Saturday, October 1, 2016


RE: Complaint Contiuned: Against American Airlines: Refund Check Never Received: Replacement Airline Ticket Requested: Immediate  Payment/Reparations Are Past Due

To Whom It May Concern:

      A refund check was due to me, immediately following, my plane ticket to Cozumel, Mexico, being illegally cancelled by American Airlines staff, around and about: July 2, 2016. I was told, that AA has issued a refund check, in response to the illegally cancelled flight, to Cozumel, MX. I was told first, that the refund check was mailed to the home address on file. I was then told, that the refund check was instead issued to my booking agent.

       I have checked, with both addresses and locations, and, still no refund check, is available to me. I am homeless, and have been so, for almost 7 full yrs now, with no: employment, housing, or access to anything else I require for survival, for almost the entire Obama Administration. I am extremely physically ill, from the chronic state of homelessness-with no: friends or family to help me, that politics in the US-has left me suffering unfairly in.

       My situation in the US, is torturous. It is extremely difficult, for me to come by any money at all. I am traveling, all over the US, and all over the world-as my physical health deteriorates, begging various individuals, and organization, for their immediate emergency assistance. It is not acceptable to me-not in any way, in which so ever, that AA has not in some other way compensated me, for the refund, which, has no real viable way, of reaching me.

         I am at airports all of the time, and see no real reason why AA, has not simply issued me a replacement ticket, for: domestic/international flight, as compensation, and apology, for the great deal of pain and suffering, that the initial canceling, of my AA ticket to Cozumel, MX-has caused me. I am being persecuted by police in the US, under the direction and approval, of the Obama Administration-my life is in immediate danger, for every second that I am  forced to remain, within the United States. Although, I am an applicant for political asylum abroad, no country has agreed to assist me-not as of yet.

        Thank you for continuing to receive my email communications. I have a series of complaints, against American Airlines, and against many other businesses, organizations, and sectors of the US, and other governments, in response to a lack of cooperation, which I believe, stems from the Obama Administration, and their continued approval, of my mis-treatment. I am a responsible adult. I am competent, and place reasonable requests, for: client relations, care, and overall communications. The continued lack of responsiveness, from various individuals-whether it be within in the US, or abroad, is of serious, and growing concern-as my person situation grows exponentially worse.

        I am in the process, of seeking legal representation, for the great numbers of complaints, and evidence in my favor-that, I have soo patiently: collected, stored, and transported both: domestically and internationally, over the past 7 yrs of homelessness, that I have barely survived, in the US. I am both: shocked and saddened, by the continued lack of: concern, care, or responsiveness, that the US, and other governments internationally, have given to my: perilous situation, here in the US. I have no reason to lie about, how devastating my circumstances have been, and still are, and therefore, the lack of response, that I have received internationally, after my many: phone calls, emails, travels, etc.-is logically perceived by me, as being both: intolerable, and inconceivable.

      I pay a great deal of attention, to the many charity causes, and other marketed items-such as: clothing, food, travel, household items, electronics, etc., which receive: financial donations, or attention as products that are purchased, or that even receive air time from media-as being: interesting, novel, important, imperative, etc. I am disdainful, that doggy day care, pet food, rescue pets, and emergency anima shelters-within the US, routinely receive, more attention and interest, than myself.

       I am a human interest media story, and the circumstances under which, I must try hard to maintain myself-soo unusual and stressing, that my heart bleeds, to know, that Americans, and other people, of some financial consequence abroad, find me personally, soo vexing and distasteful-that, they are unwilling, to in any way whatsoever, express concern, for my situation. In the United States, my treatment, is worse than that, of the family dog, and the fact, that no one seems to care-not anyone anywhere, leaves me breathless, terrified, and resentful.

       I am frightened for both myself, and for my three children, who also require immediate emergency assistance, with acquiring safe accommodations, and employment abroad-far away from what is now for me, a miserable series, of traumatic experiences. Thank you again. Please do assist me, in any way you can-in any way, that you are both: willing and able, including in, the forwarding on of my messages to others, who are qualified, and capable to help me. Thanks.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Current Location: Orlando International Airport  Orlando, FL USA
Cell phone: 352-219-1872  Text messages only.

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