Sunday, May 28, 2017

A UK Man Was Rewarded-A Homeless Man, Was Granted Housing, For Assisting With Information Related To, The Recent, Manchester, UK Terror Attacks


RE: AP News Report-A Homeless Man, Granted Housing, For Assistance, With Manchester, Terror Attack

            A homeless man, was rewarded, for his assistance, in the after math, of the terror attack, on Manchester, UK. My reply. That is kind of the UK. I helped too. I am also homeless. I call in tips and information, as an intelligence officer from the US, to: the London Mayor's Office, Buckingham Palace, and MI5.

         My situation in the US, is soo bad-that I require political asylum in Europe, along with my 3 adult children, and the UK, has refused to help me-although, I am homeless too-and for almost 8 years now, although I am competent to work-I was illegally "Blacklisted," by both: the Mr. Obama, and now-apparently, the Mr. Trump US Presidency as well, although, I am a Republican.

      Prince Harry, invited me, to come and stay at his Princess Diana charity house, however,I have never been a prostitute, and, therefore, do no get on-with the ladies, of the night. The UK, should offer me something. I am reporting currently, from: Mexico City, MX. My field work situation, is stressing, and arduous-HUMINT, human intelligence, field work, and research-as well as, evidence collection and analysis. I am applying for Intl law school, through Scotland, by the end of this month, and I am well qualified, to study law, in the UK.

      The UK government, should offer me a seat, and a full scholarship, for all of my hard work, in identifying Intl terrorists, and calling in the reports-all on my own dime. I deserve a reward as well. I am thousands of miles away. I still work, and for no pay, and, I identified, the Manchester, UK terror attack correctly, as the Hitler Men, who killed Princess Diana, and who, have a strong hold, and comfort zone, right here, in Mexico City, MX. Law school in Scotland, and full scholarship please-I too, am a hero, in some way. Thank you, for accepting, my request.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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