Sunday, January 29, 2017

Intelligence Officer In Training: "How Could Anyone Be Any Enough, To Join The America Domestic Terrorist Movement? " Apparently, Mr. Trump-supports-Illegal Torture-Too!


Response To: Amanda Mack

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re: “How could anyone in America, be angry enough, at the American government, to want to become, a: ‘domestic terrorist?’”

I have chosen to use an explanatory theory approach to help answer my research question: How are individuals influenced and motivated to commit acts of domestic terrorism?  I think this is a good approach because it should help me identify patterns of behavior, causes, effects, and therefore, predictions. –Amanda Mack

      Thirty years ago, I could never have fathomed-why anyone, would be angry enough-to consider any form of violence-ever. I am now-after the Obama Administration, still homeless-and, it has been 7 years for me, as well as-still unemployed, and that, has also been-a full 7years for me. I was illegally, “Blacklisted,” by the Obama Administration. For 7 years now, I have been allowed, no: housing, or employment-in the US.

      Most recently, in the past 4 years, I have also been denied: all medical care, all social services, all assistance from American religious or church organizations, and almost all public transportation, as well as, access to public libraries-in the US. I began, political asylum applications-in three different countries, and, when they all failed to deliver, I began to apply for immigration-to a different, and fourth country. I am not a violent person by nature, however, in addition, to all of the severe austerity, that I have been forced to suffer through, by the Obama Administration-I have also, been repeatedly tortured-and, for strictly political reasons.

      I have been tortured, in the US, for almost 20 years now-for political reasons. I have been complaining to the: CIA, and FBI-since: 2007, and, neither group of intelligence officers-ever responded, to any of my serious, and constant complaints. I, can barely: walk, sit, or stand, on many days, because, I have been repeatedly assaulted, and viciously attacked, and persecuted, by US police-almost beaten to death. I can hardly walk around, people try to run me over, with vehicles-every time, I cross a roadway, or a drive way. I was almost killed, by a car yesterday-when, I went out for groceries, and, I still have diarrhea, and a stomach ache.

      I am now studying, and working towards my 2nd Master’s Degree. I am a straight “A” student normally, and, this professor, gives me low marks-illegally, because he hates what I write about, I have to appeal to the dean. I have benefited-absolutely none-at-all, as an adult, and as a well-educated adult-after many years of arduous private schools, from my challenging educational programs, or, from my university connections. I have never been violent. And, there is nothing I want more-than, to leave the US, with my 3 children in tow. The US police, actively prevent me from flying, to certain destinations, from America, and, request, that I be returned over-night, and for no legal reasons-when I fly abroad.

      I am of the mind now, that some Mexicans-who feel exactly like me-and worse, will be climbing the President Trump wall-to get back into Mexico (Webber 2017, I am also-now of the mind, that, some people, in the US (-not me), who, are in fact: hostages and political prisoners in the US-like me, are, buying explosives, to: blow their way, back out of the country. Trump, is no different from Mr. Obama-and, I supported his Presidency, because he is a Republican-however, he too, illegally supports torture, both: within the US, and, overseas, with US money, and, with US military (Shephard 2017, NO! I object!

          I hate everything about America. I have no: friends or family here. I am assaulted, and shot, and run over by: stray bullets, and stray cars, and stray “cat,” US police-all-of-the-time. I think, America makes the situation here much worse, by pretending it’s such a wonderful country, and then, by forcing people to stay-when they hate it here! I hate America too-I think that refugees, to the US, want to go back home (Levenson 2017,


Levenson, Eric. 2017. “How Many Fatal Terror Attacks Have

Refugees Carried Out In The US?” . Accessed January 29, 2017.

Shephard, Michelle. 2017. “Trump’s Support For

Torture Resonates in America’s Most Notorious Prison.” . Accessed January 29, 2017.

Webber, Joseph. 2017. “Netanyahu backs Trump's Mexico wall,

touts similar one on Egypt border as 'great idea'.” Fox News Online. Accessed January 29, 2017

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