Monday, January 2, 2017

APUS Intl 502 Welcome To Class, Please Introduce Yourself, Minimum 500 Words: "Who are you?'


Abridged Current Biography:
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Occupation: Student, 2nd Master's Degree, Intelligence Officer in Training
Intelligence and Global Security Studies

Cell: 1-352-872-4774

To Whom It May Concern:

        My name is Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS. In India, I am called: "Mumbai." This is my second Master's Degree program. I was originally admitted, to Intelligence studies, with: American Public University, in 2013. However, because my interest in intelligence studies, is soo intense and sincere-I chose to self- train myself, in International intelligence studies, for a number of years, and to engage in doctoral studies, prior to deciding to join, formal classroom studies-through APUS.

          I am an applicant for intelligence studies overseas, to a number of well known, International organizations, that I have developed a relationship with, and have been in constant contact with-for a number of years now. Intelligence agencies-like the US CIA, expect applicants, to serve as: "Special Agents,' to have created, and developed-a strong safe network, of intelligence operatives-outside, of the professional organization-such as the: CIA, that you are applying to work for. Because I see, many dimensions, to intelligence service, I am in the process-and for a number of years now, growing a reliable list, of International contacts and other intelligence agencies and individuals, in a number of fields-not just, formal intelligence agencies, or US/ or foreign military.

          I have, because of arduous efforts, to increase my circle of friends, and professional contacts-through, travel domestic and International, as well as-almost every other means of communications, begun to grow, a reliable group, of: professional and laymen-all over the world, who are agreeing to assist me, with my intelligence investigations, and information collections. I am an applicant, for an LLB program abroad-as well. I am waiting to hear back, about possible law school admissions, for: 2017.  However, because it is difficult, to make certain plans, when-money is limited, and I must rely on scholarship, to study law abroad-I am keeping my options open. I am also-right now, applying to internship programs, overseas. I am interested, in the opportunity, to increase my facility, with foreign languages, that are now in high demand, in the field of International intelligence service.

         Some countries, like France, and the UK-have extremely strict requirements, when it comes to applying as a foreign national, for intelligence service. France, will only consider French military, for their intelligence officers. MI5, will only consider immigrants, who have lived in the country, for at least 10 uninterrupted years. And, the US FBI-do not consider women at all. The US FBI, require a military caliber physical fitness pass. I did try to apply for US FBI-I am qualified in almost every way. I am not a criminal. I am smart, hard-working, accommodating, and happy to go the extra mile. I call US FBI with intelligence tips, and I drop a folder of information off, at their office-from time to time. However, I am a female, and, could never pass the personal fitness exam, which is required, for all FBI applicants. The personal fitness exam, for US FBI employment applications-is soo stringent, that only a man-in almost Olympic fit state, could pass.

         I have applied, and I am applying, to intelligence agencies abroad-while I wait for my: law school, and internship applications to process-that, are more flexible, and more open-minded, about adding a female, to the pay role.  I am no longer applying for employment in the US. I was: "Blacklisted," as a Republican, an Asian, A Buddhist, A feminist/Lesbian/independent woman, An Intellectual "Intelligencia," A "free agent, " by the entire Obama Administration. I was not offered any work, for the entire Obama Administration.

     I have, however, had a number of educational opportunities in the US, although, still no possibilities for work. Europeans, and other countries overseas-are not in many ways, like the US, and thankfully-they are much more interested in how smart I am, and how hard I work, and in how much I could help their economies-with a large quantity, of high quality, and cited/documented investigative information-from reliable sources, which can be easily validated. I have faith, that some country cares about my abilities, and my need for employment, and will hire me soon.

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