Thursday, May 11, 2017

Re: Employment Interview in Russia, Emergency Political Asylum, and Employment Contract Details, As Well As Criminal Background Check for Security Clearance: Miss. Bayo Elziabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Active Google Blogger: (Updated on a regular basis.)

Cell: 1-352-256-7466 (US number, and not currently active.)

RE: Requesting, that Russia consider me, for the: “Aunt Jamimma,” intelligence officer position, that is usually done, by an MI5, police officer, between Russia and the UK, and between Russia, and the US-it is, a trifecta, intelligence officer position-I am also comfortable, in communicating, as an Intelligence officer, to many other branches of intelligence-Internationally, such as: military, drug and illegal/illicit trafficking, slave trading, financial fraud, etc. However, I did not qualify, for US FBI-after they invited me to apply, or, for: US military intelligence, or even for USA CIA, or US DEA, because. The US, has had too many political issues, due to, the ways in which, our intelligence networks, and law enforcement, continue to dysfunction, and disregard, US law:

1)      I am honest.

2)      I am not a man.

3)      I have no patience, for any criminal activity.

4)      I provide the information, and intelligence, about what I have discovered, however, I will never be a reinforcer, of International rules, and laws personally, due, to my limited physical abilities. After 7 years of homelessness, and after having been beaten-almost to death, by US police, for-as an asthmatic, complaining about crack smoke, at a US bus stop, I must be satisfied, as a professional, with only intellectual pursuits, desk work, and environments, that do not require, hand-to hand combat.

Examples, of my previous: academic work, research both quasi experimental and otherwise, independent self-directed learning activities, unusual emails, communications both: to and from other intelligence officers, my resume, etc., should all be available, for your easy viewing, online, at my active Google Blogger website, that- as stated above, I update, on a regular basis: Google Blogger: Please peruse, what I have already posted online, and Google my name, in any variety, to begin a back ground check on me, to determine, prior to our meeting, whether you would be comfortable, initiating, a professional work relationship, with me: Bayo Bai Boa Mumbai, Elizabeth Eliza E, Cary, or Tracy Dixon (The name on a birth certificate, of mine, from: Alachua County, in Gainesville, FL)


          I will need a contract, for employment, so that I can have some minimal assurance, of a regular pay check. The contract, will need to be written in English, and all inclusive, of any pertinent information, that you, as the employer require. If any information, regarding the work at hand, is not included, or, is not translated into English, then, I cannot be held liable, for any breach of contract, if, an unknown rule, is broken. I do follow rules. I am not a criminal. I have had only one misdemeanor charge, and, it was a false arrest, where: my Miranda Rights, were denied, and US police-as mentioned before, did try, to beat me to death. I lived to tell. I do not consider myself, a disposable, intelligence officer.

          I am both: pre-medical, and prelegal. I have begun the process, to apply to an international law school in Scotland. Additionally, I comprehend medicine-well enough, even without formal medical training, to care, with access to: money and over-the-counter medicine, my own fundamental medical care: minor surgery, basic orthopedics-resetting my own broken bones, nutritional and vitamin needs, hygiene, regular exercise at moderate intensity, pain management-for my pre-existing injuries, care of various integumentary infections, etc. It is my intention, to re-enter my intelligence officer studies online, with the US military, to possibly attend law school online as well, and then, to consider medical school-so, I will never have to worry, about needing care again, that I cannot obtain, for political reasons.


         I am a fast learner, and can study quickly, to become fluent in Russian, or any other languages that are required, for any work environment, however, being that my primary educational training, has been completely, and with almost no exceptions, in the English language-when it comes to something as specific, and complicated, as a legal employment contract can be, with differing definitions, per word, due to the legal genre, then-it is absolutely necessary, that everything deemed important, and necessary, for my employment, as an Intelligence officer in Russia, be, both: well-defined (specifics), and, in writing (nothing excluded.)


