Saturday, October 29, 2016

Repeated Denial-By US Government, To Access To Free WiFi, Both: Public and Private

Online Report To US FBI: Breach-Cyber Security-Africans Kicking Me Off Of Free WiFi Connect, Both: Public and Private

Top of Form

Victim Information:


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary

Business Name:

Emergency Intl Internet Relief


40 – 49



Address (continued):

West Palm Beach, FL Public Library

Suite/Apt./Mail Stop:


West Palm Beach




United States of America



Zip Code/Route:


Phone Number:


Email Address:

Business IT POC, if applicable:

Other Business POC, if applicable:

Financial Transaction(s)

Transaction Type:



If other, please specify:

None No Employment

Transaction Amount: $


Transaction Date:


Victim Bank Name:

Victim Bank Address:

Victim Bank Address (continued):

Victim Bank Suite/Mail Stop:

Victim Bank City:

Victim Bank Country:


Victim Bank State


Victim Bank Zip Code/Route:

Victim Name on Account:

Victim Account Number:

Recipient Bank Name:

Recipient Bank Address:

Recipient Bank Address (continued):

Recipient Bank Suite/Mail Stop:

Recipient Bank City:

Recipient Bank Country:


Recipient Bank State


Recipient Bank Zip Code/Route:

Recipient Name on Account:

Recipient Bank Routing Number:

Recipient Account Number:

Recipient Bank SWIFT Code:

Description of Incident

Provide a description of the incident and how you were victimized. Provide information not captured elsewhere in this complaint form.


To Whom It May Concern:

            Africans, working for the US government, are stalking me, threatening me, and blocking me from overseas travels, for Mr. Obama. I have been filing complaints, with US: FBI and CIA offices, since: 2007-with absolutely no response, to any of my valid, and logical complaints, about being: tortured and abused in the US-by, both: the US government, and my adopted family.  I am on the Internet quite a bit, to complete my schooling, and to attend online university.

                 I am still enrolled in a PhD program right now, and plan to begin my Intelligence Officer Training, with the US Marines-as a civilian, through an online training program-as well. Africans are stalking me, all over America: stealing from me, assaulting me, accusing me of having mental problems that I do not have, cutting up my clothing, threatening me, trying to rape me, blocking me from International flights after my plane ticket has already be paid for, having me false arrested, kicking me off of free public WiFi both: public/private, involving others in stalking after me-and harming my person, etc. .

            It is not fair to me, that I am being tortured and abused in the US-to the extent that my life, is in constant immediate danger, and then, the US government admits to me, through local police departments, that cannot really do anything at all in the US, to keep me safe enough, and then again, the FBI-although I have received at least two emails stating, that I am qualified for a position in their offices-are not offering me a job interview, and, they are not assisting me in escaping to a country with a smaller African population, that will be safer for my children and myself-either.

              I have a right to life. I have a right to live. I have a right to happiness-among other things. As an American citizen, I have a birth right, to a long enumerated list of rights, which are outlined, in the Bill of Rights, as part of the US Constitution. My: civil and human rights, are constantly being abused, and violated in the US, and, the US government, as well as local law enforcement, are leaving me soo exposed to imminent dangers-with no: employment or housing.  I am over qualified and overqualified for both: employment and housing-in the US.

             It is becoming increasing clear, that the US government, is colluding with other factions: religious, non-profit, private business, etc.-to ensure the fact, that I will not have an opportunity, to live, or to prosper-not in the US, or anywhere else in the world, and, this is: illegal, sociopathic, homicidal, and outrageous-that conservative Republican Americans, would love crazy African immigrants to such an extent, that they would rather see me dead-than to assist my children and myself, in escaping from this American madness, to help others, who are suffering here in the US-under much worse circumstances.

Which of the following were used in this incident? (Check all that apply.)

Spoofed Email Similar Domain Email Intrusion


Please specify:

*WiFi Repeatedly Disconnected

Law enforcement or regulatory agencies may desire copies of pertinent documents or other evidence regarding your complaint.

Originals should be retained for use by law enforcement agencies.

