Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Legal Complaint Against HigherOne Bank And Bank Mobile Of The Philippines For Ignoring US Banking: Practices, Rules, Regulations, And Legal Repercussions Thereof


Legal Complaint: HigherOne Bank Illegally Blocking Me From: Access My US Student Financial Aid-For Almost Two Years Now, While, I Languish Homeless in The Street, With Almost No Assistance-Desperate, And, Necessary Application For Political Asylum in Europe

To Whom It May Concern:

       I am a homeless PhD student, who has had a bank account through Bank Mobile, for almost 2 years now, and, I have no access to my financial aid. Student financial aid, is considered a restricted form of money, it is available to students, solely for the purposes, of being spent as a resource, on costs related to, obtaining an education, ie: books, study related materials, student housing, etc.  I have needed my student financial aid, more than-maybe any other student, you have ever held a bank account for.

       I call your offices, all the time, requesting a timely resolution, to the illegal hold, that has been on my student banking account through: HigherOne Bank, and now: Bank Mobile, for almost two years now. Every time, that I call the bank service center-which, really should be in New Haven Connecticut-where, it is widely publicly shared, that the bank is located, instead-I reach your offices in the Philippines.

       Although I have been told, over and over again-that English, is a lingua franca in Manila, and although, I do speak to both: representatives, and their supervisors, n headway has been made, in almost 2 years, towards Bank Mobile removing the: -99,000.00 balance-which is treated as a debit, and this is illegal-that has been placed on my student financial banking account. In fact-I was not able to complete my study program, with: Northcentral University, in my doctoral studies, because the bank-is making it completely impossible, for me to access the student financial aid, US Federal funding-which I and every other US University student requires, in order to assist, with all the pertinent costs-related to obtaining a post-graduate education in the US.

       Every time I call into Bank Mobile, I am told, that I should re-secure my bank account. I have already re-secured my bank account, at least 4, or 5 times.  The issue, of my bank account having been associated, with some fraudulent activity is real, however, the HigherOne Bank investigative team-has made no discoveries, in regards to who would want to steal money from me, in over two years, and then-at the very same time, continues to block me from accessing my student financial aid-while, I remain: homeless, sick, tired, needy, etc, and with almost no resources available to me, in the US, due to the uncomfortable political climate in this country, because of the Mr. Obama Administration.

       In fact, my life has been soo incredibly difficult, and my life in such imminent danger, since Mr. Obama became President of the US-that, I am an applicant for political asylum in Norway.  However, as my situation in the US, has begun to deteriorate, to the most unbearable, and terrifying levels, and situations, Russia, is now beginning to respond to my communications, to their Embassies as well.

     I am stranded-once again, as a: political prisoner and hostage, in the unfriendly community, of Orlando, FL, and I am at the Orlando International Airport, desperate to fly anywhere in the world, that may be, even a tiny bit safer for me. I need to buy my own plane ticket, to emergency evacuate myself, from a life endangering situation-right now! I was temporarily staying in the nearby community of Winter Park, FL, where, retarded police-also mental patients I presume, attempted to arrest me, for no reason at all again.

         Police in the US, are persecuting me, and have been trying to kill me, for the US government, for over 6 years now. The police stalk me, and try to arrest me for reasons that are not legal. US police attack me, and try to kill me, by beating me to death, by running me over with their vehicles, and, with other methods as well. I have suffered, after illegal detentions, by the US police-not just from the loss of stolen personal property, and not just from: broken/fractured bones, and internal bleeding-that was never treated-I have also suffered-because US police are soo mental, and soo scary when they engage in, the: above mentioned behaviors, from, a total loss of: support, or even communications, from any friends or family, that I may have once had, in the US.

       It was too important for me, that I was accepted, into a doctoral studies program in the US, and that, I again qualified for much needed financial aid, to care for myself, because, I have no friends or family in the US, who are willing to stay in touch with me, or, to assist me at this point, with stalking US police, breathing down my throat, at every turn of the map. The actions of the US police against me, are illegal, and because they are law enforcement in the US now, because of the Obama Administration, there is-absolutely: nowhere, for me to turn to, for help, with this overwhelming situation, in the US.

         The problems associated with the Obama Administration, and with US police persecuting me, are soo immense a situation, for me, and my 3 children, because, I have been illegally Blacklisted, by the US government-which, has left me homeless, and on the streets, with no resources-social work, or otherwise, because of the US Mr. Obama government. I could very easily have worked, in many employment positions in the US-over the past, almost 7 years, with my 1st Master’s Degree, and, however, due to my: culture, race, political stance, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and high level of advanced educational studies and accomplishments-already.

         I have been systematically excluded, from the US society/community, and anything that might normally be available, to the homeless, in the US-including, and not limited to: access to the public library, access to shelter facilities, access to medicine, access to free food and supplies, and access to charity services, through US churches, non-profit organizations, and other non-government activities and services, available to US citizens. With no resources in the Us available to me at all-not even medicine, my US financial aid, as a doctoral student in the US, is of the utmost importance to me.

       I have no one else, other than myself, to rely on, and, it is illegal to restrict my access, to my US financial aid-when I have qualified, and need it soo badly-on the basis, of some fraud investigation by the bank, which-should be temporary, and never lasting for over a year. Additionally, the: -99,000.00 balance, on my bank account, is posted as a withdraw, and not under the auspices, of a temporary hold placed on my bank account, for the purposes of investigating fraud. In fact, when my student financial aid money, is deposited in to my student financial aid account through Bank Mobile, my remaining balance on the account, becomes less negative, as my positive financial deposit, is being subtracted out of the: illegal, and artificially created: -99,000.00 balance-a withdraw sum, that I have never agreed upon.

       When last I spoke, to: Bank Mobile, I was once again promised, communications by email, to remove the block, on my bank account-which, once again, the bank never sent. The problems I have had with Bank Mobile, are not limited to communications not being sent, on several occasions, supervisors have simply hung up on me-instead of assisting me, on other occasions, the long list of complaints that I have filed, in regards to my still open account, have been un-necessarily consolidated-like only 1 small issue exists, and then, at other times, the complaints have been routinely closed out, as if some resolution, to any of my above mentioned complaints-have been achieved.

         I am not in agreement, that Bank Mobile, has ever engaged in any behaviors necessary to resolve, any: of the above mentioned banking issues-my account, is still open, and there are still US Federal Financial Aid funds-that I must have, sitting in my account, that, Bank Mobile, is still refusing to allow me to access-and that, as previously mentioned, is too illegal. I was told, that this issue, of the block against my bank account, could be quickly resolved, with an ID verification, because I have already taken repeat steps online, to secure, and to re-secure the bank account. Banking with Bank Mobile, and HigherOne, has been an extremely negative and damaging experience for me.

     Please send to my email address, any: directions Bank Mobile can provide, regarding steps necessary for me to take-to gain access, to my: Bank Mobile bank account, and my student financial aid-including, any requirements, that Bank Mobile has, in regards to identification, verification, so that I can gain access to my money-as soon as possible. HigherOne Bank, and Bank Mobile, can offer me no reasonable explanation, as to why the bank believes, that denying me access to my student financial aid-when my life is constantly threatened, and I have no other resources in the US, and, when the funds have been authorized for me-would ever been considered legal, in any rational court of law.

     I will expect to hear back from Bank Mobile-a prompt reply. I will call again, and again, and, again, to voice my complaint over the phone-as well, for an immediate response from Bank Mobile. I need my money soo badly, that I am not: able or willing to allow this issue to drop. Please give me immediate access, to my bank account, and to my US Federal Financial Aid, which is contained therein, as, US banking law-requires.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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