        I am requesting, a generous salary. I am the parent, of 3 children, who are now, almost all adults. I am responsible, for myself, and for my 3 children. I have no family, in the US, or elsewhere. I was adopted, and my adopted family, chose to dis-own me, when I most needed support. Russia found me, in the US, and several times, after I called, and communicated by email. I was almost dead, I was soo ill, from: neglect and torture. The US government, for the past 7 years, has refused to access, to almost, everything I need to live: not just, employment or housing, also: medical care, prescriptions, all social services, all charity assistance, all church group help, all media attention, almost all-of-my post mail, my other means of communicating with others, by: cellphone, social networking, and email-have also been severely limited, over the past 7 years, by the: US government.

           I almost died, over-and-over-again, and then Russians found me, and handed me money, and told me to live! No other country, not anywhere in the world, has ever cared for me. Here in Mexico City, MX, at the Intl airport, I am starving, and eating out of the garbage-even though, I have straight: “A,” Ph.D. studies, under my belt. I wish someone had told me, before I spent almost all my money, to fly to Mexico City, MX, to meet with the Russian Ambassador her, that Mexican hate me, before my arrive-I would have flown elsewhere. I had no idea, that Mexicans had it in for me. I know a few people from Mexico. I grew up-my Summers in: New Mexico. I have visited Mexico before, and I had no problems. I had no idea, prior to my arrival, that the entire country of Mexico, wants to kill me, by starving me to death, and rotting me, with treatable infection, by denying me access, to the toilets, and sinks, at the airport.

        I will require, financial assistance, to travel, both: back to Boston, MA, to obtain my prescription medications, and then on, to Moscow, Russia, in-order-to interview for employment, and-if necessary, to apply for political asylum, with Russia. If Russia, can hire me-then, I may not require, political asylum? However, if Russia is not able to hire me, then, I must apply for political asylum. I function well. However, it is impossible to live, with no access, or almost no access to money. Presently, I receive: ~8,000.00 USD, per year, from the US government, for my permanent physical disabilities, and, I cannot afford anything I need, most of the time. Additionally, the political situation, is soo poor, in the US, right now, that, I cannot obtain housing anywhere-not for any amount of money.

           I have a friend, in Boston, MA-at the airport, who gave me enough money just recently: 36.00, for some food, and emergency medical care, for the homeless. I was starving in Boston too, and could not afford a bus ticket, to the hospital. She, has expressed a sincere desire, to leave the US-at least temporarily, to visit Russia. Could you please consider, speaking to her, as well? I do not know the woman personally, and, I cannot divine, what valuable information, about the US, and the: “Crooked,” airline industry, that she could reveal to your professional offices-there at the Kremlin, in Moscow.

            My friend from Russia, is a bit older than me, by maybe 15 years. I am 40 years old. She works for American Airlines. Every time I fly on American Airlines, people on the plane, threaten to rape, and to kill me. American Airlines owes me money, and, they refuse to pay. I have the most trouble, with receiving and requesting, honest transactions, both: financial and otherwise, from: American Airlines. I fly, usually, at least 1 per month-and I am taking far more, International flights, at-this-time, in order to gain, more assistance, in regards, to my most pressing and immediate needs: financial, shelter related, medicinal, transportation, and employment.

          Unfortunately, my response to your email enquiry, was delayed. For unknown reasons, I did receive, your initial email communications, to my Spam box, in my email account, Email: I am still having difficulty, in utilizing my email account, from, through Russia-my email communications, are blocked, on almost a daily basis. I have no way to confirm, that I am receiving most of the email communications, that are sent to me. One of the primary reasons, that I decided, 7 years ago, to begin the steps necessary, to obtain political asylum, outside of the US, is due to the extreme communications difficulties, that I encountered-immediately, after I lost my housing, and all-of my belongings.


