Wednesday, October 19, 2016

African Serial Killers-Orlando, FL Area-Disney World, And No Majic Again! 10-19-2016


To Whom It May Concern:

       I am desperate for political asylum. The US, is soo dangerous for me, that I cannot remain here-whether a country in Europe, agrees to offer me political asylum, or not. For over 6 years, I have been emailing, and calling Europe, begging for assistance, and political asylum, from the US. When I did not receive responses to my emails, I began traveling to Europe, to speak to individuals in person-my need is really that great.

       I have just returned from London, UK-where, once again: Tascor, and UK Immigration-refused to consider my case, for political asylum-regardless of how severe my circumstances, because I am an applicant, from what is purported to be, a: "Safe Country." The fact that I have well document evidence, from the US court system, and otherwise, did not in any way whatsoever-sway or influence in my favor, for the UK to grant me "Special Considerations," for my necessary political asylum. In the US, my life is in imminent danger.

          Two nights ago, a Crazy African, tried to attack me and rape me-again. The African became aggressive and violent towards me-for no reasons known to me, he was most likely high on some illegal substances.  I ran in circles behind a park bench, while on my cell phone to 911-US emergency services. When gay Orlando, FL police arrived on the scene of the crime, the African had already fled, and the police who spoke to me, were not concerned about me at all.

          The Orlando, FL police, complained about me being homeless, and having  a few belongings on a city park bench, and, they were both reluctant to pursue the perpetrator.  The police told me to move away from the well lit building, that I was sitting next to, and where I was on camera-which kept me safer-and I was horrified, and I had no choice.

        I reported the Orlando, FL police, for telling me to move away from an area of semi-safety, in the early morning darkness, and before they had apprehended the African aggressor. Orlando police became angry at me, for not keeping the incident private, an began to STALK me, and to follow me around every corner, all over Orlando, FL. I am being persecuted, by US police, for political reasons. US police, do not keep me safe, they: harass me, threaten me, STALK me, steal from me, try to beat me to death, assault me in various ways, send me to a mental hospital for complaining about torture and abuse in the US, etc.-they have even tried to rape me.

      I walked 6 hours, to get away from the crazy African, and Orlando, FL-police, who did not care about the African, making an attempt on my life-to Winter Park, FL. This past Saturday, a young Brazilian man-a high school student, was beaten almost to death, and left unconscious to die, in a city park. I knew right away who had delivered the beating-an African man, who intimidates people in Winter Park, FL.

     When this particular African man walked by me, late in the afternoon yesterday-I confronted him, about the death of the Brazilian man, and he confessed, and bragged about the killing. Africans brag about killing Whites-Africans in the US and in Norway, have bragged to me-ad nauseam, about how they are the true cause of death, for: Princess Diana, and they reason being: "Because Princess Diana, was just like you Cary-she refused to suck my dick for a living."

        When police in Winter Park, arrived on the scene, to see what the African and I were arguing about-I was once again blamed by US police, for the altercation. The African admitted to causing the death, of the young Brazilian man, in front of several major news networks: CNN, ABC, CBS, Univison, etc.  However, police in Winter  Park, FL-did nothing to the African, in response to his confession-not even an arrest with bail-and I am furious. Police told me, it is too unsafe in the US, for you to sleep outside. If you fall asleep outside-when you know how dangerous it is, then we will have to send you to the mental hospital, for being a danger to yourself.

       This situation is too unfair to me. The crazy Africans, that are running around all over the US, an quite literally getting away with murder-they have access to housing, and employment. I was Blacklisted, by the US government, under the Mr. Obama administration. I am not allowed access to: housing or employment in this country, and, I must have my rest. Sleep deprivation, is a well establish form of torture. I need political asylum from the US, and to a country in Europe too badly, for countries like the: UK and Sweden to say: "We refuse ton consider you, because you are from the US."

       I am in such dire straits, that most recently, when I flew to London, in hopes of obtaining some assistance, in regards to my very real need for: immediate and emergency political asylum, I called a number of organizations, and individuals, to try to speak to them in person.  Most of the numbers that I dialed-while in London, held me in a cue soo long, that I could not afford to hold the line. I actually spoke to an individual at Amnesty International, and he did not want to help me at all-I was more than just a little offended.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
New Cell: 352-219-1972

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On Wednesday, October 19, 2016 3:53 AM, Mumbai Bayo Cary <> wrote:

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