Monday, May 8, 2017

To Russia; Work Example: Abrideged Intelligence Report From Mexico City, MX : Request for Political Asylum, and Employment Interview-for Position: Intl Intelligence Officer: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS May 8, 2017


From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Intelligence Report-Abridged Example of My Potential Work

Requesting: Political Asylum, and Employment Interview, for Position: Intl Intelligence Officer

*Not a confidential communication.

To: Russian Embassy Washington, DC

To: Whom It May Concern:

           Thank you for receiving my call today, from Mexico City, Mexico, at the Russian Embassy, in Washington, DC. I flew from Boston, MA, to Mexico City, Mexico, to speak to both: Russia and to Norway, regarding political asylum, and employment. I am an intelligence worker, among other trades, and sincerely believe, that because I am capable, of working, in many different capacities, and, because I am well educated enough, to learn even the most complicated educational materials quickly, that I would be an addition, as a new member of an intelligence team, and I am prepared to begin more specifically directed, and facilitated intellectual challenges, and physical exercises, as well as weapons trainings.

      I have gathered a great deal of information, and cannot easily assimilate the information, for anyone, under the difficult circumstances, that I presently find myself. I am suffering, and barely surviving in austere penury, in the United States, where I have been "Blacklisted," since 2008. Being that, I have had been unemployed, for the past 7 years, because of the Obama Administration, and for political reasons-I have also been homeless. I have suffered too many broken bones, and serious infections, that could have meant the end of my life. My adopted family have abandoned me. Both myself, and my 3 children, require assistance-both: financial and otherwise, to relocate, to another country.

       I called on Friday, and spoke to a man from Russia-I presume, regarding my emergency need, for political asylum, and he said something to me, about flying to India instead. I have no proof, that I am from India, or, from anywhere else in the world. I know, for-a-fact, however, that my 3 children, and I, do not fit, into the current political environment, in the United States. My two oldest children, are in Computer Science, and an Engineering program-respectively. My youngest daughter-almost s straight A student, like myself, and my oldest daughter, will graduate from high school shortly.

         I am interested in what is going on, at NASA in Russia-if you would like assistance, in that area, as well. I am a hacker. I hack into Pentagon meetings, etc. My first Master’s Degree, is in: Library and Information Science, with a concentration, in Information Science. My oldest daughter, received an American NASA scholarship, to assist with the funding required, for her undergraduate computer science engineering degree. When I inquired, into what areas, Russia thinks, requires the most investigation, and report, regarding the Russian Empire, and both: offensive and defensive measures, I was told: Cyber Security.

        It has been communicated to me, that Snowden, waited weeks and weeks, comfortably at home, for a Visa to travel to Russia, then, once there, he requested political asylum. My 3 children, and myself, require political asylum. I have had no residence, or home, anywhere in the world, for political reasons, for the past 7 years. My bank accounts are constantly drained, and my post mail, almost never makes it into my hands. My cellphone and computers are constantly hacked. My email accounts are blocked and jammed, every other day-there is something wrong, with: through Russia, I can hardly send email, through my email accounts. I cannot walk down the street, I have, to dodge cars, that are trying to run me over, and, how-my ankles and left tibia, because fractured, two car accidents, that could have killed me.

       It is my sincerest opinion, that Snowden is a double agent, and that he did need political asylum in Russia. It has been communicated to me, from terrorists in the US, who presumably has reliable information, that Snowden, is in Russia, working with American NASA members, to sneak nuclear missile (broken arrows), and the titanium keys required, out of Russia. Russian titanium nuclear missile/NASA rocket launch keys, are sold for approximately, 25,000.00 USD, on popular American television shows. It is not too much of a presumption, to presume, that the key is such specific a design, that the attendant: nuclear missiles, are also being sold, along with the titanium key.

       I will attach a photo for you. Please feel free, to forward my email communications on, to interested parties, when you as a professional, also working with the Russian government, determine to be, with good judgement-appropriate. I post the majority, of my photos, and evidence online at Flickr. Please take some time, to visit anyone of my Flickr accounts, to see, if any of the thousands, of intelligence investigative research photographs, which are intended to support, my: International Human Rights Court cases, are relevant for Russia. Additionally, I am uploading, more videos, to: YouTube, to give a fuller reflection, in more detailed media data, of the most difficult of political situations, that I am constantly encountering.