             It was, as I recall, two seconds, after the Mr. President Obama took office for the first time, in Washington, DC-that, I did find myself, homeless, and with no resources, and in the streets, of anywhere in America-and, with no family support, or even a friend to call, in America. Although, I have experienced a few improvements, since Donald Trump, has taken office, as the new President, of the US, the benefits to me, have honestly been, both: few, and far between. Mr. Obama-although no longer US President, refused to step down, from his self-created: “Terrror Dome,” pedestal, and, decided, that the whole of the US Democratic political party, is his personal group, of International terrorists. It appears, that Mr. Obama, works, and connects, through the International African Diaspora, however, being that he has: “grandiose and unhelathy delusions,” about becoming a universal power, controlled by an International police state, supported by the: US United Nations, and others internationally, Mr. Obama, networks, with almost any obscure, terrorist organization-almost anywhere, including: “Hitler Men.”


        The Democratic party, in the US, encourages and supports, the International Terrorist movement, that Mr. Obama, chose to finance, throughout his US Presidency. African immigrants, whom, Obama immigrated to the US, to support his presidency, have openly identified Mr. Obama, as an International terrorist, and an African Dictator, he is likened to: Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and Botha, of South Africa, and even, to Nelson Mandela, of South Africa-who, like Mr. Obama, won a Nobel Peace Prize, from Norway. My intelligence studies, with the US military, have revealed, that, Mr. Obama, gained grounds, as an International terror, and African dictator, through-the US military, and by reaching out Internationally, and offering to support-almost the entire economy, of other countries, like: Norway, while, individuals such as myself-Americans, who refuse to support terrorism, were kicked out, from our own homes, and left in our own streets, with no money or resources-to die!

        Terrorists, in the US, communicate through social networking, by text messaging, and through the use, of other computer based means, and with impunity, and no fear of International or domestic law enforcement, to engage, in: illegal and illicit activities-on a daily basis. I have several contacts, and working professional friends, at a few social networking website, however, Twitter, is the most reliable-they sent me Tweets, on a regular basis, that, contain information, which is both: political, and that offers some proof, of Mr. Obama’s, active terror and “participation,” in International politics. The Obama Administration, and supporting International governments, over pay, retarded people, to participate, in illegal activities, that qualify, under the auspice, as: “International Terrorism.”

        It was a pleasure to hear from you. I am hopeful, that Russia, will respond to my request, for employment. I have 3 incredibly bright adult children, who, will also want to prove, that they too are qualified, to work for, the Russian Federation, as, well-educated, and informed: intelligence officers. My eldest daughter-who studying on a NASA scholarship, is enrolled, and has almost completed, a Computer Science Engineering degree-undergraduate, through a US University. Education in the US, used to be required, and a valuable preparation, for employment-of any sort. Now, the new Americans, who attempt to dictate the guidelines, of the American experience-rape, and require sodomy, both: oral and anal sex, for anything at all, just like Mexico City, Mexico.

           I eat from the garbage here, because, I am not a prostitute, and, although well-educated, my education, experiences, and knowledge, are not: recognized, or appreciated, in any meaningful way. Venders, in the Mexico City, MX community, tell me, that they do not speak: English or Spanish. There is a huge: Muslim, and Israeli community here, surrounding the airport. I have identified, a: “Jewish Ghetto.” Money in both: America and in Mexico, are essentially almost useless now, and with no value, like money in Africa, because, it only has value-if:

1)       If you give blow-jobs;

2)      If the vender enjoys the sex;

3)      If the vender likes you;

4)      If you do anything, the vender wants you to do, in order to gain access, to what you need, etc.;

5)      And, the demands never end.

My second eldest-a son, is almost done, with his college level entry requirement courses, for an Engineering program as well-he plans to transfer, from a two-year university, to a four year University, to complete his Engineering degree: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. My youngest daughter, and my third child, is an almost straight: “A,” student, and she is completing high school. We-all four of us, are prepared, to move out of the US, due to the impossible political environment. Not enough has altered, since the recent election, as President, of: Mr. Donald Trump. I too, am a Republican. Right now, being a conservative Republican, in America, is more of a hindrance, than a benefit.


