Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Hitler Men Take Over Airports Intl, To Control Illegal Drug Cartels, and Slave Trafficking-Intl Terrorism Hub, From: Mexico City, Mexico.


Abridged Intelligence Report: For Russian Government:

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Investigator, Research, International Intelligence Worker, Freelance Reporter, etc.

Active Google Blogger: www.baielizacary.blogspot.com (I update, on a regular basis.)

RE: My 3 children and I, are seeking, both: political asylum, and employment.

To Whom It May Concern:

         After 3 days, of Mexican police, and staff, refusing me food, and them-threatening flying passengers, who wanted to help me-not just standing in front of, and physically blocking the ATM, Mexican police approached me, and said, that it is illegal to lay down, inside the airport. I have numerous photos, of people lying down, all over the airport, and, I am trying to make-arrangements, to speak to an Embassy in town, however, the free WiFi is cut, every time I log on, to: place a phone call over Skype, to send an email, or, to check to see if anyone, has called me back. As a last resort, I call intelligence operations overseas-this morning, my call was to MI5, and the UK.

         I have worked hard, to speak with both: police, and security, since I have been at this airport, about the long list, of security violations, that I have encountered myself. I can only presume, being that I am an investigator, who leads to the inspection, that could shut the entire airport down, that my physical presence here, would be noted, and respected, to some degree-however, that has not been the case. I have had soo many problems, related to civil and human rights violations, at this: Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport-which constitute, over-and-over again, real and full violations, of both: my civil and human rights, that-to my chagrin, I must recommend, that this Intl Mexico City, Mexico airport, be permanently closed.

         The Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport, is the most dangerous airport, that I have ever visited, next to the Intl airport, in: Martinique, France. The airport staff, understand the requirements, of keeping an airport safe, and of communicating, with foreign visitors, and, they refuse to follow, a standardized Intl protocol. The airport has violated, soo many, of my civil and human rights, that I feel obligated, to enumerate for you, the very worst of them:

1)      Refused all food, not even from the garbage can;

2)      Refused all assistance, we do not speak any language, and, we refuse to write our communications to you, down in Spanish;

3)      You are not allowed to use the toilet, beyond a very limited period of time, even if you have diarrhea, from having almost nothing to eat-I have dysentery now;

4)      The airport staff, turns off the WiFi, anytime, you need to place an emergency phone call here-they stalk you, with police, and report to police, in an attempt to keep the abuse private;

5)      Staff at the airport, report you, for activities, that are not illegal-a man who works here, tried to have me arrested this morning, for wearing: chapstick, and then lipstick;

6)      Police and staff here, refuse to respond to emergency situations, such as severe child abuse-I saw a man biting a baby, the baby was screaming and crying, like the entire world would end, and police at this airport, refused to respond, I saw the same situation in town, and, in front of a female police officer, the police still refused all legal responses;

7)      Police and staff, at the Mexico City, Mexico airport, stalk people, and chase after people-several police officers, have followed me around, and continue to follow me-they make inappropriate sexual gesticulations towards me, report me for normal healthy behaviors, to other Mexican staff and police, and attempt over and over again, to both: steal all of my personal belongings-beginning with my US Passport, my luggage, any other identifying articles, and, they have tried, to arrest me, over and over again-for no reason at all, while, at the very same time saying, that they cannot understand me, because, they do not speak: English or Spanish, etc.

The open in airports, in places like: Mexico City, Mexico-that lead, even eventually, to the United States, is a huge problem, for Americans. Mexico City, Mexico, is a hub, for International terrorists. Crazy terrorists, who may or may not speak Spanish, fly through countries, like: Mexico, and Canada, for an easy and close border, that is not really patrolled, in to America. America, is suffering, from the detrimental effects, of both: domestic, and International terrorism, which, the Obama Administration encouraged, and, the Trump Administration now-is obligated, to put out the still burning, and flaming fire, left behind, by: Mr. Obama.