       Shah, of Iran, is hanging out in Mexico. I have encountered quite a few, in Mexico City, Mexico-a little unfriendly, however, not impossible to speak to. Yesterday, I enquired as to whether Shah men, are interested in reclaiming Iran, over the Aitolia family. Last I heard, Russia, had invited Iran, to build a military base, in Russia. How are Russians and Russian military troops doing, with a military base there, built, and ran, by Iran? There is a close, and uncomfortable relationship, between the Shah family of Iran now, and Israeli, due to child sex abuses, by I presume Israeli, that has lead, to an increase in comfort, by the Shah men, with: homosexuality.

           I am mentioning, the new acceptance, among Shah, of homosexuality, because, Iran is moving into their military base in Russia, and the United States, has had too many complicated problems, which, are directly related to President Bill Clinton, and his acceptance, and prescription, of: homosexuality, for the US military. Because, President Bill Clinton, pressured the US military, into accepting, a new: “Don’t ask, don’t tell policy,” in regards to homosexuals, in the US military, the US military academic review, through literature, for US military, training in the field of intelligence, has moved former President Bill Clinton, up the line, to the second craziest man, to ever live, right after: Hitler, because he too was gay, and then-in addition, like President Bill Clinton, supported the genocide, of healthy heterosexual men.

       Shah, would require Russian weapons, to take back Iran, and, they would be competing, with at least: The Aitolia family, and Israel. Trump, and everyone everywhere, are complaining, about: Israeli settlers, who are trying to “occupy,” the world, and Mexico, is no exception, to that complaint. The UK, last year, before during the time, of the new Mayoral Elections, from: Boris Johnson, to Mayor Kahn of Pakistan, began detaining members, of the Aitolia family, in UK prison detention centers, Israeli, were taking over Iran, and therefore, the Aitolia family, decided, that political asylum, in the UK, was necessary, for at least, some of them.

       The biggest problem I foresee, regarding inviting Iran, into Russia, is the close relationships I see here in Mexico City, between Shah men, and Israeli women. Shah men-who are very tall, are creating families, with Israeli women, and then the offspring, are dysfunctional prostitutes, who look like a midget in height, compared to the Shah father. The UK, has never liked the concept of Israel-not in the Middle East, and not anywhere. Israeli move into a country, take everything over, and then exclude the native population, is they are not killed off, and I do believe, that were the cause, in the 1950’s, after WWII, for the: “Stalin Weeding Project.” Russia needs to be highly concerned, about nationals, from anywhere in the world, entering Russia, to join the military base, who are in fact: half Iranian Shah, and half Israeli.

      Mexico City, Mexico, is worse, than America. I wish I had been able to afford, to meet with the Ambassadors, from both: Russia and Norway, in another country. When I arrived here, this situation in Mexico City, MX, was already, a hostage and political prisoner situation. I have nothing to eat, and, it is almost impossible to use the toilet. I have only: water, and multi-vitamins. The police and the staff, here at the airport, promised me on film and in pictures, to provide me with food, until I, was-able-to, meet with an Embassy in Mexico City, and, to depart from Mexico-altogether. However, the staff and police, who worked evening shift last night, broke their promise to me. I am exhausted, hot, sweaty, stinky, and starving to death, at the: Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport, and no one here cares. I hate Mexico.

       I need a paycheck. I am requesting, that Russia, please consider hiring me, as an Intelligence officer. I require the right to carry a weapon, to keep myself, and, diplomatic immunity, to continue to work, in environments, as dangerous as: Washington, DC, New Orleans, LA, and Mexico City, MX. In addition, to being able to provide Russia, with several flash drives, full of information, I also have for you, a few US military texts books, on US military intelligence, and one of them, is focused on: cyber security. I have a collection of ID cards, that I found, along the way, through my many Intl travels. Finally, have begun to collect photographs, of pertinent computer: router, model and make, office soft wear, LAN and WAN information-that I have read, in the US military text books, is required, to test and offensive cyber security military attack, as part of the new: Russian Hybrid Warfare, such that was recently practiced, in the: Crimea, and now, I have head-it is being applied in the Ukraine.

             Although, it may be presumed, that many countries in the West, are prepared for a cyber security warfare attack-many are-really not. The WiFi, everywhere I have gone, in the past 7 years, has been completely unreliable. Terrorists, like the: “Hitler Men,” try very hard, to keep all information: secret and private. In Florida, where I grew up, the WiFi, is repeatedly turned off, the cellphone is turned off directly by cell companies, my coax cable for WiFi, was pulled almost of the wall, of an apartment where I stayed temporarily, sometimes, people take down the cellphone towers, to stop the cellphone WiFi signal. WiFi, is soo incredibly helpful, in-regards to fast, and pertinent communications, in difficult dangerous military and combat situations, and at great lengths, that, not having access to Internet-impedes a war on both sides, by shutting down, any-and-all, peaceful communications, and reporting by media, from the front lines.

