Thursday, October 27, 2016

American Airlines: They Respond to Emails, and Still Refuse To Help You!

Thank you for contacting American Airlines Customer Relations. In order to ensure we receive your comments, we wanted to send you this automated email with some important information.

New correspondence? Contact us via our web form.
Our system is programmed to look for replies to messages sent from this email address and automatically deletes other emails to protect us from spam. If this is the first time you’ve emailed us, or if this is a new correspondence not related to an existing file, please contact us via our web form on

Replying to our response? You’re in good hands.
Customer Relations is here to help. If you’re replying to a response we recently sent you, we’ll see your reply soon – unless something in the original message was changed. If you did change or delete anything from our response, we won’t see it. To make sure we get your note, please reply to our original email, without editing it.

Haven’t traveled yet?
If you are inquiring about your reservation, please contact our Reservations team at 800-433-7300. They are available 24 hours a day and are able to answer questions about your trip. Calling from outside of the U.S.? Refer to our Worldwide Reservations Phone Numbers.

Thank you for flying American Airlines.

American Airlines
Customer Relations

NOTICE: This email and any attachments are for the exclusive and confidential use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, please do not read, distribute, or take action in reliance upon this message. If you have received this in error, please notify me immediately by return email and promptly delete this message and its attachments from your computer.

My response: Its been 5 months now-what do you mean: "You are in good hands, with-American Airlines?" American Airlines has not helped at all-even when they respond to my emails, and my telephone calls-Niggers!

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