Friday, September 23, 2016

Three Months, And Still No Compensation From American Airlines, Regarding Illegally Cancelled Flight-By Obama Africans-To Cozumel, Mexico-Housing Affordable There, Booked, And Waiting 9-23-2016


RE: Continuing Complaint: American Airlines: Homeless Political Asylum Applicant: US, By Obama Supporters-American Airlines Employees-Recent African Immigrants To US

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Political Prisoner/Hostage-United States of America
PhD Student
Intelligence Officer Training With US Marines, As Civilian Beginning November, 2016
Applicant To Law School, LLB UK, Focus: International Civil And Human Rights Violations


Cell phone: 352-219-1872

To Whom It May Concern:

          Three months ago, a flight I was taking-Newark Int'l airport, to Cozumel, Mexico, was cancelled-illegally, by African airport staff, at: MIA-Miami Int'l airport. I paid money, and had reserved housing in Cozumel, MX, for the entire month of July, 2016. I lost money, when I was not able to follow through with my intended reservations-affordable comfortable living arrangements, that I could afford.

          I am homeless, in the US, because I do not have any employment, to pay for the high costs of housing here. I was illegally: "Blacklisted," by the Obama Admin. I have not had a single job, since Obama has been president, and, I used to work all over, all of the time. The state of homelessness, that I was forced to remain in, in the US, when Africans who work for AA cancelled my plane ticket to Cozumel, MX-without my permission, has been devastating.

         I am physically ill, unable to successfully complete all of my PhD homework, I require more medications for my asthma and for my acne, and, I look irresponsible to others-when the situation-not my fault. I am an applicant for political asylum in: Norway-due to the great many problems, that I have unfairly encountered, since Obama has been pres. of the US. I have access to nothing I need in the US, because of Obama: employment, housing, public library, community centers, necessary medications, working post mail box, etc.

       AA, allowing their African employees, to cancel my flight to Cozumel, MX-was too unfair, and, I have been stuck in dangerous situations, all over the US since. I am now, stranded in DC-and requesting a plane ticket flight voucher-instead of the refund I was issued. Please cancel the refund check-I never received it, or anything else. Please issue me a substitute voucher, for a domestic/international flight, to anywhere. I have researched the situation, I can not confirm any refund check, was ever issued to me, and still, I am owed fair compensation, for pain/suffering endured.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


Cell phone: 352-219-1872

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