Sunday, October 23, 2016

Request For Publication Consideration In The King's Inn Online University Newsletter-Dublin, Ireland


To Whom It May Concern:

           I am living in an extremely difficult situation, in the United States. I have been homeless and unemployed, for almost the entire Obama Administration. Our country, has been taken over, by Africans, and immigrants from other parts of the world-such as: Israel, and Afghanistan-that support terrorism. Obama-in fact, supports International Terrorism. While I was accepted to law school full scholarship, in the US, in Boston: 2012, I chose not to accept, because I was homeless, and could not afford any housing there.

      And while, I have been accepted to law school overseas in the past-the more uncomfortable my situation becomes, the less receptive law schools in the UK, have become towards my law school application. I am, therefore, now seeking a seat, in a legal studies program in Ireland, although, from what I have read, applications for next year, are not as of yet, being taken?  I noticed numerous warnings, about limited class sizes, and would like to submit my application, for the 4 year study program-early.

      Due to the extreme suffering and torture, that I have suffered through in the US, I have begun to file legal cases against the Obama Administration, through several European Courts of Human Rights. I have diligently searched, for a lawyer, who would be willing to represent me in court, in the above mentioned cases, regarding continuing blatant violations, of: civil and human rights, within the US-as sponsored by the US government. In response, to the above received email, I would like you to consider one of my stories, and legal complaints, about the high degree of injustice-that, is currently being practiced in the US, due to the Obama Administration.

    In my free time, I am a freelance reporter, who practices investigative journalism. I collect evidence. I document personal statement. I include both: case studies and empirical evidence, as well as documented information, from well-established academic peer reviewed journals, and media-both, historical and contemporary, etc.  I have been posting my legal complaints online, or almost 5 years now, and, I have been looking for an editor, and/or publisher, for an even longer time period, to please-consider my: valid, pertinent, timely commentary, in regards to the-real, state of the Union, of the US, and not only to the glossy US government propaganda.

     Thank you for receiving my email communication. It is my intention, to submit my application, for the King's Inn legal studies program, when, applications for International students, do become available again-for this next year's, up and coming term.  It is of utmost importance-not just to me, to many other individuals as well, that I am able to attend law school, in order to defend, my: US Constitution and Bill of Rights, in an International Court Room of Human Rights, against the Obama Administration. Again-no one else anywhere in the world, wanted to assist me with my cases, therefore, I must attend law school, in order to prosecute the cases myself-I demand my day in court-hear me. Thank you.

Online Sample Writing:


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth  Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

New Cell: 352-219-1872


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