Friday, October 21, 2016

International Criminal Court, and Valid Charges Pending, Against the US Governement, and: The Mr. Obama Administration


To Whom It May Concern:

       I am experiencing significant problems in the US.  The negative experiences, that I have been under-going, for the past 20 years-which intensified exponentially, after Mr. Obama took office, as US President-are not isolated, to me alone. I am a happy out-going individual, and, I spend a great deal of my free time, speaking in confidence, to other disgruntled Americans. One man-he admitted to me, that he too is being tortured, however, is response to the illegal mistreatment, is apathy and lethargy-he seems to think, or at least expressed to me, that he thinks the violations of his: civil and human rights, do not really matter.

        Many of the people I socialize with, are people that I meet, in unusual places- like at a laundromat, that is open 24 hours a day, or, at a table and chairs, outside of a restaurant, during after business hours.  While I am completely homeless, and have no access, to anything I need in the US for survival: housing, employment, medicine (extremely difficult to access), public library, free public WiFi, public transportation, disability accommodations, post mail, etc., some people that I have met-only have access, to a few things. A White woman, that I met tonight;, she stated, that her impression of America, is that there is a strong institutionalized/organized/US government supported-prejudice, against above average intelligent people, and I agree.

       Ms. Morris, also said to me-she has a great deal of knowledge about US government, and the evolution of recent US government policy-that, the US government, began supporting an International Terrorist movement, back in the 1950’s, immediate following WWII. I too, have uncovered a great deal of information, in support of the idea, that the US became an International Terror supporter, in the 1950s. First, Israel was established in 1947. The British, and Great Britain, as well as a number of countries in the Middle East, fully objected to the creation of Zion-however, the US, offered Israel support and friendship.

        A French author, recounting the history of films, and the establishment of Hollywood, after WWII, wrote-in French of course, about what France at that time, identified to be, an: Israeli/Jewish support-the Hollywood, and the US film industry, of the: LBGT community-just developing on the West Coast, and the mass glamorization/commercialization, of the gay/lesbian life style: irresponsibility, drugs, sex, alcohol, promiscuity, dishonesty, stealing, etc., which if fact, supported a newly developing International community of terrorists-many of the newest raciest movies-were about them. Although this is no longer the case-politics in France were such-immediately following WWII, that there was a large amount of: criticism/rejection, of the art nevo films-trashy and ghetto, that Hollywood America and the Jewish community here-through Israeli sponsorship, were producing.

           When attempting to point to an exact moment in time-and not the recent history with the Mr. Obama presidency, when America first began, to suckle the: negative/debilitating insatiable appetite, of the International Terror movement, the post WWII establishment of the United Nations-must be considered, and reflected upon. One of the founding fathers, of the US United Nations, was a member of the US police community, and he went by the last name of: Vandenberg.  Mr. Vandenberg, argued at the convention head, to bring to fruition, the United Nations itself, that, US UN, should be a support system, and propagation, for a police state, extending from the US, in order to establish International dominance/control, and a new world order.

        In this present day, of modern America-where I can have nothing I need for survival, almost all of the time, the UN-and the rarely openly discussed objective, for an International police state, as well as, a dangerous occupation in the US, of police forces-who act more as an occupying military force-to both: support/reinforce, a: LBGT International Terror movement-is a reality.  Many people, and not just within the US-are soo disgusted, with the lack of actual benefits, that the UN provides, that they are now in discussions, about how to officially, close the UN, and the many UN programs down-because, they do far more harm, than good.

        Additionally-many Americans, not just myself, and many communities in the US, such as the: Black American community here, have positively identified, the police state in the US-which seems to be sponsored by Israeli soldiers, as completely: illegal/useless.  If you have a serious problem in the US, such as: burglary, rape, child porn, kidnapping, etc., and you call the local 911-for emergencies number, chances are, you may end up in a US mental hospital, as a political dissident.  While US Israeli police presence, does almost nothing to keep Americans safe, Americans have no choice about who patrols their US communities, to survey, and to report back to, the: Israeli and US government.

       Not only, is there no one in local law enforcement to complain to, if US law, has suffered a serious infraction, the US Federal law enforcement do not respond to complaints from Americans either. The Obama Administration, threatened and followed through with budget cuts, and other uncomfortable changes, in the offices, of both the: FBI and CIA. I know for a fact-because I began submitting an application for work, with the US FBI, that Mr. Obama-to gain more control over America, and how any possible complaints about his administration were being handled, replaced all of the regional and Washington, DC Human Resources hiring departments, with African immigrants-pro-Obama people-who had just arrived in the US.

      Mr. Obama, replaced the director of the CIA, with a man who identifies himself publicly-as being a conservative Muslim, and his name is: Brennen.  Brennen, refused to keep quiet, about his true: thoughts/feelings, about the US, and American government.  During the swearing in ceremony, of Brennen, to director of the US CIA, Brennen openly complained about the American Constitution, and its attendant Bill of Rights-which are of primary concern, to every American. Brennan expressed a strong antipathy, towards the US Bill of Rights, and expressed no: respect/consideration, for an American citizen’s right to privacy. The CIA, take no complaints about anything at all-from what I can tell, or by telephone. The US CIA, supports the torture of American citizens, and has no qualms-as expressed to me, via telephone, about medicating a healthy individual, with no mental health problems-for sociopolitical reasons.