Other Information:

If an email was used in this incident, please provide a copy of the entire email including full email headers.

No email utilized, although, I have received bizarre emails, from African governments, such as Nigeria-addressing me as FBI-when I am not-as of yet, and, offering me, unheard of sums of money, for my immediate services, in the areas of: Information, Intelligence, and Legal.

Are there any other witnesses or victims to this incident?

I do believe, that I am not the only American, who is being constantly kicked off the Internet, by Africans-who want to silence, all means of communications, to others-in particular, to other, more helpful people overseas.

If you have reported this incident to other law enforcement or government agencies, please provide the name, phone number, email, date reported, report number, etc.

Local authorities do more harm than good, all the time.

Who Filed the Complaint Were you the victim in the incident described above?


Digital Signature

By digitally signing this document, I affirm that the information I provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information could make me subject to fine, imprisonment, or both. (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1001)

Digital Signature:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary

Bottom of Form

Thank you for submitting your complaint to the IC3. Please save or print a copy for your records. This is the only time you will have to make a copy of your complaint.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

American Airlines: They Respond to Emails, and Still Refuse To Help You!

Thank you for contacting American Airlines Customer Relations. In order to ensure we receive your comments, we wanted to send you this automated email with some important information.

New correspondence? Contact us via our web form.
Our system is programmed to look for replies to messages sent from this email address and automatically deletes other emails to protect us from spam. If this is the first time you’ve emailed us, or if this is a new correspondence not related to an existing file, please contact us via our web form on

Replying to our response? You’re in good hands.
Customer Relations is here to help. If you’re replying to a response we recently sent you, we’ll see your reply soon – unless something in the original message was changed. If you did change or delete anything from our response, we won’t see it. To make sure we get your note, please reply to our original email, without editing it.

Haven’t traveled yet?
If you are inquiring about your reservation, please contact our Reservations team at 800-433-7300. They are available 24 hours a day and are able to answer questions about your trip. Calling from outside of the U.S.? Refer to our Worldwide Reservations Phone Numbers.

Thank you for flying American Airlines.

American Airlines
Customer Relations

NOTICE: This email and any attachments are for the exclusive and confidential use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, please do not read, distribute, or take action in reliance upon this message. If you have received this in error, please notify me immediately by return email and promptly delete this message and its attachments from your computer.

My response: Its been 5 months now-what do you mean: "You are in good hands, with-American Airlines?" American Airlines has not helped at all-even when they respond to my emails, and my telephone calls-Niggers!

Terrorists Have Taken Over Orlando International Airport-No Flying From Here Anymore-For Me


To Whom It May Concern:

      My name is: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS. I am a freelance reporter, and I am set to begin Intelligence Officer Training, with the US Marines-as a civilian, this December, of 2016. I post my news stories online, because-although I am looking for employment, I have not be accepted by a publisher, or editor, as of yet. I am a political prisoner and hostage in the US.

            Today, I tried to fly out of Orlando International Airport, in Orlando, FL. The airport is crawling with Africans. The Africans were hired-not only by the airport itself, also by: TSA, and by the Orlando police department. The Africans on staff, are walking around, and they are harassing and threatening everyone at the airport. I was in line, to check my baggage at the check-in counter, when an African police officer came to harass and threaten the AeroMexico flight staff. I could not check-in to the flight.

           Due to the fact, that there are soo many Africans, at the MIA airport, in Miami, FL-I am not able to book a flight to fly out of there either. I am online again-cancelling my hostel reservations in Mexico City, MX-for tonight, and arguing with Smartfares airplane booking agency, because, they over charged me, and tied up all of my money, then, they decided that they did not want to return payment for the ticket back to me, after the entire airport, and staff here-made it impossible for me to fly-I am being tortured in the US, and illegally detained, by the Mr. Obama African government here.

