Monday, May 29, 2017

Looking For Employment and Law School In Scotland: Email, To: The Law Society of Scotland, RE: New Employment Postings


RE: Request for employment: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
My resume, and other pertinent examples, of my high quality, and quantity of potential work,
are posted online, for your perusal: active Google Blogger: Thank you.

Dear Mr. Shannon Lawrence,

       Thank you so much, for your recent communications. I am replying to your email, from the lovely Mexico City, MX Intl Airport Hotel. I am preparing, for my return flight, to the US-tomorrow, in the early afternoon, via American Airlines, through Miami, FL. I should arrive, back in Boston, MA, by the 31st, of May, 2017. I require employment, and will happily look through, the additional employment positions, that you have posted, to: The Law Society of Scotland, H&R board. Additionally, it is today, that I intend to finally complete, my law school applications to Scotland-I am hopeful.

       Mexico City, MX has been, one of my most challenging assignments-thus far. I am presently, working as an intelligence officer, and requesting, that a country interested in the information-that, I am able to obtain-hire me. A law degree, in addition, to the experience I have gained working as an intelligence officer-is necessary, to process certain International legal cases, pertaining to: civil and human rights violations. I am looking for Intl support, for the defense, of both: civil and human rights.

      In times, of deep duress-such as when: life and liberty, are at stake, collecting the intelligence and evidence required, to process, those types of pressing legal issues-is far too complicated, for most lawyers, and-for even some legal systems, to handle. I am working hard, to prove, that I can manage and handle, the daily work and pithy allowances-that, I continue to assure, the International community-that, I can bare. I an competent, and I am capable-however, I should not have to work, entirely alone!

       While working here in Mexico City, MX-one part of my work, is the investigation, and the intelligence information, and collection of evidence itself, while, the other-and just important portion of my activities, involves-getting the information collected and analyzed, out to: International intelligence, media, law enforcement, and other interested parties. I post, as much information, as I am able to do so, online. I require more communications, and support, from the International legal community. I am traveling Internationally-and on a regular basis now, and, I am still not receiving
enough, Intl: contact and support, or even direction, to others who could assist me more?

           You may follow, my daily progress, and frustrations, through my: active Google Blogger, my active Facebook, or my active Twitter account-if I am on Twitter: current Blogger: or current Facebook: Bao Cary. Getting information out-of whatever dangerous field, I am working in, and to interested concerned 3rd parties, is just as important for my currently unpaid self-employment, as, collecting and preparing the information, for court. I require some assistance, not just with entrance to law school in Scotland, and with scholarship money for my fees, I need more help, with my legal cases, and their actual processing, through the Intl courts systems-in general.

         I have sent out, a number of emails recently, requesting any interested individuals, who may like to be considered as a co-counsel for court, and for processing my legal cases, and-to my lowest chagrin, not a single lawyer, from anywhere in the world-or a single media professional, has responded? I am baffled, by the lack of responsiveness, I have experienced thus far-Internationally, in regards to my valid legal complaints, both: within the US, and abroad-in regards to: illegal violations, of civil and human rights. Any additional assistance, that the: Law Society of Scotland, is both: willing and able to provide me, in regards to: obtaining necessary employment, entrance into law school in Scotland legal assistance and representation, etc.-will be, greatly appreciated.

        Lastly, because I have been experiencing, for the past 7 years, serious problems, with my court evidence, being stolen, and disappearing, I post both: videos, and photo evidence files, from my investigative research online, at: Flickr, and YouTube. Please take a little time, if your organization, is at all serious about helping me-and you might be, and look at a few of the photos, and a few of the videos, that I have made freely available to the general public-in support, of my: civil and human rights, Intl torture and abuse legal cases.

      My currently active Flickr account: Elizabeth 1, and, I have several up, and running YouTube accounts, with a few videos posted now, to each one. Thank you again, for your time, your attention, and your patience-in regards, to the matters, that are briefly mentioned above. I look forward, to your prompt response. Perhaps, I will have the happy opportunity, to meet some of you, at your professional offices, in Scotland. The next semester, for legal studies in Scotland, and, for which I am applying today, begins, in September, of this year-2017. Thank you again!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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