Thursday, October 27, 2016

Terrorists Have Taken Over Orlando International Airport-No Flying From Here Anymore-For Me


To Whom It May Concern:

      My name is: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS. I am a freelance reporter, and I am set to begin Intelligence Officer Training, with the US Marines-as a civilian, this December, of 2016. I post my news stories online, because-although I am looking for employment, I have not be accepted by a publisher, or editor, as of yet. I am a political prisoner and hostage in the US.

            Today, I tried to fly out of Orlando International Airport, in Orlando, FL. The airport is crawling with Africans. The Africans were hired-not only by the airport itself, also by: TSA, and by the Orlando police department. The Africans on staff, are walking around, and they are harassing and threatening everyone at the airport. I was in line, to check my baggage at the check-in counter, when an African police officer came to harass and threaten the AeroMexico flight staff. I could not check-in to the flight.

           Due to the fact, that there are soo many Africans, at the MIA airport, in Miami, FL-I am not able to book a flight to fly out of there either. I am online again-cancelling my hostel reservations in Mexico City, MX-for tonight, and arguing with Smartfares airplane booking agency, because, they over charged me, and tied up all of my money, then, they decided that they did not want to return payment for the ticket back to me, after the entire airport, and staff here-made it impossible for me to fly-I am being tortured in the US, and illegally detained, by the Mr. Obama African government here.

          I do not support Mr. Obama, and, I will have to take a train, to the White, wealthy, conservative South Florida community of West Palm Beach, FL-the home of the second: Donald Trump towers, in order to have any prayer at all-to fly out of the US, to somewhere safer. I cannot reasonably, make another attempt to fly to Mexico-not after: American Airlines illegally cancelled my ticket out of MIA, and then today-the problems were just as bad-AeroMexico-made no effort whatsoever to assist me-just blank stares, and, who cares-again.  I am not physically well, and I arguing with people all day long, only to have almost no sleep.

         Crazy Africans are in my face all day long, with ugly mean aggressive expressions, and calling me mental, because I refuse to sleep with them. Mr. Obama is a disgusting dictator, just like: Mr. Mugabe, and he supports International Terrorism. Africans, who moved to the US, after having been invited by Mr. Obama, are only here to: rape, kill, steal, and in any other way, hurt Americans.

           Due to the extreme amounts of pain, and suffering, and abuse, that I have suffered, at the hands of Africans, and the Obama Administration-I have developed a very strong negative racist, and hateful feeling towards: Africans, and others, who force people to prostitute. I hate America. People online are beginning to beg me, not to sue them, for the mis-treatment that I have experience in the US and abroad, for well over just this past 6 years of homelessness. I can offer no mercy. I am soo angry, that I want to flip the switch on the electric chair myself.

          In Florida, we have the death penalty. As a Republican, and, as a Floridian, I want people to die, for how they have treated me. An apology, will never be enough for me-nor will all the money in the world. I am still in the process of applying for European law schools, for the January 2017 term. I want to prosecute, the International court cases-myself.  These Obama supporting people, who support International Terrorism-not only do they rape: men, and women, they also attack: children and babies. People in Orlando, FL, are some of the most physically disabled-almost unable to walk down the street-from soo many ass rapes people, that I have ever seen in the US.

         There are some secrets, you should never keep, and, there are some situations, that you can never apologize for. Thank you for receiving my email communications. I continue to email, and to call, and to beg for assistance. I sincerely pray, that someone who cares about me, will respond to my cries for assistance, sometime soon?


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
New Cell: 352-219-1872

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