Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Request For Emergency Political Asylum To Russia, From United States-Currently Located, At: Mexico City, MX Intl Airport-Hostage Situation-Torture: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


Communications: Emergency Political Asylum Request

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Intelligence Officer, Investigator, Researcher, Freelancer, etc.

More Information is Available about me, Online:

Active Google Blogger:

I update, my Google Blogger, on a regular basis-almost daily, if possible.

RE: Application for Tourist Visa To: Russia

To Whom It May Concern:

        I am an intelligence officer, presently located in: Mexico City, Mexico. I am having too much difficulty, in calling, or in any other way, contacting the Russian Embassy here: Russian Embassy-Mexico City, Mexico (52)55-5516-0870 or (52) 5273-1305. I called the number, before I arrived, regarding my immediate need, for political asylum in Russia, I am also, seeking employment, with the Russian Federation (USSR), as an: intelligence officer-examples of my recent work, from Mexico City, Mexico, are posted online: Google Blogger:

           The situation here, is too difficult. I am forced to eat from the trash can, after airport staff, promised to assist me, and then, they decided otherwise, at the last minute. I call, the Russian Embassy, in Washington, DC, on a regular basis: Chancery: (202) 298-5700, or Consular: (202) 939-8907 Last night, I was told, that only Jews, from the local ghetto, are allowed to use the toilet. There is raping-even gang raping, all over the airport, most of the trafficking in, and out, of City Intl airport, appears to be: pimps, prostitutes, and slaves.

           Last night, a baby was brutally attacked, a Chinese baby-it had a huge hematoma, on the forebrain-clearly visible through the light skin color, and the parents refused to take the dying child, to a hospital-it may have died, right here last night, I could not stand to listen: crying and begging for mercy-hours. The local police, reinforce, and assist, in the: perverted, sex, and slave trafficking, through this airport, which, also includes infants.

         There is a heavy, and constant smoke, in the air. I am not able to purchase food here, not even with pesos, or with dollars. The money changers, refuse to change my money to dollars. There are soo many people here, from Israel, and other Jewish communities Intl, who identify, as: Jew or Israeli, that people inside of Mexico City, do not speak: English or Spanish-most of the time. It was, therefore, far too difficult for me, being only trained in fundamental Spanish, to even travel, through the downtown Mexico City area.

        I need to speak to, and to communicate with, the Ambassador of the Russian Embassy, in Mexico City-as soon as possible. Every day, the airport here, becomes more-and-more dangerous. The police, security, and staff, who work, at the Mexico City Intl airport, stalk me, all day and night, and threaten me. I am afraid, because they are aggressive towards me, and trying to rape me. When I have money, to take the bus into town, the card ticket machine, for the bus rides breaks. I do not sleep comfortable or long.

              I must protect my suit cases, at all costs, for fear, more valuable information, will be stolen from me-even by airport staff. I have almost no clean clothing left. I have to sneak into the bathroom to use it. There terrorists, who have gathered here-as air flights, are incoming, around the clock: threaten my life, try to steal from me, or rape me, and spit at me, and curse at me, for refusing to prostitute. The worst situation, however, is there need, to constantly be in my way, and as close to me as possible.

           I can hardly walk, from one end of the airport, to the other, there are soo many Intl terror supporting: Hitler Israeli people here-they block foot traffic inside the airport, and they block automobile traffic, outside and around the airport. Is Russia a member of Schengen Europe? Can I apply for a tourist Visa to visit, and then, upon arrival, announce my requirement, to be considered, for emergency political asylum? I require some, financial assistance, in order to complete and process, emergency political asylum applications, for both myself, and for my 3 children, from, the United States, to Russia, Moscow.


          I have no money, all-of-the-time, and seek to speak, to the Russian Ambassador here, in Mexico City, Mexico, in-regards-to, both: my need for emergency political asylum, as well as, my need for employment. Travel costs, from the US, to Russia, are prohibitive, and, there is some preparation, and gathering of supplies, both: medical and otherwise, that, I must engage in-to protect both: my mental, and physical health, and, to be better prepared, when entering Russia-for what may be, a lengthy period of time, for training, as an intelligence officer-if, my previous, and current work, are passing, with a qualifying satisfaction, for the Russian government.

        I have 3 children, who will also need to join me, for political asylum, in Russia, if, it comes to the point, where, political asylum-at the end of my visit to Russia, is my last resort. I would like to take a traditional tour, of Moscow, and possibly areas close by, and, I would like to apply for a position, with the Russian government, for employment, as an: intelligence officer. I have questions, regarding, an application to Russia, for a tourists Visa, for a 30 day visit:

1)      Can I book hostels, for the 30 days visit, that a tourist Visa allows, or should I book a hotel?

2)      Can the housing situation be flexible, if my plans change, after my arrival, could I book a different hostel, or a different hotel, as-long-as I am certain that I am registered, with the Russian Passport Center, as a visitor, to Russia?

3)      How much spending money, will I need, for a 30 day visit, in American dollars-please?

I attempted to, and, I was unable to reach your professional offices, by telephone today-here in Mexico City, Mexico, or in Washington, DC. My return flight, from Mexico City, Mexico, is on the 30th, of May-2017, to Boston, MA. Boston, is the only city, in the US, that has agreed, to provide me with medical care, and prescription drugs, I was unable to access: employment, or any sort of housing, in the Boston area. I must return flight to Boston, MA, to refill my medical scripts, and to purchase supplies, and necessary new suit cases, in-order-to travel, from the US, to Moscow. I may be able, to pick up my Russian tourist visa, at your Embassy located, in Washington, DC-now that our US President, is Donald Trump?

      I will attempt to call on you, again, tomorrow. Thank you, for understanding, my immediate needs, and, I look forward, to your prompt response. The Mexico City, Mexico airport, has refused to assist me-in every way-including, and not limited to, my request today, for deportation, back to the United States. I am being illegally detained, as a political prisoner, and as a hostage, in the: Mexico City, Mexico Intl Airport. I have no money left, and have not made contact yet, with the Russian Embassy here.

       I am forced, to dig through garbage for my food. No one who passes through the airport, is-allowed-to assist me, the police, and security here, are nasty, and they threaten, and harass-anyone who enters the building. This airport, is being illegally viewed, as an extension, of the Jewish ghetto, and community, that, surround the airport. Please respond, and agree to help me-right away. I encourage you, to pass on, any-and -all of my, email communications, that may lead, to some positive response, for my behalf. Thank you again!

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Active Google Blogger:

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

Please respond, in a timely manner-my life, is in fact, in immediate danger, and thus my situation supports, the necessity, of: emergency political asylum. The best way, to assist me in this situation, of Intl crisis, is to both: email me, and, to agree to meet with me in person, here in Mexico City, MX-even here, at the airport, in order to assist me, with my application, for a tourist visa, to Russia, for: emergency political asylum, and, to help me, in beginning my employment application, as an intelligence officer, for the Russian Federation (USSR). Thank you again.

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