         I am uncertain, as to whether, or not, I will consider completing, my academic US military intelligence training, through the US. Too many, of the academic professors, were terrorists themselves, left over, from the Obama Administration, and were not interested, in talking truth. The professor, of my: Intl 500 Research writing class, continued to point to the: Clinton Administration-that silenced the CIA, from telling the truth, and the new: RAND intelligence training institution. You can Google, to obtain additional information, about the RAND intelligence consortium, and, to locate peer reviewed journal articles, through OCLC’s, that have been posted, from the direction, and the guidance, of the: RAND educational facilities.

        I have an email address, that are supposed to provide a means, of communicating in some ways, with the RAND community, of: Arlington Virginia: Email:  ( Arlington, VA, it is dangerous and unfriendly, I was tortured there, at the end of last year, by Mr. Obama’s personal family, from Kenya, for calling your offices for emergency political assistance, in DC-the Russian Embassy of Washington, DC, where I reached you today. Thank you, for picking up the telephone:

Arlington Virginia

Department of Human Services

Sequoia Plaza

2100 Washington Blvd., 4th Floor,

Arlington, VA 22204

(This is a brief report, and more information, and contact information, to verify the veracity of my report, is available, upon request.) I was illegally detained, at a mental health facility, for refusing to prostitute, and, although a few of the people who worked there were Russian-that did not keep me safe enough. Most of the other individuals, who were being illegally detained there, were also: Asians, or a bi-racial Asian mixture.

           RAND convention and training center, was created, and then built, in Arlington, VA-close to the US Pentagon, to re-education, US military intelligence, soo that they would learn, how to report US military intelligence, without telling the truth. The US military, RAND theory of intelligence, is accepted by the American government still-under the direction of President Trump, and, is still practiced. When you, or anyone, encounters information, from the US-whether it be media, or otherwise, there is no requirement, by the US government, that the information be honest, or correct, and this is a serious problem, for the American people, and, for our fragile economy.

       Because I was actively enrolled, and attending, a US military educational program, I felt confident, in uploading, to share online, my weekly homework, for what might be, my second Master’s degree. I am at the same time, preparing to apply to law school in Scotland, and, the courses, can be taken online, as well. Finally, I also trained, as pre-medical, and, would do well, if I were to decide, to attend medical school, in the UK, after having completed, the law school studies. I foresee, my academic accomplishments, to be my greatest achievements, and potential contributions, to Russia, and to the welfare of the Russian people, as well as a boon, for the economy. My currently active Google Blogger website, is as follows (My resume is posted here, as well.) : I frequently add information, to my active Google Blogger, so that the information provided, is both: relevant, and timely.

           My sincere need, for political asylum, and for employment, is such a necessity, that, I am hopeful, that I might meet with a Russian Ambassador in Mexico City, Mexico soon-to begin both: a political asylum application, and the initial formal steps, of an employment interview, for a position with the Russian government, as an Intelligence Officer. In addition, to what I could add, to the livelihood, and stability, of the Russian Empire. My 3 children, are bright, well educated, and academically and intelligence focused, as well. My 3 children-like myself, are: competent, intelligent, functional, responsible, adults, who-can effectively contribute, positively, to society.

        There is a great need in the world, for competition, against the Microsoft Monopoly, which was created by Bill Gates, with his Apple computers, and Microsoft software. Additionally, engineering issues, never cease to appear, in-regards-to: electronics, architecture, military, infrastructure in general, logistics, etc.-within, any given country, and empire, and her pre-circumscribed boundaries, to provide additional: safety and comfort, to the inhabitants who dwell within those walls-the great walls of: “Mother Russia.” My 3 children, being as bright as they are, and already studying, and the two oldest of whom, are in the Florida, USA University system, at studying: Computers, Information Science, Technology in general, and Engineering, would also prove, to be, of great benefit, to the Russian government.

       I am requesting, a reply, to my communications, and sincerely hope, that sometime in the very near future, that I will be able, to meet, with a Russian Ambassador, and his representatives, right here, in the Mexico City, Mexico community. It should be noted, that I did attempt to do the same, in several other locations, and, I was unsuccessful: Washington, DC, London, England, San Jose, Costa Rica, and now here-in: Mexico City, MX. Thank you again. I look forward, to calling on your professional offices, here in Mexico City, Mexico, sometime quite soon. Thank you for your time, and continued assistance, and consideration, for: political asylum, and employment.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466 (Not currently active.)

Current Locale: A political prisoner, and hostage, at the: Mexico City, MX Intl airport, where, police and staff, are refusing me all food, and where, no one is allowed to even speak to me-I am starving to death. Please help me.


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