Saturday, May 13, 2017

Constant WiFi Disconnect Problems, and: No Reaction By Hitler Men, and Mr. Obama Terror-To Localized Bombing: "Not Scary Enough.: Ground Troops, and other Assistance Request: Immediate Response Required: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Active Google Blogger:

*Primary WiFi Constant Disconnect-A Major Issue, and Problem, at Airport!

*Locale: Hostage and Political Prisoner, Illegally Detained, Being Starved To Death: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS-at: The Mexico City, MX International Airport. God Please Have Mercy, on My Tired Soul!

*Re: Follow-Up Intelligence Report, from: Mexico City, Mexico International Airport: Hitler People Seem to Have No Shame, and No Fear-Not Even Bombing, Through Military Action, Deters Their Illegal Violations, of Both: My Civil and Human Rights-No Consciousness (Sociopathic)?

To Whom It May Concern:

           When I wrote to your offices, earlier today, regarding a serious of matter, of me being illegally detained, in the Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport, nothing changed for me, soon enough-I still have not been offered, the food, or money for transportation, and additional meals, that this airport and police staff, promised, on both: video, and voice record. The local military troops, that I am in contact-therefore, began bombing (sounds like), the Jewish ghetto neighborhood, surrounding the airport, and in and around, the airspace, at the actual airport itself. I am too physically ill, in the high altitude setting, to go all day, with just a tiny bit of food, from the garbage can-and, I have low blood sugar, I must eat frequently, throughout the day.

         Although, the bombing sounds have been loud, and pronounced, and the intercom, has continued to announce their presence-the shelling, in the general area, above and around the airport-has in no meaningful way, altered, how the airport treats me. There is no concern here-not among the other people visiting the airport, the staff, or the police, regarding my health, and my needs, to have access to food, and on a regular basis. Before I dug through the garbage for breakfast, I was soo hungry and tired, that, I began to shake all over. I ran out of pain killer, and fever reducer-I brought soo much with me, I thought I would return to the US-with a little left over.

              I have a fever again, from the excessive smoke, in the air. People smoke both: inside and outside of this airport. I am allergic to the smoke. I brought plenty of asthma inhaler medication-almost 300 puffs, into: Albuterol inhalers, and 30, in my Sybicort inhaler. I have only the emergency inhalers left, and about 200 puffs. I, have to use my inhalers, all day long. I just ran out of my second Flonase, this morning. The smoke, smells unpleasant, and dirty to me, and gives me, a migraine headache, because I begin to develop a sinus infection, if I do not use, the Flonase nose spray-several times per day. I was unable, to bring my: antibiotic medications, or my additional yeast infection integumentary treatments, with me, because, the Boston, MA Walgreens pharmacy-that I used, only filled the scripts that they wanted to, and, they added medications, that I do not utilize.

            I have spoken to a number of individuals, in leadership positions, on both: staff, and members of the police, to warn-that, I must have food, Mexico City, Mexico. I am not willing to starve to death, in this airport, after they, both: the staff, and onsite police, promised to assist me, with my basic needs, both: food, and financial. Then, after I was told, that the airport, changed their mind, in-regards-to assisting me, with my political asylum applications, to both: Russia, and Norway. There have been no concerns, or any willingness to assist me, that has been expressed, from a meaningful source, in-regards-to my: nutritional needs, my financial needs, or even my temporary housing needs-there is a Hilton hotel here-my back pain, is becoming unbearable, and I have no more pain killer left.

         It is my opinion, that the airport, should do their best, to assist me, in the ways and means-that, they have already promised, instead, of, increasing, the pain and the torture, that I am experiencing. The airport-as it represents: Mexico, as-a-whole, should be working hard, to resolve, the above-mentioned issues with me, in order to improve their reputation. Instead, I am working, as a: “Peace Negotiator and Unofficial Arbitrator,” and the airport: staff, and crew, and police, are escalating, the situation, and causing the argument, to edge dangerously closer, to a point of no return. Crazy Hitler men, are walking up to me, with their entire family, and threatening to rape me, and to kill me, like they did: Princess Diana, and, more recently: Carrie Fisher. I must have a real weapon, and not just a crow bar, or a razor, to defend myself-I need a gun.