            The Trump Administration, has made numerous complaints, regarding the Mexican American community, and has, and for valid reasons, requested additional deportation. However, my knowledge of deportation, in-regards-to any country in the world, and-as based on what has been shared, by the US government, is that, is never works. When illegals, are deported, back to their home countries, from the US, whether it be to: Mexico, or to elsewhere, when, the intent is criminal, and the primary reason for deportation, that individual, he or she, will simply make new arrangements, to return to America-although they have been barred, or, they will send someone else, in their place.

             In California, they established, the three strikes law. The three strikes law states, that after three felony violations, that a criminal is subject, to a prolonged stay, in a penitentiary. However, in the US, walls, such as: mental health institutions, jails, and prisons-never hold some people for very long. Keys are sold, on the Blackmarket, to get out of: a mental hospital, jail, or prison. In America, people always say, all you need is money. Sometimes, everyone, may tell the truth. American values, are at an all-time low. Money goes too far, in the United States, these days. You can buy, almost anything you want in the US, and you do not ever need to access, the Blackmarket anymore-no thanks, to the Mr. Obama Administration.


        There is always the haunting worry, in the US, because there is an established history, of illegal activities, supported and maintained, by US police-that, the wrong person, has been arrested again, and, the charges are false again, etc. However, sometimes, you simply must choose your battles, and, you have to begin, correction measures somewhere-otherwise, there is always an excuse, which leaves the rest of the world, far too vulnerable, to the criminal minds, who collude and intertwine, to engage and perpetrate, the wrong situations. I object!

          The United States, like any other country, has the obligation, to protect her citizens, from the vagaries, of gross and offending harms, such as, easy access, to American soil, by International terrorists, who intend harm, to the American people. Antiquated, British law states (summary):

. . .that the Queen of England herself, in times of severe duress, when she sees, that her delegated government, is not providing protection, or information, etc. enough, for her subjected peoples-can, in those times, hire and establish, her own: investigative, and intelligence network, to protect those British nationals, which she hath sincerely proclaimed an oath, or reasonable and fundamental protection. In the US, the situation, is slightly different, we encourage, and support, a third party, investigation, who-then recommends, certain corrective measures, as well as, a secondary investigation, by the state itself, to compare data, and to reinforce, the necessary, corrective measures. . .

It was requested, by members of the Royal UK Household, that I look into, several situations, regarding International incidents, such as the sad loss, by death, of Princess Diana, to see, if I could discover, any additional information, such as: specific locations and/or people, that could lead, to a prosecution.

           The Royal Family, of the UK, is looking for closure, in regards to, the death, of Princess Diana, and, it was revealed to me, that not only, is closure still lacking, the: people, and governments, as well as the situations, and social connections, which lead, to the untimely death, of Princess Diana, Princess of Wales, United Kingdom, have never been effectively confronted, and therefore, the illegal cycle, of: stalking/hunting and abuse/torture, and rape-have not only continued, the fire has spread, and it has become, an International terrorists propaganda situation, which, the Mr. Obama Administration supported, both: financially, and in other devastating and illegal ways, such as through the practicing, of: anti-Christ, and devil worshiping religions.

       As a well-educated American, who was subjected to: torture, and in numerous ways, and under numerous circumstances, by the: Mr. Obama Administration, and as an individual, who is an applicant, for International legal studies-through my previous educational training, and my competent: evidence collection, and research studies, I have been, secure in my abilities, to take upon myself-as a third party investigator, such as we request and approve of in the US, to look into closely, the death, of: Princess Diana, and related illegal activities, which are spiraling out of control, because of support granted, by the: Mr. Obama Administration.


        It was reported to me, by the US Pentagon, and the US Marines, in: 2015, at a Cyber Security, online Adobe format conference-for experts only, that Mr. Obama, and America, were in full support, of International terrorism, and that, other branches, of the US military, were also collecting incriminating evidence, against the Obama Administration. It was then, incumbent upon me, to: “walk-the-line’” myself, and find additional proof, of what was communicated to me. When it is incumbent, upon individuals, such as the US military, to risk life and limb, and to actively fight, to defend a country, then, the value of a life-has a different meaning.

