Saturday, May 27, 2017

RE: Trumps Recent Financial Cuts and Threats and US Welfare-Message to Senator Hillary Clinton: Thank You For Continuing To Care!


Good Morning Mrs. Clinton:

             After your husband, President Clinton, cut welfare benefits, to millions of poor and starving Americans, barely surviving in US projects-it is a breath of fresh air, that you care, that Mr. Trump, is still cutting American welfare benefits-while, at the very same time, refusing to hire Americans, such as myself, with PhD studies under my belt, and working towards, my 2nd Master's Degree. America, is steadily heading down-hill, even after Mr. Obama, has been replaced by President Trump.

         Will there ever be any relief, for any of us. I am in the middle of political asylum applications, immigration applications, and law school applications. For, me, suing-will never be enough, my 3 children and I, are essentially: "Stateless," now, and we must vacate, the United States of America. I pray, that an end to conflict, will come soon. Intl Peace Negotiations, need to be a priority, now.

           I spoke to the Ukrainian Embassy, for Russia, while working here in Mexico City, MX-I am a much better Peace negotiator, than John Kerry, and began to get somewhere, before the close of the work day, this past Friday. God bless. I sent your Clinton Foundation, and David Kendall Esq.-another set of emails. Thank you-for all of your hard work, and continued dedication-as a woman, for continuing to care about, other people too.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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