Thursday, June 1, 2017

RE: Kicked Out Of Logan Intl Airport, By Boston, MA Airport Police, For Refusing To Prostitute: "I Hve No Business For The Airport!" US Police Are Rapists!


RE: To USA White House-Miss. Bayo Elizbeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Intelligence Report, From: Boston, MA, Post: Mexico City, MX.

To Whom It May Concern:

        I was kicked out of Logan Intl airport, in Boston, MA-for refusing to prostitute, by some evil US police, who work with Mexican cleaning staff. The entire trip, to Mexico City, MX-people harassed me-mostly Mexicans, because, they falsely believed, that they had the right, to rape me. I barely made t out of Mexico City, MX Intl airport, two days ago-as the airport staff, continued to request to see my US passport, with the clear intentions, of stealing it.

       The airplane, from Mexico City, MX Intl airport, was filled to the brim, with mostly Mexicans, and then, a few gay White couples, and their stolen/bought/rape ass-newly acquired, Mexican babies, and children-of all ages. The trip to Mexico City, MX, was in too many ways, a complete nightmare for me. Mexicans, tried to rape me, from the time I woke upin the morning, until I went to bed at night.

    Only the Mexican police, were polite and agreeable towards me, and agreed, that they did not want to rape me-unfortunately, our US police, are not as safe-not towards me, or, towards anywhere else-did America hire their police, from: California/Mexico? I am now in town: Boston, MA-and using Starbucks WiFi. Law schools, in Scotland, are requesting that I complete details missing, from the law school applications, that I began submitting, from the Hilton Hotel,
at the Mexico City, MX Intl airport.

      The WiFi, at Logan Intl airport, is soo broken, that-I cannot even detect a signal, with my Internet testing device-most of the time. I began to have a panic attack-almost, just before I was finally kicked out of the airport-here in Boston, MA today, because, the public pay phones there, are beginning to break-just like the non-working, broken public pay phones, all over: Mexico City, MX.

        Several years ago, when I first began applying for political asylum in the UK, residents of Arizona informed me, that: Prince Charles, hates Mexicans-and, I had no idea why? Then recently, regarding the: "Wall," on the Trump agenda-it was also communicated to me, that our new President: Donald Trump, is not a fan, of Mexico, or Mexicans either. After, a hellish 30 days in Mexico City, MX-I can now conceive, why-any one on earth, would have some strong negative feelings, towards the current Mexican culture.

       I was traumatized, by listening to: babies, who were being raped and sold, at the Mexico City, MX Intl airport-they screamed and cried in pain-all night, every night I was there. ECHO! I have never-in my entire life, had soo many crazy
people-both: men and women, try to rape me before-I almost needed, more, than the simple razors, and open bladed razors, that I was carrying.

       Even the constant shelling, and bombing of the Mexico City, MX Intl airport, did nothing, to deter-extremely aggressive Mexicans, who had their mind set, on forcing me to contribute, to their Intl babies sales factory, and market. To say the Mexico City, MX, was unpleasant-is an understatement. I came-in a round about way, to the conclusion, that-Mexicans, must have attempted to rape, both: Prince Charles, and President Donald Trump-as well?

      The attempted rape, was when my most concentrated hate, and anger, against the Mexican contemporary culture, began to develop-I wanted a real weapon. However, there really is, no polite way, to broach that question-to either man. "Do you hate Mexicans, because, every time they get within ear shot-they try to rape you too?"

       I called the Russian Embassy Visa Applications office today-they are expecting me next. I need to have some lab tests, and blood work done, as well as some additional safe to fly-travel paper work, and quite possibly, establish a bank account, and obtain international travel insurance, before  show up in Washington, DC-next. I require the completion, and acceptance, of three new Visa applications now, and Russia, requires additional blood work, and paper work, to file the Visa application:

1) Russia-tourist Visa;
2) Norway-Re-entry Pre-approval Short Visitation Visa; and
3) Scotland, UK, Pre-Approved, Prolonged Stay, Study Visa, For Law School (I hope!).

I should have a new cell phone, and number, in a few short days-I am still homeless, and actively seeking employment. It is my understanding, that Russia may decide to interview me, for an intelligence position, in their Washington, DC offices. Thank you, for continuing to receive, my email communications-which, are also posted online, at the following active Google Blogger, website: Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


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