Saturday, October 8, 2016

American Airlines Illegally Cancelled Flight July of 2016 And Still No Concern Regarding Promised Refund That Was Never Received-If It Were Even Issued? 10-8-2016


RE: American Airlines No Action Taken Regarding Promised Refund For Illegally Cancelled Flight-July, of 2016

       July, 2016, I booked-from Newark, NJ-on American Airlines, to: Cozumel, Mexico. I am an applicant for political asylum in Europe, the United States, is too dangerous a place for me. Africans-Obama supporters, at MIA-in Miami, illegally cancelled my plane ticket, to Cozumel, MX-where, I had pre-paid reservations for housing, for the entire month, and, the plane ticket, as well as my reservations in Mexico, had been confirmed.

       Since that time, I have suffered to too great an extent, in the US, my life continues to be in eminent and immediate danger, due to the current sociopolitical situation, in the US. American Airlines, finally agreed with me, that they owed me at least a return of the money, for the flight that I was denied. I was informed, a refund for the Cozumel, had been sent to: 1215, NW 4th Street, G-ville, FL, 32601.

        Later, I was informed-money had been returned to my booking agency. I never a received a check, or a return, through the booking address-I paid with my Visa. When you pay with a Visa, return, is to Visa, and not by check. I need the money to be returned to me immediately, or a free: domestic/ Int'l flight .

        The City of Orlando, FL, left me outside, in the latest hurricane that occurred here-no emergency services, water, or food, were available to me, and, I could have died-in the US-again. 352-219-1874 Email:  or AA needs to be seriously concerned, that I have not received, the refund promised to me.

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