        When Mr. Obama found out, how helpful the FBI could be-unlike the CIA, Obama began to argue against the FBI providing service as law enforcement, to the US community. The Obama Administration, is not ever happy about the kinds of people, who call important: reports/complaints/information, into the FBI field offices.  Obama went to court, and began to argue against the FBI-stating, that, US FBI are not qualified to collect information, that can be: easily positively identified, as intelligence information, against the US government-that is not the intended purpose, of the US FBI.  Mr. Obama argued, that offensive information, collected by US FBI, must be qualified, and then discarded, as information that cannot be submitted to the US court system, as information-to impeach the US President, his cabinet members, or other high ranking members, of the: Mr. Obama US government administration.

        In 2000, the: United States, Israel, and the African country of: Sudan-in a private and controversial decision, chose not to: join/ratify, the: Rome Statute/Treaty. The Rome Treaty, joined countries all over the world-not just Europe, to participation, in: The European Court of Human Rights-in France. By joining the European Court of Human Rights, also known as: International Criminal Court-many countries all over the world, opted into an International court system, which allows individuals, to argue in a European International Court, about violations in their particular country, of both: civil and human rights.

      And, although rarely recognized or discussed-the favorability and grave importance of: ICC, and the European Court of Human Rights-America fell, and immediately, into a bizarre dysfunctional slump, the very second the US decided, that, the Rome Statute/Treaty, was not important enough, to ratify. I think, because of the great many violations, of both: my civil and human rights, that I have been forced to suffer through, in the US, with almost no assistance of care from others, that, it was illegal, based on the promises of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, for America, to refuse to ratify, the Rome Statute/Treaty, and to join the: European Court of Human Rights/ICC-like, much of the rest of the world!

      America, and Americans, have suffered in the US, under the Obama Administration, to too great an extent, because, Mr. Obama, has effectively closed Americans such as myself, out of access to the: legal counsel/representation, and the US courts systems-while, at the same time, locking the US out of participation, of the European Court of Human Rights/ICC, and an International obligation, to recognize precedents established, by the International courts systems.  At this point in time, in the US, the future of any complaint regarding an abuse, of: civil or human rights, has a dismal, and unproductive outcome.

        The local court systems, due to a negative reaction, from the Mr. Obama Administration, cannot hear such legal cases.  Local police, in full regalia police uniforms-to block the hearing of a case, objecting to: civil and human rights violations in the US, fill every seat in the hearing courtroom, and as bullies-intimidate, every attendant to the attempted court hearing-not just the victim filing suit, also the: Judge, the lawyers for both sides, witnesses, the jury, etc.  I had several cases, regarding violations, or both my: civil and human rights, in: Boulder, CO-that I attempted to process through the municipal court system there.

      The Sheriff’s Office, refused to serve my cases, although legally, they were obligated to do so-the local police, threated to arrest the Sherriff from the Boulder, CO Sheriff’s department, if they provided service. The judge, then, upon review of my complaints-had to, because of the so stated objections by the local Israeli police-reject my valid cases, as: “dismissed without prejudice.”  The judge in Boulder, CO, could not possibly hear any of the cases himself, due to the high levels of corruption, within the Boulder, CO police department, however, because the judge did recognize my numerous complaints s both: valid and pertinent, he stated, that he supported the cases being heard, at a different venue.

      However, due to the fact, that, the US, in 2000, refused to sign the: Rome Statute/Treaty-it would seem, that no resolution, or day in court, could ever be possible for American citizens, in regards to the many severe violations, of both: civil and human rights, which regularly occur in the US-across all: ages, religious groups, sexes, sexual orientations, income levels, etc.  The extremely difficult quandary at this point in time, is how to successfully demand, and force, The European Court of Human Rights/ICC, and other International human rights courts-that the US intentionally refused to join, to cut Americans off from an effective means, to complain, about inhumane treatment, in the US, and of American citizens.

       As the Obama Administration, heads towards the office recycling bin, and shredding machine-because offices are closing down, and a new support staff is expected, for the next US Presidency, in 2017-the immediate need, for violations, of: civil and human rights in the US, to be heard and addressed by an International court-is more necessary, and valid, than ever before. My anger, is about the fact, that I have suffered to too great an extent-I have been tortured repeatedly, and illegally “Blacklisted.”

           I have been: homeless, and unemployed-for almost the entire Obama Administration, of 8 long years-when, I am completely functional, and, I have already earned a graduate school advanced studies degree-the treatment that I have received in the US, has been: spiteful, ugly, and completely unnecessary, how dare Mr. Obama think, that after all I have suffered through, and barely survived in the US-during his administration, that, he can simply retire, and fade away into the mists, to relax, and to live the rest of his existence in relative peace, with no worries or concerns, about how he has severely mistreated myself, or, anyone else. 

       Mr. Obama, in his continued support, of: International Terrorism, needs to repay his Nobel Peace Prize. Mr. Obama, is not working towards: “World Peace,” and Mr. Obama, needs to take responsibility, for the decisions he has made, while in office, as a US President, and, for how his negative International policies, in support of: International Terror, have forever damaged individuals such as myself, and, the country of America-as a whole, a quick and simple apology, will never be enough! Thank you for continuing to receive, my email communications, in defense, of my necessary, and emergency application for political asylum, from the United States, to Europe.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth  Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

New Cell: 352-219-1872


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