also offer online programmes, and, I am also pre-medical, with only a few qualifying courses, left to complete, should I chose to go on to medical school, after I have finished law school. I do believe, that myself, and my 3 children-just the 4 of us, would make a wonderful additional to Norway. Thanks!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS



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