Saturday, May 13, 2017

Intelligence Report, For: US President Donal Trump Administration, From: Mexico City, Mexico-Regarding the Immideate Necessity: WALL Vote!


RE: Intelligence Report, For: Donald Trump Administration-A Sample of my capabilities, in abridged form, I am available, for immediate employment.

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Current Locale: Mexico City, MX Intl Airport

Predicted Departure Date, To: Boston, MA, May 30, 2017

Intelligence and Investigative Photos Posted Online:

Active Google Blogger:

Flickr: Elizabeth1, and other accounts, under other variations, of my name:

Mumbai, Bai, Boa, Bayo, Eliza, Elizabeth, Cary, etc.

To President Donald Trump,

              I am an intelligence officer, from the United States, although, was not hired by the US, as such. The Pentagon, began communicating with me, in 2013, after I submitted applications, for intelligence officer positions, through USA jobs online, to work with the: Department of Defense, at the Pentagon. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration, had me "Blacklisted," and I was never offered any work, or employment opportunities, for the entire Obama Administration. Because, I was not offered any employment, in America, and I was homeless, with fundamental needs, that the US government refused to assist me with-I then, began applications, for political asylum abroad.

                 I am now located in Mexico City, Mexico. I have flown all the world, to meet, with: both: Russia and Norway, for political asylum applications, and, to request employment. I am being illegally detained at the Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport. None of my needs are being met. Both, the people who fly into the airport, and the staff, and police here, are trying to rape and kill me. The men, have identified, themselves, as Hitler men, and they brag, about being the killers of: Princess Diana, and more recently: Carrie Fisher, from Star Wars-and, I have every reason to believe, based on their treatment of me, that they are being honest. Mexicans:

1)      They are forcing me to eat from the garbage;

2)       They have legalized rape, here in Mexico-without, putting it into official legal terms, and, they warned no one;

3)      The population, around the airport, is a Jewish and Israeli settlement;

4)      The Israeli/Jewish/Hitler men population, are the largest group, of completely retarded ass holes, that I have ever encountered, in my entire life.

I can completely understand-after investigating myself, why, the Trump Administration, has decided on a wall, in between, the US and Mexico, and strict enforcement, of deportation laws, against foreigners, and aliens, from Mexico. However, after my visit to Mexico City, Mexico, I do have additional recommendations, for the Trump Administration. President Trump, should find a way, to finance the great wall of "China," in between, the US and Mexico-because, Americans, need the wall more, than the Mexicans-it is for our protection. Additionally, immigration, from Mexico, should be halted, altogether.

            Lastly, deportation, cannot be a final decision. Mexicans, are flown out of America, by deportation, and then, two days later, they are back in America. If I had not visited Mexico City myself, I would have never have believed, that the situation could be as bad as it is. It looks to me, from what I have seen, and experienced, that-this is a Mr. Obama "hotbed," Intl terrorist hub, of completely sociopathic retarded people, who are reproducing, to increase their: "terror dome," in numbers, and just outside, of America-thus, posing a serious threat, to the sanctity, and safety-as well as the humanity, and existence, of the American people.

        Mexicans, need to be investigated, more closely, as community, in the US, in every location-not just in California, or Arizona-Mexicans, are happy, living, and being abused, and tortured, and sold, as sex slaves-they are that retarded. Human bondage, and slavery, are a violation, of: civil and human rights, and, are not characteristics, or qualities, that we as Americans, are willing to support, in our struggling society-i.e. our: American Constitution, and Bill of Rights. It appears, that Mexicans, have no: civil or human rights at all, they listen to a bizarre radio broadcast all day in night, through White headphones, and, they try not to think, and they barely speak, and when they do talk, they speak about nothing of any consequence.

             As our new President Donald Trump, regardless of the messes, that the Obama Administration, left behind him, it is incumbent, upon the new US government-to: fix the problems, to create a safer, and more functional America. Our American budget, must be balanced, a wall, between the US and Mexico is: a-must, and Mexico-will never pay for it. Please find a way, to finance the wall, between the US, and Mexico, and think about a wall, between the US, and Canada-as well. China, is objecting, to the US, borrowing any more money from them.

         The Obama Administration, is repeatedly stating, that China will never be re-payed, any money, that it has ever lent, to the US, and-that, is stealing. China has good, reasons, after, the first three trillion dollars, that they loaned to the US, has never been repaid, to, deny the US, any additional loan money. The US economy, could always file, the appropriate paperwork, and then, request, that both: IMF (International Monetary Fund), and WB (World Bank)- an International Banking Welfare Check-to consider, the extreme financial needs, of the US economy, that, America is not qualified to meet, in the post-Obama era.

           Thank you for your time, and for your consideration. Russia, has expressed interest, in hiring me. Since the US, refused to hire me, and Russia, has been interested in my academic capabilities, for a prolonged period of time-there should be now hard feelings. The Russian Embassy, in Washington, DC, has asked, if I would like, to pick up my paycheck, at their offices, in Washington, DC-I would then, have diplomatic immunity, and a license to kill, with, an office at the Russian Embassy, in Washington, DC.

             Since President Trump, has been married, to two Russian women-the USSR still exists, it is just called: the Russian Federation. Therefore, President Trump, should have no issues, with me, having an office, just up-the-street, and soo close to the White House, should the final decision by the Russia be, that I work out of, and from the Russian Embassy, in Washington, DC-I would be happy, and pleased, with that arrangement, however, there still needs to be some discussion, no decisions by me, have been finalized, and, there has been, no formal employment contract offered, by Russia, as-of-yet.

             Thank you again, for your time, and continued attention. I require, additional support, and access, to more finances, to of more assistance, to the US President Trump, Administration. I work by contract, and on a retainer. I am a third-party investigator, and intelligence officer. The US, for the good, of the people, should consider hiring me as well. I work on a yearly retainer, and- would be available, if you needed me. As the parent of 3 children, who require my financial support-it will be necessary for me, to carry, more than one contract, and in that way, I will also be available, as an intelligence officer, to negotiate, between countries, who have chosen to hire me.

           However, I am not a double-agent, and could not spy on Russians for you, you would have to hire me, for intelligence employment, that, did not conflict, with my other clients, or my own-best interests. Thank you again. I look forward to, your prompt reply, and approbation. Additional examples, of my: intelligence work, freelance reporting, and other academic, as well as working accomplishments, are posted at, Google Blogger: . Thanks! I am available, for immediate hire, and could make-arrangements, to come to Washington, DC, for an interview. I will look for your pending communications by email, or, you could meet with me in person, by sending a representative, to speak to me-here, at the: Mexico City, Mexico International airport, I have been told, that, there is an American Ambassador here, and close by, just in town-please send, him or her, to speak with me, in person. Thank you again!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 352-256-7466

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