Thursday, October 13, 2016

Formal Complaint Against CVS Stores And Pharmacy Extra Care Bucks Missing Again 10-13-2016


Reference #: 6353490 

Complaint related to CVS pharmacy:

        Several days ago, I signed up, for a CVS pharmacy account, because-as advertised online, I was told, that I would earn: 5.00 dollars, in CVS extra care bucks. I signed up for the pharmacy services, and then, I did not receive the benefits promised-the 5.00 dollars, in extra care bucks, for signing up for, a CVS pharmacy account online.

        I have had, a number of problems, with CVS, in regards, to extra care bucks-this is not the first time, that I was denied extra care bucks, that should have been rewarded to me, for reaching my spending goals, on products sold at CVS stores. I need the 5.00 dollar, extra care bucks, promised to me, for signing up, for, for a CVS pharmacy account online.

      I am homeless. I have been homeless, and unemployed, for almost the entire Obama Administration. I am an applicant for political asylum in Europe, because Americans have been refusing me work, for almost 8 years now. I have no way to care for myself, in the United States, because I have no way to obtain money.

       I applied-several times, for employment positions, at various CVS stores, at several locations, here in the US, and, although I have already earned a Masters Degree, I have no history of stealing or dishonesty, and, I was willing to work long hours, CVS-never offered me an interview-while, at the very same time, I am a frequent shopper, at CVS stores across America, and as such, I often time encounter, CVS employees-that are even recently hired, who are, much less qualified to work in their positions at CVS-than me, had I been hired instead!

    Please issue to my new CVS card, the 5.00 dollar extra care bucks, promotional gratuity, that was offered to me, for signing up, for a CVS pharmacy account online. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell; 352-219-1874

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