          I do not support Mr. Obama, and, I will have to take a train, to the White, wealthy, conservative South Florida community of West Palm Beach, FL-the home of the second: Donald Trump towers, in order to have any prayer at all-to fly out of the US, to somewhere safer. I cannot reasonably, make another attempt to fly to Mexico-not after: American Airlines illegally cancelled my ticket out of MIA, and then today-the problems were just as bad-AeroMexico-made no effort whatsoever to assist me-just blank stares, and, who cares-again.  I am not physically well, and I arguing with people all day long, only to have almost no sleep.

         Crazy Africans are in my face all day long, with ugly mean aggressive expressions, and calling me mental, because I refuse to sleep with them. Mr. Obama is a disgusting dictator, just like: Mr. Mugabe, and he supports International Terrorism. Africans, who moved to the US, after having been invited by Mr. Obama, are only here to: rape, kill, steal, and in any other way, hurt Americans.

           Due to the extreme amounts of pain, and suffering, and abuse, that I have suffered, at the hands of Africans, and the Obama Administration-I have developed a very strong negative racist, and hateful feeling towards: Africans, and others, who force people to prostitute. I hate America. People online are beginning to beg me, not to sue them, for the mis-treatment that I have experience in the US and abroad, for well over just this past 6 years of homelessness. I can offer no mercy. I am soo angry, that I want to flip the switch on the electric chair myself.

          In Florida, we have the death penalty. As a Republican, and, as a Floridian, I want people to die, for how they have treated me. An apology, will never be enough for me-nor will all the money in the world. I am still in the process of applying for European law schools, for the January 2017 term. I want to prosecute, the International court cases-myself.  These Obama supporting people, who support International Terrorism-not only do they rape: men, and women, they also attack: children and babies. People in Orlando, FL, are some of the most physically disabled-almost unable to walk down the street-from soo many ass rapes people, that I have ever seen in the US.

         There are some secrets, you should never keep, and, there are some situations, that you can never apologize for. Thank you for receiving my email communications. I continue to email, and to call, and to beg for assistance. I sincerely pray, that someone who cares about me, will respond to my cries for assistance, sometime soon?


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
New Cell: 352-219-1872

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Legal Complaint Against: US FBI and CIA For Refusing The Submission of Intelligence Information To Their Offices By: Phone, Internet, Email, Post Mail, Etc.


Legal Complaint: Against: US FBI and CIA-For Limiting Information and Intelligence, About Domestic Terrorism, and International Terrorism, as it Pertains To The: Health, Safety, Welfare, Security, Happiness, etc., of, US  People and Government.

Thank you for submitting your complaint to the IC3. Please save or print a copy for your records. This is the only time you will have to make a copy of your complaint.

Top of Form

Victim Information-Name:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary

Business Name:

Emergency Intl Internet Relief


40 - 49



Address (continued):

Orlando Intl Airport

Suite/Apt./Mail Stop:




Orange County


United States of America



Zip Code/Route:


Phone Number:


Email Address:

Business IT POC, if applicable:

Other Business POC, if applicable:

Financial Transaction(s)

Transaction Type:


If other, please specify:

None Unemployed Homeless

Transaction Amount: $


Transaction Date:


Victim Bank Name:

Victim Bank Address:

Victim Bank Address (continued):

Victim Bank Suite/Mail Stop:

Victim Bank City:

Victim Bank Country:


Victim Bank State


Victim Bank Zip Code/Route:

Victim Name on Account:

Victim Account Number:

Recipient Bank Name:

Recipient Bank Address:

Recipient Bank Address (continued):

Recipient Bank Suite/Mail Stop:

Recipient Bank City:

Recipient Bank Country:


Recipient Bank State


Recipient Bank Zip Code/Route:

Recipient Name on Account:

Recipient Bank Routing Number:

Recipient Account Number:

Recipient Bank SWIFT Code:

Description of Incident:

Provide a description of the incident and how you were victimized. Provide information not captured elsewhere in this complaint form.


To Whom It May Concern:

        The CIA online website, accepts no complaints at all-not about terrorism, or anything else. The FBI, online tips, and complaint form, only allows you to submit, a very limited amount of information, and only a small number of submissions, at a time. It is not helpful, to limit input, in regards to serious national emergency situations, such as domestic terrorism, and yet, both-you: the FBI, and the CIA, engage in this practice, and on a regular basis.