           Although myself-I am not military personnel itself, was put, by the US government, and International politics, into such an unforgiving, and dangerous predicament, in the US, that, I have a varied perspective, on how funny it is, that Hilter men, support genocide. I am not suicide. I do not want to die. And, I resent that fact, that other people Internationally, and in positions of power, are soo incompetent, and greedy for more money-that they themselves, have not done anything at all, that I as am American have been privy to, to: hinder or to halt, the: ID ego settling and occupation, of: Hitler men, who, are also commonly known as: Israeli, or Jews.

      Our new president of the US, Mr. Donald Trump, is the only world leader, that I have heard through US media, to make any vocal and outreaching complaint-however, Mr. Trump, refused to hire me as well. I have been unemployed, and therefore homeless, in the US, for the past 7 years. I have no access, to anything I require in the US, and, for any reason at all. The new immigrants to the US, almost all Hitler supporters, deny me everything I require, for my fundamental well fare, almost all-of-the-time. No one on earth, who is a human being, can survive on: “Nothing!” I am no exception, to basic and fundamental rules, such as, the need for air, to breath.


           I am sick, and bruised and bleeding in the US, in the streets with broken bones, and no medical care, and no food, and worse, almost all of the time, and, Mexico City, Mexico, is even worse. Prior to my visit, to Mexico City, Mexico, I could not have fathomed, even in the deepest receses of my mind, that anywhere on earth existed, that, could in fact be, a situation, worse, than the US, and I certainly never suspected, that it would be, one of our closet next door neighbors: Mexico. I have heard, and I am too afraid to investigate, after the stories that have been communicated to me, that: Canada, because they legalized both: prostitution, and the illegal drug trade, is even worse than Mexico-God forbid it.

        It is a difficult to realize, and painful truth to comprehend, that the death of Princess Diana, in France, and attributed only, to Hollywood paparazzi, is in fact, directly related, to: International politics, and world leaders everywhere-specifically, to: France and then Israel initially, and the burgeoning “Hitler, Neo Nazi Movement,” there, and then, to other countries, such as: Kenya, and South Africa, because of the generous financial, and military support, of the: Mr. Obama Administration. The collusion, of International powers and governments, to attempt to establish, a secretive, and torturous International “police state,” I have discovered-through lengthy online research, and personal interviews, was the true basis, for the establishment, of the United Nations, under the direction, of: Vandenberg, very shortly, after the close, of WWII.

         Hitler, and his minions, worked with a vast International social network, and, in WWII, following the: chain of command, and the money, was much more difficult, due to a lack of technology-that, we do have today, such as: social networking, and instant messages, and email, etc. However, in this day and time, everything has become, soo interconnected, that, to stop a speeding train-is now not just applied by the minute, or the second, the other waring side, can here the train coming, by doppler sound, and attempts to respond-it can be soo fast, that it is almost pre-emptive.


        Physics always joke about: “What is faster that the speed of light?” In this case, it is not funny, and, I would have to agree, to implicate, and to both: hinder and to stop, this speeding train, of International terrorism-both: collusion, and financial, it would seem, that information, and a response, would have to be a reaction fast enough to claim: “I know what is faster than the speed of light,” rather than: “the most import problem on earth, is, how to cure cancer.” After the torture and abuse, that I have suffered through, with almost no assistance, from anyone, anywhere, I am not longer concerned, about: Cancer, or AIDS, etc. I am far more concerned, with my: civil and human rights, and with my abilities, to defend, and protect, my ability, to even pronounce, the word: “No,” and “I object!” In America, people call US police on you now, because, they told you to shut-up, they did not like your conversation-even when you were not speaking to them. Here, in Mexico City, Mexico, I just say: “So what, you do not speak: English or Spanish, anyway.”

