Tuesday, October 11, 2016

American Airlines-Vacations Department-"Your Cancelled Vacation By Our Africans On Staff Is Not Our Fault-Ask Another Department Again!" 10-11-2016


      Dear Sharon H.,

               I have been reaching out to American Airlines, to various departments, for over 3 months now, in regards to the refund, that American Airlines owes me, in regards to, my illegally cancelled plane ticket to Cozumel, Mexico. The police, left me for dead, in Orlando, FL, during this most recent hurricane Mathew. I am an applicant for political asylum in Europe, because I am being persecuted by American police. You are the only employee at American Airlines, who has shown any concern at all, for my situation. I have been brutally assaulted, numerous times, by police in the US, and for no reason-to the point where, I could barely write, my wrists were soo injured, I suffered internal bleeding, and I needed a wheelchair and walker, for almost 2 years.

              I have been homeless in the US, and unemployed, for almost the entire Obama Administration, with no assistance or care, from anyone in the US community. I desperately need an airline ticket, to fly Internationally, to escape from the US. It is wrong, for American Airlines, to hire African terrorists, who work for the Obama Administration, and who feel comfortable cancelling my plane ticket to Mexico, so that police in the US, can more easily kill me, when I am stuck on the side of the road-anywhere in the US, with no: friends, family, money, opportunity, or even a good Samaritan to assist me. I am devastated, by what I recently had to suffer through, as a victim of the hurricane Mathew situation, in Orlando, FL.

      I require your assistance, in obtaining, my refund from AA, or, a replacement plane ticket, for an: domestic/international flight-out of the US, to somewhere much safer, where people care about humanity, and how they treat other people. My life is in constant peril, and shame on AA, for not caring enough, to respond to my requests in a meaningful way, in a timely manner. Thank you for continuing to receive my email communications. I am in Winterhaven, FL now-where WiFi was cut off on me this morning, for reaching out to: The European Court of Human Rights, and the: International Criminal Court system on Twitter, and where yesterday-due to a lack of sufficient warning, as I was crossing the local train tracks-I was almost hit by a Sunrail train. In conclusion, there is no way, that I would consider reaching out to US police, for assistance-not in any matter, I would much prefer, to die another day!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: text only 352-219-1874
Email: baieliza@yandex.com

10.10.2016, 02:59, "AAV2" <aav2@aavacations.com>:
Dear Bayo Elizabeth Cary,

Thank you for your email. You have reached the American Airlines Vacations department. In order for you to find a resolution to your current situation, a few things need be done. For a refund on a flight, a call must be made to 1-800-433-7300 to find out about a refund or you may call your Visa card company, and they can call on your behalf. Most important is seeking shelter, food, and water. Any Police station that you go into will assist with making sure you are placed properly. 


Sharon H.

On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Bai Eliza Cary <baieliza@yandex.com> wrote:

      At present, I am currently located in the Orlando, FL area.  Two days ago, the community of Orlando, FL, left me outside, with no: food, water, or access to a toilet, to sit, in freezing rain, in hurricane Mathew. The Orlando, FL community, offered me no assistance-although, I am physically disabled, asthmatic, and suffering from severe pain, related to recent, and past, assaults on my life-all across America. I suffered from a: fever, dysentery, chills, and extreme physical pain, and not one single person-not from the community, or from an emergency outreach service, such as the Red Cross, reached out to me.

     I had no access to a cell phone. I had no access to WiFi. And, security, and local police, chased me away from access to basic electric, to charge a free cell phone in my possession, which is only able to send and receive text messages.  All of the bottled water, sold out at the local Publix grocery-still no one attempted to even speak to me. Police drove by me, in their cruisers, until the storm got too bad, then they retired, to the comfort and protection, of their police unit station.

        People in the neighborhood, who needed to walk their poodles to toilet, came around me, when the rain slowed a bit. The people in the downtown neighborhood, where I was forced to huddle in a damp cold corner, made fun of me, for being homeless, and wet, and dirty.  They walked their dogs right up to me, like I was a fire hydrant, to relieve on-instead of a tortured human being, who was being treated, in the most inhumane ways imaginable.

          I am well educated. I am functional. I am normally, a clean, and well groomed individual. I have had no employment, and almost no housing, since Mr. Obama has been president. I have been homeless, in the US, for almost 7 years no, with no respite. I have no friends or family, here in the US, who are willing to assist me, or, who are willing to hire me. I am desperate for political asylum in Europe. I am half-way, through an application for political asylum in Norway. The death toll, from hurricane Mathew was high. My life is in constant danger in the US-it is not only: hurricanes, blizzards, hail storms, tornado warnings, or the harsh dry heat-of an Arizona Summer, with no shelter, or food, or water.

      I spend a great deal of my time, reaching out to people, in other parts of the world, and begging for their assistance, with my political asylum application to Europe. Americans pretend, like this is such a wonderful country. I never have what I need. I do not even have enough money per month, to meet my needs by shopping only at a Dollar Tree Store. I am in a PhD program. I will begin Intelligence Officer Training-as a civilian, with the US Marines, in November, 2016. I am also an applicant to law school, for the January, 2017 term-where I have been accepted on a prior occasion, in the UK. Additionally, I have taught myself, to read-and I am still learning, a few languages, other than English.