       Lastly, when I attempt to communicate with CIA, or FBI, through other means-such as telephone conversation, some of your agents, hang up on me-and on a regular basis, while other agents, say things to me, which are both: illegal, and inappropriate. New Cell: 352-219-1872 Email: 

 Sep 17 at 12:13 PM 9-17-2016

To: Human Rights Now RE: Legal Representation Required And Not Available To Me In USA! From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Current Temporary Location: ACCESS House 1913 South Lorton Street Arlington, VA 22204

To Whom It May Concern:

        I have a number of legal cases, for which, I have collected and investigated, and save supportive evidence and documentation: 1. Car Accident- Occurred in 2013. The police report is in my favor. I am permanently injured; 2. I cannot send any emails from my Google email account; 3. My yandex email account only receives emails; 4. My Facebook page is shut down all the time, for the wrong reasons.

        I complained about a man trying to rape me, at a hostel, in Gainesville, FL-after he assaulted me, and Facebook locked me out of my Facebook page for several months. Other people in the US, have disgusting Facebook pages, with Swastikas, and animals having sex with humans videos, posted to their Facebook accounts, and they never get locked out of their accounts; 5. My adopted mom stole almost all of the belongings in my last apartment, and she locked me up in a mental hospital, in order to do it. Then, after my adopted mom stole my things, she deleted all of my: “intelligence officer in training” and freelance reporter photos, from all over the US, and other places in the world, which have taken me 5 years to collect.

        Then, when police came to investigate the scene of the crime, my adopted mom filed a false police report, as though someone else, had broken into my apartment, and taken my things-like she had no idea where anything went. Almost a year later, my adopted mom, began to return some of the stolen items to me. She returned all of my cameras broken, and with all of the information deleted; 6. Illegal detentions, for prolonged periods-when I require almost no medication, and I am fully functional, if I have enough money;

         7. I have been Illegally “Blacklisted in the US, since 2008-that is why I have been homeless for 6 years here; 8. HigherOne Bank, has had a block on my student financial aid bank account, and while I am attending classes, for almost two years now, and, because I have no access to my student financial aid, my homelessness, has continued, although, I am enrolled in a PhD studies program in the US; 9. SunTrust bank cleared a check for just over 2,000.00 dollars for me, and then, long after the check had cleared, and they had dispersed the funds to me, they took the money back out of my account-claiming to have returned the money to the payee. SunTrust over drafted my account then. SunTrust also stole one of my US Federal benefit welfare checks to cover their illegal over draft.

        Lastly, SunTrust refused to allow me to speak to their legal department about the matter, and never responded in writing to any of my inquiries, although I sent them certified mail in regards to the matter, and requested a response. Then, SunTrust blamed the situation on me, and forced me to pay over 430.00-to remove a permanent block, that they placed, so I could not open a single bank account in the US, until the full amount was paid to them;

            10. My adopted mom, kicked me out of my home, and she stole all of my belongings in it; 11. My adopted mom, took a house she bought for me back-it was an FHA home in my name, that I took care of, for several years, and had paid some money into, and she lied, and said that we agreed, that I had accepted only 10.00, for the loss of my investment, and the FHA home altogether; 12. My adopted mom, has no custody for any of my 3 children, and has been sending me to mental hospitals, for almost 20 years now-when I only have mild depression and PTSD, to illegally keep me away from my children.

         My adopted mom took a special class-as a lawyer, at the: University of Florida Levin Law School, so that she personally can ex-parte me, when nothing is wrong, to illegally send me, and anyone else into a mental hospital. My adopted mom, sends me to the mental hospital, by lying about what is going on, and by complaining about situations that are not illegal, my adopted mom’s complaints about me follow: a. I created my own nonprofit organization b.

       I hate living in the US c. I want to move myself and my 3 children, along with my nonprofit to Europe . I contract with a company called: Lexington Law, for Credit Repair e. I am a Republican f. I am unattractive, etc

End of full complaint.