Body of the Email Communications: To Whom It May Concern: Russian Federation (USSR) Government, Regarding: Employment Application, as International Intelligence Officer, and My Request, for: Emergency Political Asylum, from the United States, To Russia, Moscow.

Reply Email To:

Dear Mr. Barr Basle,

       I am a fast learner, and would be pleased, if Russia could consider my application, as an International Intelligence officer. I do believe, that I would be an immediate boon, to the Russian Federation (USSR). I have no issues, in collecting pertinent information, that Russia requires, to further her goals, as a burgeoning, and growing world power, and empire. Russia, very well be, the next world hegemony-America is falling, and there are really, no other viable oppositions to Russia, at-this-time. However, I do offer you, a strong caveat emptor, in regards, to taking on the responsibilities, of any other country, that was not intelligent enough, to even protect, the economy-more less, the subjected masses.

         I am attaching a relatively recent photo of myself, therefore, you will be able to easily identify me. The picture, is a professional communication, for identification purposes only, and, not intended, as anything other than as stated. I have an acne condition, that requires access, to housing, regular showers/baths, and prescription medications. There is a clinic, in Boston, MA-that treats the homeless, regardless of the causes, of the state of affairs. I am homeless, for political reasons. I am well educated, by any nations standards, and, even with copious amounts of money, I still, am unable-because of the political situation, lingering in the US, unable to obtain housing.

          When I have access to housing, and my other fundamental needs are being met, my skin is perfectly clear. I am now located, at: Mexico City, MX Intl airport. The airport staff and police, promised to assist me with food, and then, changed their mind-even after I recorded the conversations, both: video and audio. I am starving. I eat from the garbage can, here in Mexico City, or I starve to death. I brush my teeth on-a-daily-basis (At least my teeth are white). I take multivitamins, as well. However, my skin is irritated from: dirty food, and other resources, which are difficult to obtain here. I am doing my best, while the airport staff, and local police-attempt to continuously inhibit me, to take care, of myself-my hygiene, and, other needs.

              When you find me, and do please send someone to speak to me in person-a representative, from the: Russian Embassy, here in Mexico City, MX, or from another location-Internationally, you will find, that the photo is honest, however, my skin is irritated, my clothing is not clean enough, and my demeanor, is tired, and a bit frustrated. I do much better, with every aspect of my life, and responsibility-if, I have, any financial resources, at all. I am all over the airport, all day long, however, I cannot go out into the community-not even with financial resources here-my money will not buy me anything, not, at any amount offered, and, I only speak: English and Spanish, my Russian, is fundamental, from a high school and introductory, college level, university: Russian course, intended, for US military intelligence, and not for, the general student body-I was the only student, in my college level beginning Russian course, who was not, a member of the US armed forces.

        The bathroom attendant, tell me, that only Jews, can use the toilet. The Mexican police, stalk me, and threaten me, in huge crowds, to ensure, that I will not have any access, to the toilet, or to food. People who offer to assist me, suffer, the same treatment. I have a suitcase full of dirty clothes, after two weeks-almost, of barley any WiFi. Without WiFi, I am having too much difficulty, placing phone calls, by Skype, or sending and checking emails. The people, who are in and out of the airport, are usually heartless terrorists, they call me ugly names, nd then run away with hurt feeling, when I reply.

       Yesterday, I was soo hungry, that I tried to leave Mexico early. American Airlines owes me money, and refused to move my plane ticket, from May 30, 2017-until today. I am starving to death. I barely gain access, to any food, from the garbage can. I need to wash my body, before my skin breaks out in yeast and pimple infections again. I do not have AIDS, or any other incurable STD, however, I grew up in an upper-class family. Bathing was required. I will rot away, if I have-to pee all over myself, and, if I have no access to soap and water, to at least wash my: hands, and face, and to rinse the nasty smoke, out of my hair.