       Thank you for receiving, my communications again. I am in a dangerous political prisoner, and hostage situation, at the: Mexico City, Mexico International airport. I am here, as an investigator, International intelligence, a researcher, and a freelance reporter, as well as several other capacities. The airport, is always full, of dangerous traffic, that can be considered terrorists trafficking. The airport itself, engages in illegal practices, and activities, which support, and encourage, illegal International terrorism, on a number of levels. I am being deprived, of almost everything I need, at this particular location, and there is almost no information available to me. If I attempt to report, to the authorities on hand, illegal activities, at the airport, I am told: “We do not speak, English or Spanish, and, we refuse to put the communications I to writing, for you.”

         This morning, I attempted to call, both: MI5, and Buckingham Palace, to report the dangers, of this particular situation, and how I foresee, it is a mirror, and therefore necessarily related, to the: pre-meditated murder, of Princess Diana. The man who answered the phone, at MI5-was older than me, I could hear it in his voice, and argued with me, for quite some time, about me submitting information to MI5, through calling reports in, and through the online submission forms, then he went on to other excuses, that, were also not valid, regarding my continued need, to report to MI5, an International terrorist incident, that has soo detrimentally impacted, and, that continues to negatively effect, not only the Royal family of the UK-in fact, the whole of the British Empire.

           I then, attempted to convey my sentiments, that I attempted to communicate to MI5, to Buckingham Palace staff, through a switch board line, that I call infrequently, and, the operator, hung up on me, just after I informed her, that another implicating post card, with photos of possibly guilty parties, for the death of Princess Diana, are on the way. It will never be my fault, that Princess Diana was killed-first and foremost, that must be clearly stated, and duly-noted, and, it is also, abundantly clear to me, that, the murder, of Princess Diana, is directly related to:

1)      Neo Nazi/Hitler Movement-established immediately after the Nuremburg Trials in Europe, and post WWII, in both: France and the US the most, because those two countries, helped to such a great extent, to end the war, that would have lead, to a Hitler world;

2)      An International police state, established and supported, by the United States United Nations, that decided, to support in too many ways, the Neo Nazi movement;

3)      International organizations, other than the United Nations, such as: NASA, who, decided to support, the International Neo Nazi movement-NASA hired VanBruen, post WWII, a Hitler advisor, member of the SS elite, and hench man;

4)      As well as Hollywood, which has, a long-established history, of support of the Neo Nazi, and Hitler movement, through the proliferation, and encouragement, of gay porn, and, of gay porn, as mainstream-entertainment, and Hitler propaganda;

5)      The most devastating support recently, for the Neo Nazi, and Hitler Movement, who have claimed credit, for both: the deaths of Princess Diana, and Carrie Fisher, came from America money, which supports a church, called, the: “Church of Immuniauti,” they utilize the US NSA, to track, and control money-Internationally, my bank account, and all of the money in it-disappears, and is drained-for “political reasons,” every other month now.

Thank you again, for receiving this abridged intelligence report, regarding the illegal support, and collusion, of the: Neo Nazi community. Staff, at this particular-Mexico City, Mexico airport, are too proud, of their contribution, to the death of Princess Diana, and, for their support, of: International terrorism-they march around in the morning, like some French speaking men, in Martinique, openly proclaiming, their support, for the: International Hilter movement: “Higher Hitler!”-and in English.

          I strenuously object! Security here, at the Mexico City, Mexico airport, are harassing me, as I type, and walking as a large group, maybe 50 or more, while I type, and saying inappropriate statements to me in English, as they round the corner, while other staff, in other various locations, are issuing orders, to continue to cut the WiFi. “No communications, in or out, by WiFi, for Cary, from the Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport.” Several staff members, here, have communicated to me-as they did, at the hospital in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, not to take it personally, if people here try to kill me, because it is: “political,” and that just is, how things are, and: “you should get used to it!”


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Active Google Blogger: www.baielizacary.blogspot.com

Requesting your immediate assistance, please forward my communications on, to any and every concerned party, who may be, both: willing and able to assist me, in any way possible. Thank you.

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