Which of the following were used in this incident? (Check all that apply.) Spoofed Email Similar Domain Email Intrusion

OtherPlease specify:

Limiting submission of tips/info, to: FBI and CIA

Law enforcement or regulatory agencies may desire copies of pertinent documents or other evidence regarding your complaint.

Originals should be retained for use by law enforcement agencies.

Other Information:

If an email was used in this incident, please provide a copy of the entire email including full email headers.

Additional Information:

        The FBI, have only responded, to a few of my emails. I used to email the local offices, on a regular basis. The Jacksonville, FL office, sent an email telling me to apply to the FBI, however, they never made the application materials, or process, available to me.

Are there any other witnesses or victims to this incident?

       I was in touch, with Mr. Zwick, in the HR office, of the FBI, in Phoenix, AZ. Mr. Zwick and Mrs. D., were in communications with me, on a regular basis. I was working with both individuals, at the deer valley location, to set up an initial, face to face, job interview. Then, the closer I came, to meeting with both individuals in HR-something happened, and both agents, were out of the office-for an extended period of time.

        The next time I called, to speak to Mr. Zwick or D., about a job interview with FBI in Phoenix, AZ, they had both been replaced, by a: "straight of the boat"-African woman. Concerned, I then took the bus, and road out to see both: Mr. Zwick and D., to see if they: were working in the offices still, were they moved to a new department, were they doing well-however, African security at the gate-downstairs, refused to call-up, to announce my arrival, for a brief conversation, and, I was turned away, with no helpful interaction.

         However, I was standing at the security gate long enough, to notice, that most of the agents, coming in and out of the deer valley FBI location, were in fact Africans, and also: "straight off the boat," and not native to Arizona. It is my certain and clear impression, that immigrants to the US, and from African specifically, because of the Obama Administration-are directly, and intentional interfering, with the ability of US Secret Service, and Intelligence Agencies, to keep Americans, an the remainder of the world safe, from: International Terrorists.

If you have reported this incident to other law enforcement or government agencies, please provide the name, phone number, email, date reported, report number, etc.

[No response provided]

Who Filed the Complaint:

Were you the victim in the incident described above?


Digital Signature

By digitally signing this document, I affirm that the information I provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information could make me subject to fine, imprisonment, or both. (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1001)

Digital Signature:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary

Bottom of Form

Thank you for submitting your complaint to the IC3. Please save or print a copy for your records. This is the only time you will have to make a copy of your complaint.

Legal Complaint Against HigherOne Bank And Bank Mobile Of The Philippines For Ignoring US Banking: Practices, Rules, Regulations, And Legal Repercussions Thereof


Legal Complaint: HigherOne Bank Illegally Blocking Me From: Access My US Student Financial Aid-For Almost Two Years Now, While, I Languish Homeless in The Street, With Almost No Assistance-Desperate, And, Necessary Application For Political Asylum in Europe

To Whom It May Concern:

       I am a homeless PhD student, who has had a bank account through Bank Mobile, for almost 2 years now, and, I have no access to my financial aid. Student financial aid, is considered a restricted form of money, it is available to students, solely for the purposes, of being spent as a resource, on costs related to, obtaining an education, ie: books, study related materials, student housing, etc.  I have needed my student financial aid, more than-maybe any other student, you have ever held a bank account for.

       I call your offices, all the time, requesting a timely resolution, to the illegal hold, that has been on my student banking account through: HigherOne Bank, and now: Bank Mobile, for almost two years now. Every time, that I call the bank service center-which, really should be in New Haven Connecticut-where, it is widely publicly shared, that the bank is located, instead-I reach your offices in the Philippines.

       Although I have been told, over and over again-that English, is a lingua franca in Manila, and although, I do speak to both: representatives, and their supervisors, n headway has been made, in almost 2 years, towards Bank Mobile removing the: -99,000.00 balance-which is treated as a debit, and this is illegal-that has been placed on my student financial banking account. In fact-I was not able to complete my study program, with: Northcentral University, in my doctoral studies, because the bank-is making it completely impossible, for me to access the student financial aid, US Federal funding-which I and every other US University student requires, in order to assist, with all the pertinent costs-related to obtaining a post-graduate education in the US.

