Monday, October 24, 2016

After Admitting Me In 2012 Then Sending Me Numerous Emails of Encouragement And Advertising Scholarships Available-Northumbria Rejected My Application For Legal Studies

I recently flew to London-Gatwick airport, in hopes that I might be able to speak to the Norwegian Embassy there, in order to discuss my pending appeal, for my application for political asylum, from the US. The trip was awful. British are mean, and uncaring people, however, I was invited to re-apply to law school, in Newcastle, at Northumbria. When I returned to the US-after having received many emails from the university, including a promise, that scholarships, are now available-instead of my second welcome to studies with Northumbria, I received a kurt rejection. As saddened and disappointed as I was, by the reception the my application for legal studies in the UK received, I really must say, it did fall in direct line, with the: crass, rude, careless, Spartan attitude-which received me at the Gatwick, London airport. At this point, I do not know, why, anyone really, would want to visit the UK? Freelance reporter. Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS  New Cell: 352-219-1872  Email:

Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary
1215 Nw 4Th Street
Gainesville, Fl
United States

Applicant Reference:
Dear Miss Cary
We regret to inform you that, after careful consideration, the University is unable to offer you a place on this programme
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your application and the interest you have shown in Northumbria University, and to wish you every success in your search for a suitable course.
Please find attached a pdf document as official confirmation of our decision.
Yours sincerely
Tracey Hogg
International Admissions

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