       Because of the sociopolitical situation in the US, I am persecuted by American police. I was recently attacked several times, in the Washington, DC area, by police officers there. One officer-in Chinatown, threw his lit cigarette, at my flammable dress. Another police officer-also Black, assaulted me, at the: Reagan National Washington Airport, where I was waiting on a flight to London. I was only flying to London-to once again, beg for some assistance, because of the harsh reality, of my situation in the US.

       When I arrived in London, both: Tascor/Immigration stated, that I seemed to be doing soo well, that they could not imagine that I required any help. Tascor/Immigration UK-also stated, that: America is such a safe country, that, regardless of my own personal circumstances, the UK, is not willing to ever consider, my application for political asylum, from the US-regardless of how dire, my personal circumstances are. UK Parliament, has deemed the US, as a: "Safe Country," and therefore, there is no way, that the UK, would ever be willing to help me.

      It would seem, that the only country, on the entire planet, that may be willing to assist me, or that is able to demonstrate any concern, for the devastating situation I suffer in-is Norway. I a half-way through my political asylum application to Norway, and, it is necessary for me, to have permission from Norway, and their immigration police, to return to the country, to see my lawyer-who I did not see, prior to leaving, to complete my appeal paperwork and legal case, for UDi and UNE, to remain as a refugee, in Norway.  If there is another country, anywhere in the world, that would be willing to assist me-then please inform me at once. I am physically ill. I have no access to medicine in the US. I am not doing well, from the continued: torture, abuse, and assaults, as well as the homelessness and attendant illnesses.

         American Airlines, owes me money, for a plane ticket that they illegally cancelled. I was to fly to Mexico, to be safer, and, I had housing reservations, for the entire month. I had even changed money into pesos-already. Africans-pro-Obama, at the MIA airport in Miami, who work for American Airlines, cancelled my flight to Mexico. Finally, AA agreed that they owed me the money, from the cancelled flight. Then AA, made no real efforts, to return the money, from the cancelled flight, to me. I have been complaining about the money owed-with no results, to AA, since July, 2016-when my flight was cancelled. AA state, that they sent a check, then, they change the answer-as to where the money was even sent. I have no proof whatsoever, that AA, has ever refunded the money to me.

       I paid for my flight, with Visa. When you pay with Visa, the return is supposed to be to the credit card. AA, has been making excuses, for several months now-while I suffer in desperate need, for my returned ticket money, or at least for a free flight, to somewhere else: domestic/international, as to where the money was returned to. AA, is completely un-concerned about me, or about my personal safety, or about me going to anywhere else in the world, where I will be treated, with more: care, concern, and respect. America, is a complete nightmare for me.

          Regardless of what other Americans say about the US, my application, for political asylum to Europe, is only for myself, and based on my own personal circumstances. I know that I work hard, and that I should have at least something, and I know, that the American government, is in the wrong, because, they will not allow me to have anything-NOTHING. I know, that my life is in constant danger, I have well documented information and evidence for court. I must have political asylum, and soon, or I will die-another hurricane, is in fact, on the way, and, I still, have no: friends, family, money, shelter, food, water, etc.

Dear Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary,

Thank you for your email and contacting American Airlines Vacations.

I apologize, we are unable to assist with flight reservations. Please contact our Air Reservations at 1-800-433-7300. I am sorry for the trouble you have had. 

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact 1-800-321-2121.


Scotti Quiroz

09.10.2016, 01:30, "AAV2" <aav2@aavacations.com>:
Dear Miss Bayo Elizabeth Cary,

Thank you for your email and contacting American Airlines Vacations.

I apologize, we are unable to assist with flight reservations. Please contact our Air Reservations at 1-800-433-7300. I am sorry for the trouble you have had. 

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact 1-800-321-2121.


Scotti Quiroz

On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 4:30 PM, <baieliza@yandex.com> wrote:

Contact information:

Name: MISS Bayo Elizabeth Cary
AAdv#: 0000000
Primary phone: (1) 3522191874
Secondary phone:
Primary email: baieliza@yandex.com

Your message:

( 10-8-2016 July, 2016, I booked-from Newark, NJ-on American Airlines, to: Cozumel, Mexico. I am an applicant for political asylum in Europe, the United States, is too dangerous a place for me. Africans-Obama supporters, at MIA-in Miami, illegally cancelled my plane ticket, to Cozumel, MX-where, I had pre-paid reservations for housing, for the entire month, and, the plane ticket, as well as my reservations in Mexico, had been confirmed. Since that time, I have suffered to too great an extent, in the US, my life continues to be in eminent and immediate danger, due to the current sociopolitical situation, in the US. American Airlines, finally agreed with me, that they owed me at least a return of the money, for the flight that I was denied. I was informed, a refund for the Cozumel, had been sent to: 1215, NW 4th Street, G-ville, FL, 32601. Later, I was informed-money had been returned to my booking agency. I never a received a check, or a return, through the booking address-I paid with my Visa. When you pay with a Visa, return, is to Visa, and not by check. I need the money to be returned to me immediately, or a free: domestic/ Int'l flight . The City of Orlando, FL, left me outside, in the latest hurricane that occurred here-no emergency services, water, or food, were available to me, and, I could have died-in the US-again. 352-219-1874 Email: baieliza@yandex.com  or BaiEliza1Cary@yahoo.com AA needs to be seriously concerned, that I have not received, the refund promised to me.

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