Saturday, May 27, 2017

Stifling Intl Political Policy, By President Trump Administration, Quite Literally-Predicted: The End of America, and, The Free World As We Know It: Trump Has Approved, Uninhibited Immigration, In Massive Numbers, By Intl Refugees, Into The US-He Is Obviously, In, Way Over His Head Now! Crisis Washington, DC-Trump, Is Creating It.


RE: President Trump Has Improved In-Mitigated Immigration-To The US, By Intl Refugees-My Abridged Reaction, To The Negative Intl Political Policy Decision, By The US Trump, Administration, 2017:

      President Trump, of the US, recently approved, new, and stifling Intl Political Policy, By President Trump Administration, Quite Literally-Predicted: The End of America, and, The Free World As We Know It: Trump Has Approved, Uninhibited Immigration, In Massive Numbers, By Intl Refugees, Into The US-He Is Obviously, In, Way Over His Head Now! Crisis Washington, DC-Trump, Is Creating It. Disaster.

       Unlimited, entrance, to the US, by refugees, will ultimately lead, to the final downfall, of the US. Refugees, are usually in-educated, and, never qualify for a US University education-however, they still require money, and fundamental sustenance, to live. The majority, of the US populations, that both: supports and engages, in the unlawful practice, of prostitution, are refugees, and in-educated immigrants, to the US, and, the very same individuals, tend to support, both: Intl terrorism, and, the US Democratic party.

       Trump, is not really thinking clearly. With the uncontrolled, and unlimited influx, of any refugees, into the US-there, is no way in the world, he will win, the next US Presidency-the refuges, will take the election over, for the Democratic party, by sheer numbers, of completely uncontrolled influx, into the US. I am concerned, for the economic health, and over-all well being, of my country. Why is President Trump, refusing to hire me? God bless America-I knew you when. I am looking, for a response.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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