Sunday, October 16, 2016

Law School Application: Law School Personal Statement 10-16-2016

To Whom It May Concern:

     I have chosen an L.L.B. program in the U.K., to practice International law.  I have lofty ideals and high aspirations. I would love to make the world a better place.  I have been a member of: Amnesty International, the ACLU, W.W.F., E.D.F., N.A.A.C.P., the Sierra Club, and numerous other multinational/International organizations, including: Doctor's Without Borders-who are working hard to make the world a better place. Additionally, I recently established my own nonprofit, as a homework assignment, for my doctoral studies PhD program, in: business administration and advanced accounting.

        Unfortunately, International precedents are not currently considered by the U.S. Supreme Court.  There are soo many important issues, which need to be addressed on an International level, because, countries like America-refuse to address many pertinent issues, regarding: civil and human rights-I the domestic court system. I intend to earn at least a Barrister's License in order to practice law in the U.K., and abroad, with a focus, on: International Civil and Human Rights Abuses. 

Diversity Statement:

    I attended a minority summer law program, on full scholarship, at Florida State College of Law, some years ago, while I was still an undergraduate, at Florida State University.  At that time, we had a long and drawn out discussion, among the scholarship participants, in regards to what: affirmative action is, what a minority is, and what was at that time, legally meant, by the term: diverse, specifically in regards to the law school environment.

     At that time, Texas law schools were in the process of eliminating affirmative action, as it had previously been applied, to their law school admissions considerations.  Minority, I was told, legally, at that time, included: both: ethnic minorities and women.  Therefore, I did qualify for the summer minority pre-legal studies program, at the Florida State College of Law, because I am a woman, and the single mother, of three children, who are all almost in high school.  My two eldest are at the same high school that I attended, and my youngest, is still at the same private school, where I also completed middle school.

     Diverse, in so far as, a university environment was concerned, is not necessarily based on ethnic or racial differences, it was then, at that time, based primarily, on the difference between people, i.e. people with different life experiences.  I am not of a specific ethnic or racial background, which is considered “minority,” due to the fact that, I was raised by a White mother, and my mother's family is White, I have had a diverse life experience. My original birth certificate states: White mother, and White child--I was adopted with that birth certificate, which pertains to me. I consider myself an American.

     I did exceptionally well, in my 1st Masters Degree program: library and information science. My grade point average in the Master’s Degree program, was a perfect: 4.0, and, I completed a 77 page, which was a properly documented voluntary thesis, prior to my August 7, 2010 graduation. I am presently enrolled, in a doctoral studies business administration program, with a focus on advanced accounting. In November, of 2016, I will begin my 2nd Masters Degree, as an intelligence officer in training-as a civilian, with the US Marines.

    I do not have a car.  I eat, because I qualify for a small monthly amount in food stamps, and I spend most of the day-if I am lucky enough, to have a room at a hotel-washing the few things that fit, out by hand in the sink.  I have, for almost 12 years now, had approximately: 4-5 out fits, that actually fit, 2 pairs of shoes, and I have had to skip meals often, and I have had to: walk, ride my bike, or risk breaking down some where, in a car, that I could not afford to maintain.

       I hope you are considering me, as a serious candidate for admission.  I have been homeless, in the US, for almost 7 full years now-no: employment, or housing, for almost the entire Obama Administration. I am an applicant for political asylum in Norway. Additionally, I am requesting, that Northumbria, consider me for any: grants, scholarships, student internships, student work study, or other programmes on campus, that would allow me some sorts, or tuition assistance. My situation, is highly unusual, which does qualify me, as a diverse candidate.

     If you require any additional information from me, please do not hesitate to contact me by email again, at:  I can be reached by skype as well, but, I would need you to contact me by email first, in order to make the arrangements, in order to speak by skpe. My new cell, is as follows: 352-219-1872


Miss B. Elizabeth Cary, A.A., B.A., M.A.

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