Sunday, January 15, 2017

APUS Intelligence Officer In Training: "Can Terrorists Be Reformed and Reintegrated Back Into Society?


In Class Peer Response Activity.

Response From:

APUS 2nd Master’s Degree Student

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-872-4774


Question: Is it possible, to rehabilitate, a terrorist?

In week one I posed the question: Why should we focus on the rehabilitation of the terrorists themselves instead of rehabilitation of the societies? Why should we focus on the rehabilitation of the inmates instead of rehabilitation of the families? Furthermore, how successful are we in rehabilitating terrorists and/or inmates? It is a lofty question to ask. -Eliizabeth Buck

The question of reforming a “terrorist,” is based on more, than just the basics of reacidification. The problem, when it comes to reform, and a “terrorist, extends beyond: petty criminal activity, or, a minor felony. Terrorism, in the US, is categorized, as a: Federal Crime, and can be legally addressed, in a court system-in many ways, separate, from the traditional US court room, because, it is such a serious crime by nature-against: America.

              Different countries, have chosen to respond to the question: “Can terrorists be reformed”-in much different ways. As of, 2015, the country of Australia-as led, by the then, PM Malcom Turnbull, believed, that the strictest of measures, should be levied against terrorists, convicted in Australia (Wroe and Kenny 2015, “Sydney Morning Herald”):

Convicted terrorists would be treated like paedophiles and kept behind bars even after their sentences have expired under a bold plan to be put before the federal and state governments on Friday.  The proposal, which is set for discussion at Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's first Council of Australian Governments meeting of state and territory leaders, is being pushed by Liberal MP Dan Tehan, who heads the parliamentary joint committee on intelligence and security matters. (Wroe and Kenny 2015, “Sydney Morning Herald”)

Australia, presents itself-to the media, and to the rest of the world, as being a conservative country, and, the decision, to extend sentences, of terrorists convicted in Australia-is of sound judgement. Terrorists, are oft times, as “mentally ill”-at least, as pedophiles-or worse, and lengthy research, has gone into, the question: “Are pedophiles reform able?” According to, empirical research study after study-it has been clearly determined, that, adults, who sexually abuse children-are never able to alter their behaviors towards children-significantly enough, to re-enter society, and to ever interact with children again:

"The best way we can do this is by treating terrorists like paedophiles, as both prey on innocent and vulnerable people in society," he writes. "Terrorists who are imprisoned and who end their terms unreformed have to be treated as an ongoing threat." (Wroe and Kenny 2015, “Sydney Morning Herald”)

I live in the United States right now, and, within the state of Florida-touted as a conservative US State. In Florida, because pedophilia, is not a behavior, that can be rehabilitated, my state-sterilizes men, who are convicted, of child sex abuse, as well as, segregating sex offenders, into separate neighborhoods-away from children.  In fact, individuals who consent to terrorism, and, who support terrorist activities, are as dangerous, and as un-reform able, as any pedophile-anywhere, and therefore-a short leash-must be utilized, to keep the remainder, of society-safe.

                I think that, maintaining a “terrorist,” in an institutionalized environment-indefinitely, may be the only safe response possible, to terrorism. However, some countries, like the US, have tried to utilize various techniques of prisoner reform, for reintegration, into society. It is my opinion, that: Gitmo, is not been run legally, and by US, or International Geneva Convention Standards-although, I have not been invited, to investigate, and to report-myself-yet. The US states, that there are flights currently, from some major cities in the US, to Cuba. I speak Spanish well, and therefore, I am looking into the possibility, of visiting Gitmo, Cuba, to collect-as a voluntary self-designed APUS internship, information and intelligence, about-what is really happening, at: Gitmo.

              As a market economy, the US is based on money. For enough money-anyone, can buy their way, out of a US institution. People who work at US: jails, prisons, mental hospitals, and even Gitmo-accept cash, and then, provide the buyer, with a key, to the exit door. To say, that a criminal in the US, is: “locked up for life”-is never true. If you happen to come by enough money-then, USD-can be, your ticket to freedom.

            In most-if not all, US major cities-as per my own investigations, through traveling in America-people, stand around, at busy intersections, with a tray full of keys. Sometimes the keys are to: vacation homes that are not being used, sometimes to a storage unit belonging to a deceased, sometimes to an apartment that has been left empty for unknown reasons, and sometimes, for a: jail, or prison cell door, etc. In America-if you have enough money to offer, you can probably buy-almost anything-far more, than just keys-and that is a serious problem for America, as well!

          Is America, really safer if terrorists, are placed in an institution, and then, through terrorist networks, the man/women, eventually a masses, enough money, to buy a way out? In Florida, when someone commits an unusually heinous crime, then, that individual, is sent to: “death row.” In my opinion, terrorism, is such a severe crime, against the US, that-it should be warranted, as: “a death penalty crime.”

          When a person, is unconscionable enough, to wreak a dangerous havoc, against their own country, and at the peril, of their own friends and family-then, that individual-should suffer the greatest loss possible-that of life! There are no real reform possibilities, for terrorists-in the US, or anywhere in the world. Gitmo, Cuba-which run by the US, terrorists escape to freedom-all of the time, and, that-re-endangers society, and puts the US, and the reminder of the world-at too high a safety risk.

Canada's spy service, CSIS, has raised concerns about the spread of extremist views within the prison system, noting in a 2012 threat assessment that "studies have identified that Islamist extremists have been further radicalized in prisons in countries such as Canada. (Quan 2013, “Leader Post”)

Some countries, like Canada, have noticed, that-in fact, the time spent by terrorists, in confinement, in institutions, such as: jails/ and prisons-has only made, those particular institutions-far too dangerous, for the general population to function in, and, for the staff, to run safely.


Quan, Douglas. 2013. “How best to rehabilitate terrorists in prisons?”

Wroe, David and Kenny, Mark. 2015. “Plan for terrorists: reform or die in jail.”

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