       Every time I call into Bank Mobile, I am told, that I should re-secure my bank account. I have already re-secured my bank account, at least 4, or 5 times.  The issue, of my bank account having been associated, with some fraudulent activity is real, however, the HigherOne Bank investigative team-has made no discoveries, in regards to who would want to steal money from me, in over two years, and then-at the very same time, continues to block me from accessing my student financial aid-while, I remain: homeless, sick, tired, needy, etc, and with almost no resources available to me, in the US, due to the uncomfortable political climate in this country, because of the Mr. Obama Administration.

       In fact, my life has been soo incredibly difficult, and my life in such imminent danger, since Mr. Obama became President of the US-that, I am an applicant for political asylum in Norway.  However, as my situation in the US, has begun to deteriorate, to the most unbearable, and terrifying levels, and situations, Russia, is now beginning to respond to my communications, to their Embassies as well.

     I am stranded-once again, as a: political prisoner and hostage, in the unfriendly community, of Orlando, FL, and I am at the Orlando International Airport, desperate to fly anywhere in the world, that may be, even a tiny bit safer for me. I need to buy my own plane ticket, to emergency evacuate myself, from a life endangering situation-right now! I was temporarily staying in the nearby community of Winter Park, FL, where, retarded police-also mental patients I presume, attempted to arrest me, for no reason at all again.

         Police in the US, are persecuting me, and have been trying to kill me, for the US government, for over 6 years now. The police stalk me, and try to arrest me for reasons that are not legal. US police attack me, and try to kill me, by beating me to death, by running me over with their vehicles, and, with other methods as well. I have suffered, after illegal detentions, by the US police-not just from the loss of stolen personal property, and not just from: broken/fractured bones, and internal bleeding-that was never treated-I have also suffered-because US police are soo mental, and soo scary when they engage in, the: above mentioned behaviors, from, a total loss of: support, or even communications, from any friends or family, that I may have once had, in the US.

       It was too important for me, that I was accepted, into a doctoral studies program in the US, and that, I again qualified for much needed financial aid, to care for myself, because, I have no friends or family in the US, who are willing to stay in touch with me, or, to assist me at this point, with stalking US police, breathing down my throat, at every turn of the map. The actions of the US police against me, are illegal, and because they are law enforcement in the US now, because of the Obama Administration, there is-absolutely: nowhere, for me to turn to, for help, with this overwhelming situation, in the US.

         The problems associated with the Obama Administration, and with US police persecuting me, are soo immense a situation, for me, and my 3 children, because, I have been illegally Blacklisted, by the US government-which, has left me homeless, and on the streets, with no resources-social work, or otherwise, because of the US Mr. Obama government. I could very easily have worked, in many employment positions in the US-over the past, almost 7 years, with my 1st Master’s Degree, and, however, due to my: culture, race, political stance, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and high level of advanced educational studies and accomplishments-already.

         I have been systematically excluded, from the US society/community, and anything that might normally be available, to the homeless, in the US-including, and not limited to: access to the public library, access to shelter facilities, access to medicine, access to free food and supplies, and access to charity services, through US churches, non-profit organizations, and other non-government activities and services, available to US citizens. With no resources in the Us available to me at all-not even medicine, my US financial aid, as a doctoral student in the US, is of the utmost importance to me.

       I have no one else, other than myself, to rely on, and, it is illegal to restrict my access, to my US financial aid-when I have qualified, and need it soo badly-on the basis, of some fraud investigation by the bank, which-should be temporary, and never lasting for over a year. Additionally, the: -99,000.00 balance, on my bank account, is posted as a withdraw, and not under the auspices, of a temporary hold placed on my bank account, for the purposes of investigating fraud. In fact, when my student financial aid money, is deposited in to my student financial aid account through Bank Mobile, my remaining balance on the account, becomes less negative, as my positive financial deposit, is being subtracted out of the: illegal, and artificially created: -99,000.00 balance-a withdraw sum, that I have never agreed upon.