      The pharmacy that was supposed, to fill all of my scripts in Boston, MA-Walgreens, only filled a few, and added medications, that I did not have a script for, and, I did not realize, until I had already returned to the airport, to fly to Mexico. My prescriptions, for my: yeast infection, and acne medications, were excluded intentionally, and most likely stolen again. America is such a mess. People are soo dishonest-even a pharmacist, I have to carry tons of legal records, copy everything, and maintain proof, of every uttered word, or, I am accused of being: "delusional," and not even, of just being a liar. America as a serious problem, with healthcare abuse, both: financial and otherwise. I will be forced to report, Medicaid fraud-again.

        Although, I do have a few scares on my face, they go away quite quickly, with the correct medications, if only the pharmacy, will fill the scripts, and then, also give the medications to me, as my dermatologist-has duly ordered. I need to return to Boston, MA, prior to flying on to Moscow, or to anywhere else, to pick up a Russia Tourist visa. Boston, MA, is the only city in America, during, my 7 years of homelessness, and "Blacklisted" unemployment," due to American politics, that has given me, almost all of the scripts I require, for medications I utilize, on a regular basis, to maintain, my overall, general health. I would never feel comfortable, traveling anywhere again, if, I could not bring my medications, with me. This airport, is too smoky, I use my asthma medications, that, the doctor in Boston, MA provided for me, all the time: both of my inhalers, and my nasal spray-all require a prescription, from a US board certified medical doctor.

      I will again look, for your prompt response, to my request, for a 30 day, temporary visa, to visit Russia, as a tourist. I am requesting, minimal financial support, so that I may exit, from Mexico City, MX, and return to Boston, MA, and then-continue-on, to Moscow, Russia. Additionally, I would like you to consider, meeting my friend, from Russia, who works with American Airlines, in Boston, MA-she, both: saved my life, by assisting me financially, and at the very same time, expressed a sincere interest, in returning to Russia-even if just temporarily. Donald Trump, being that he has been married, to two Russian women, both: Ivanka, and now Melania, is trying to work with Russian government, to rectify, the mess, which, Mr. Obama, left in his wake, as he exited from, the US Presidency.

         Mr. Obama, and his Democratic terror, are trying to make, implicating judicial evidence disappear-everywhere from: FBI, Wikipedia, Whitehouse Webpages, etc.-information online, and elsewhere, is disappearing. I am experiencing, too much difficulty, in keeping my supply, of court evidence, to prosecute, the Obama Administration, safe. My flash drives, are being stolen. My online homework and information is being copied, and potentially re-written, without my authorization, my attributions due-for my strenuous academic work is being removed, my ipads, cellphones, and computers themselves, are also being: broken and stolen. I worry, that the information I post online, may disappear sometime soon-as well.

        I encourage your professional offices, with the Russian Federation, to go online, and to search, under my name, for any-and-all court evidence, and/or other information, which I have made available, as part of the required: transparency/discovery, court processes-before it disappears. I have been tortured, for almost 20 years, the US, has never seriously responded, to any of my complaints. I am working too hard, and achieving almost nothing. I am almost always uncomfortable. I have no close friends to confide in. I am illegally isolated from my 3 three children, and for no real reasons, just stupid politics-no one cared, about how I felt, even when I was on deaths door step.

            I need to sue, for closure. I am angry. I am not a victim. I know that I am owed, huge financial settlements, for each-and-every violation, of my: civil and human rights, and for my continuing pain and suffering. My life, has been soo diffiuclt, and painful, with almost no assistance, from anyone anywhere-that, I have no sympathy at all, for the persons, who have subjected me, to this situation, of: penury, pain, social isolation, sensory deprivation, unemployment, and homelessness. I am a normal human being. I do not forgive everything. I hate. I look forward to your prompt response-again! I look forward, to hearing from, and to meeting your Russian Embassy representative, at some time, at the: Mexico City, MX Intl Airport, at some point in time, prior to my departing flight, on May 30, 2017, back to: Boston, MA. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

Active Google Blogger:

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