         I am afraid, that because there has been no response, to the bombing-that ground troops, from the US, must be next. I require the assistance, of any concerned nation, and their military, who receive this communication, in exiting, from what has become, and extremely hostile, and unfriendly, political prisoner and hostage situation, at the Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport-while, I wait forever, for anyone to help me-who is already here. There are a number, of franchised restaurants, in the airport, from the US, such as: Subway, and McDonalds-they are well aware of my circumstances, and, have not offered me any assistance-either! No one anywhere, seems to care, that I am starving to death, at this airport-while at the very same time, I am unable to leave these circumstances-anytime soon.

        The complaints I heard, were that, the bombing was not scary enough. The bombs drop, and then the people just ran, and thought it was funny. No one, here, was any more aware, or any more concerned, about how illegal it is, to: starve to death, to rape and torture, or, to in any other way, abuse travelers, who are passing through this airport. The fact, that the Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport, is not concerned about me, is troubling to me, and, it is also too concerning, in regards, to, how many other people, have passed through, this very same airport, and then, never made it back home. Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport-is too dangerous, because people here, do not have any empathy, for anyone else-the population, is selfish, and lethargic. The police begin to harass me, and to threaten me, when I start writing to your professional offices, to complain, about the violations, of my: civil and human rights.

           I am emailing the court system in: Costa Rica, at the same time, that I am emailing, my other professional Intelligence network contacts. Because Costa Rica, and the Human Rights Court, for the Americas-has never responded, to my human rights violation, at least, not to the best of my knowledge-I met with Holland. I have been calling: The Hague, and their International Court, for Human Rights-for over 5 years now, and, although I have never received an email reply, in return, in regards to the International human rights violations, cases-that, I want to try there, I have spoken to them, by phone on several occasions. My discussion with Holland, had to be covert, and in the women’s bathroom, and quick-what we talked about;

1)      The Hague attachment to the United Nations, in the US;

2)      Difficulty in reaching the court, at: The Hague, and in receiving a response;

3)      Concerns about the abilities, of The Hague, to assist me, with human rights violations cases, when, Holland, has soo many personal rights violations cases-itself, that, it has not resolved;

4)      More recently, problems in reaching The Hague, by phone, the phone just rings on forever, and no one picks up the line, and during the opening hours-on two frequent a basis, now.

The police threats and harassment, here, at the Mexico City, Mexico, Intl airport-are non-stop, and completely inappropriate. The police, are illegally trying, to deny me access to all food-even if a person offers, and wants to help me, and, even if, the food has been disregarded, into the trash can.

           I am soo physically ill, with my broken left tibia-on my left leg, and my skin infections, which are flaring up, from: stress, not enough sleep, barely any food, heat (the airport is hot), and from: a lack of access, to a safe, clean, warm place to sleep-such as: the Hilton hotel here, and, a daily shower. Could you please check, from your end of the intelligence communications pipeline, and see, if you can help me, and better still-is there a: “node,” close by, who could assist me right away, by bringing me some cash, to the airport. This is my first attempt, at negotiating, a: “Peace Settlement and Hostage Situation,” I am not a Princess-not that I am aware of, although, I may be from India-I have not obtained, through my research and investigation, any proof, that would confirm, that assumption.

        Thank you, for your time, and continued attention. Because Mexico, is the immediate neighbor of America, it is of, some major concern, that a huge “Hitler and Mr. Obama Terror,” of International proportions, is gathering, and growing right here, in Mexico City, Mexico. Mexico City, is much worse, than America, in soo far as, domestic terror, is concerned. It is clear to me, from my experiences, and observations, when compared to my: “American Experience,” after Mr. Obama, was elected US President, that much of the negative impact, to: the US economy, and otherwise, that we as Americans have been experienced-came, directly to us, from our closest neighbor: Mexico.


       Thank you again, for caring enough, to continue to receive, my email communications. Please agree, to help me as well, and come to Mexico. It is most effective most of the time, when you show-up, and personally help, when there is an International terrorists crisis (possibly WWII itself), in person. Thank you again. Please responds, to my email communications, in a timely manner, being that, my life is in, immediate danger, and I have almost no local resources-you could call, the local International Embassies, here in: Mexico City, MX, to see, if any other country on site, is concerned about this growing, and out-of-control: bandit, cartel, Hitler, terror, situation. America, should be, being that is immediately next, to Mexico, be most concerned, about the current state of affairs, at this particular, Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport-right after Mexico, itself. Thanks!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Active Google Blogger (regular updates):



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