       When last I spoke, to: Bank Mobile, I was once again promised, communications by email, to remove the block, on my bank account-which, once again, the bank never sent. The problems I have had with Bank Mobile, are not limited to communications not being sent, on several occasions, supervisors have simply hung up on me-instead of assisting me, on other occasions, the long list of complaints that I have filed, in regards to my still open account, have been un-necessarily consolidated-like only 1 small issue exists, and then, at other times, the complaints have been routinely closed out, as if some resolution, to any of my above mentioned complaints-have been achieved.

         I am not in agreement, that Bank Mobile, has ever engaged in any behaviors necessary to resolve, any: of the above mentioned banking issues-my account, is still open, and there are still US Federal Financial Aid funds-that I must have, sitting in my account, that, Bank Mobile, is still refusing to allow me to access-and that, as previously mentioned, is too illegal. I was told, that this issue, of the block against my bank account, could be quickly resolved, with an ID verification, because I have already taken repeat steps online, to secure, and to re-secure the bank account. Banking with Bank Mobile, and HigherOne, has been an extremely negative and damaging experience for me.

     Please send to my email address, any: directions Bank Mobile can provide, regarding steps necessary for me to take-to gain access, to my: Bank Mobile bank account, and my student financial aid-including, any requirements, that Bank Mobile has, in regards to identification, verification, so that I can gain access to my money-as soon as possible. HigherOne Bank, and Bank Mobile, can offer me no reasonable explanation, as to why the bank believes, that denying me access to my student financial aid-when my life is constantly threatened, and I have no other resources in the US, and, when the funds have been authorized for me-would ever been considered legal, in any rational court of law.

     I will expect to hear back from Bank Mobile-a prompt reply. I will call again, and again, and, again, to voice my complaint over the phone-as well, for an immediate response from Bank Mobile. I need my money soo badly, that I am not: able or willing to allow this issue to drop. Please give me immediate access, to my bank account, and to my US Federal Financial Aid, which is contained therein, as, US banking law-requires.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Orlando International Airport-American Airlines Still Owes Me, And I need ticket To Fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Continuing Legal Complaint Against AA

American Airlines:
At The Airport:
Need A Ticket: You Owe Me Money

                     I'm at Orlando Int'l airport, & I need to fly over seas. I'm an applicant for political asylum in Norway-my life is in danger in the: US, I'm persecuted by US police.  American Airlines allowed Africans that they hired, who didn't like m for political reasons, to cancel my plane ticket to Mexico, from Miami. AA agreed with me-that it was wrong for their Africans, to illegally cancel my paid ticket, without my permission.

         AA told me 1st, that my refund check was sent to an address, when, I don't live-I'm homeless. The 2nd time I called, AA told me, the refund check had been sent to the only address, that AA has access to, attached to my ticket purchase.  The refund check, from AA, was never received by me, or at either location. I paid for the ticket to Mexico-where I had booked housing, for the entire month, with my Visa debit card.

        AA is not at all concerned, with the high levels of difficulties and hardships-quite literally torture, that I have been faced to suffer through-since they allowed African employees, to cancel my plane ticket to: Cozumel, Mexico.  I have written about this same subject matter, too many time now. A prompt repayment, of the money owed to me, by AA, needs to occur, or, the airline should offer me a free: domestic/Int'l flight. I am homeless.

        I've been homeless &unemployed, for almost the entire Obama Administration-if AA choses to return payment to me, then, it must be sent back to the Visa debit card, that I used, in order to pay for my ticket. I receive no post mail in the US. People-even my own adopted family, steal everything from me-even my post mail, if Ive temporary housing.

      Please communicate to me, the willingness of AA, to make certain that the money that is to be returned, is received by my person. If AA, did in fact, send any checks for me, to post mail addresses-then, those checks should be immediately cancelled, so repayment can be credited to my debit card, or, so American Airlines, can issue me a free:domestic/Int'l flight. I need the refund money, from my illegally cancelled ticket soo badly, that I cannot afford, to allow this above mentioned matter drop-it must be resolved.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth  Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
New Cell: 352-219-1872