Thursday, May 18, 2017

RE: Mexico City, MX and My Pending Law School Applications, To Legal Institutions in Scvotland, UK: I Will Apply Prior To 2017 Deadlines-Full Scholarship-Required! Thank You For Concern and Continued Support.


RE: Intelligence Report to the UK: Mexico City, MX, and My Pending Applications, To Law Schools In the UK, To Practice Law, In Defense, of: International-Civil and Human Rights, both: Admittance, and Full-Coverage Scholarship, Are Required, For My Matriculation and Attendance.

To Whom It May Concern:

          Thank you for your recent email correspondence. I am being illegally detained, as a political prisoner and hostage, at the Mexico City, Mexico Intl airport. The airport, refused to deport me, back to the US, and, refused to assist me with any of my needs, until my departure flight, on the 30th, of this May, 2017. I walked for 4 days, on my broken left leg, and fractured ankles, to down town Mexico City, for emergency food, from Walmart-because I was not able to gain enough refuse, from the airport garbage cans, and, the airport refused my US dollars debit card-whereas Walmart, felt obligated, to accept, my American Money.

       It was then incumbent, upon me, to return, from the downtown, Mexico City, MX area of town, when, I was unable to gain access, to: a toilet or to water. The temperatures here, are hot and dry all day. I have heat sensitivity, and suffer from sun poisoning, and therefore, I must rest, for several days, before I attempt-with my broken bones, and fractured ankles, to walk anywhere again. The payphones down town, do not work. Only the Movistar phone, gave me any time at all, and, it cost me: 10.00 dollars in pesos, for 2, 1 minutes phone calls, it mattered not, how much additional money in pesos, that I added to the calling machine. I called the Russian Embassy, here in Mexico City, MX, and told him two times, that I was lost, and no car came to get me, so I returned, to the airport.

       The fever, from my 4 day excursion into Mexico City, MX is bad. When I returned to the airport, a: Mexican and Danish woman, both travelers, gave me some money, and, I was too tired, and feel asleep. Yesterday, when I awoke, some of the money, the two women had soo generously donated to me, for my well-being and livelihood, had been some how, stolen from my bra-it were: 90.00 Mexican pesos, that were missing. I spent the little bit of money left, on Aspirin, from the only pharmacy, that was honest enough to sell to me. Too many businesses, both: in Mexico City, MX, and even at the airport, are incredibly dishonest, and list no prices, then-they overcharge you, for refusing to sleep with them.

       I am well qualified, to study law-within the UK, the funding, is my only immediate concern. I did write to IAS of UK, in regards to immigration, because, I can no longer live in the US, due to the political situation there. It would seem, from what I am encountering, in Mexico City, MX-that, much of our American "terrorism" issues, both: domestic, and Intl, originated for America, in Mexico-an easy boarder, to cross-directly into the US. Airlines land here, from all over the world-the British airlines, like: Thomas, and British airways, never speak to me, whereas, other airlines, do say hello to me, and quite often sometimes, when they pass through airports, that I have been waiting uncomfortably, and for far too long at, for a return flight-to somewhere else, in the world. Has the political situation, in the UK improved, since: Cameron, and Boris Johnson, both stepped down?

     I originally came to Mexico City, MX, because plane ticket prices increased, to: Nicaragua, and to Cuba. I was set to meet, with both: the Russian, and the Norwegian Embassies, immediately following my arrival-and that, was over two weeks ago now. I am exhausted, and will make my way, to both Embassies, just as soon as I possibly can-I almost made it, earlier this week-at least, to the Russian Embassy. I will have money again, as direct deposit, later this month, and do intend, to apply for law schools, prior to the impending deadlines, for 2017. I require admissions, as well as a full scholarship. I think, that the great benefits, that me litigating, my: Intl civil and human rights violations cases, will provide-world wide, hopefully, is justification enough, to encourage and support-from a British stand point, both: my law school admittance, scholarship, and attendance.

      I have some great difficulties, in communicating, with many people internationally, and therefore, in addition, to sending out: emails, faxes, phones calls, flights around the world for face-to-face personal visits, text messaging, Twitter communications, etc., I also post my: freelance news stories, my intelligence reports, my valid Intl human rights violations cases and legal arguments, as well as my resume, etc., online: active Google Blogger: I try to make most of my resources, and my information, both: transparent, and available for perusal-I do, however, request, for attribution, for my work, whether you locate it posted online, of, whether someone has forwarded on, one of my email communications, to your attention. Thank you.

        Thank you, for your continued support, and email communications. I will be certain, that the law school applications, that I submit to the UK-this year, will be, full, and completed in a timely manner. Mexico City, MX, has been an eye opener, it has not just been: the lack of care, or the torture-it has also been, the infant and toddler slave sales at the airport, the payphones in town that do not work, the exorbitant prices everywhere, the sewage drains pilled high with do shit 9no wonder they need bottled water here), the belongings stolen and missing again, service refused over and over again-because I am not a Jew or a prostitutes, harassment and death threats from Mexicans-even at SuperWalmart, etc. I pray that all is well for you in the UK, and, I look forward, to making your acquaintance, soon enough. Please do respond, promptly, to my email communications. I require assistance, in regards to the out-of-control situation, here in Mexico City, MX.

       From what I understand, the newest PM, of France-has come, and possibly gone, and offered me no assistance-whatsoever. Next, I do believe, as announced in Mexican press: PM May, of the UK, Trump of the US, and, Pena-President of Mexico-should be holding some talks, and, I am highly skeptical, if those conversations, will benefit me at all either. Your personages, who are here, and visiting from the UK-they look mostly, of a Middle Eastern origin, and they are, some of the most inappropriate, and unfriendly individuals, that I have ever met-even the Mexican government, may object, to their continued rights, to future visitations, and, I would have to agree, and support that decision, by the Mexican government-after, what I have both: seen, and heard, at this Mexico City, MX Intl airport.

       Some of your UK citizens, are much worse, than just a mild embarrassment to the UK, and, you allowed them to immigrate to the UK regardless-I sincerely believe, that is a serious problem, for the British. Thank you again. I look forward to receiving your prompt response.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Active Google Blogger:

Flickr-Photos from Mexico City, MX: Elizabeth 1

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