Sunday, January 1, 2017

HigherOne/Bank Mobile Vibe/Customers Bank-All One Bank-Bank Fraud And Activities Contrary To Us Banking Standards-Reported Today


From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-872-4774

Occupation: American Public University Student

Intelligence Officer In Training-As Civilian, With: US Marines

2nd Master’s Degree

Legal Complaint: Against HigherOne Bank Now Called: Bank Mobile Vibe

Google Blogger Active Website-more legal complaints posted, and added to on a daily basis:

Complaint Addressed To: US FDIC Regulation: Fraud and Waste Department-US Government

And US IRS and FBI-Highly Suspicious and Illegal US Company Banking Activities:

To Whom It May Concern:

           I opened a new Bank Mobile Vibe bank account, because I had to switch universities, because HigherOne-the former name of Bank Mobile Vibe-blocked my access to my financial aid, for almost 2 years. I was told, that the old account ad been closed, and the total amount of money in the account, that I could not access for 2 years, had been sent to me, by post mail. I received a pithy financial aid refund check recently.

          I was charged a large sum, out of my financial aid, to close the 1st Bank Mobile Vibe account. When I pull the account up online-it is closed, however, when I call customer service, to ask questions about the bank account, the representatives say that my 1st account is still open sometimes-and that is a serious problem. I opened a new Bank Mobile Vibe account, for my new US university study program, and selected as my refund preference, to another bank account-because Bank Mobile Vibe, is such a nightmare.

          When I called Bank Mobile Vibe last week, to obtain information, on how to open my new US Federal Student Financial Aid refund bank account, the supervisor, to whom I spoke, was not willing to help me. I had already spoken to the financial aid office, at my new university: American Public University System, and the two men, to whom I spoke, were not willing to assist me, in opening my new student bank account-so I could receive my student financial aid-that I qualified for, for the 2017-2018 university school year-either, and that was a serious problem for me too, and, the staff at Bank Mobile Vibe, to who I spoke to last week, did not care about that either.

           Today, I attempted to add my cell phone number, to my new student bank account-which, is just established for the purposes of transferring my student loan refund money, to a different bank account, with another bank-I was unable to do so. The online system, through bank Mobile Vibe, is now indicating to me, while I am establishing the second bank account, for my US university studies, that: Bank Mobile Vibe has been too dishonest with me-again.

          In fact, the first bank account, that I established with: HigherOne Bank-now, Bank Mobile Vibe, has not-in fact been closed, or deleted, and has in fact been left open, as an active account to some extent-that someone else-is accessing, and not presumably. Your banking activity in the US-is far too illegal activity once again, as per US banking standards, and FDIC US banking standards, some of our US banking regulation legal systems.

       Lastly, I lost a significant amount of money, in a money transfer that I requested, because my bank account-the first one I established with HigherOne, was place on hold, at a -99,000.00 dollars USD, for almost two years, and therefore, my money transfer-sat in limbo between two banks, and then disappeared. I lost money, because of HigherOne/Ban Mobile Vibe-it was not just that I am a homeless college student, and must have access to my student financial aid, to purchase text books, computers, WiFi, housing etc.-I lost money, because you refuse to follow US banking standards, and then you still think it is legal bank-from the US, with US money, as an American bank.

          No! I object to your bank, and to what you did to both: my money, and the first bank account that I opened with you, as well as to, how you have begun to handle my second bank account through you, as well.  It is a very serious legal complaint against the bank-regardless of whether you chose to alter the name again-or not. Your bank continues to be completely out of compliance with US banking laws, rules, and regulations-however, you are banking, from the US, and with the US, as a US banking institution-and as such, you could be subject-not just to FDIC regulation, at a minimum, to SEC regulation as well-NYSE.

         Thank you for receiving my valid legal complaint. I have collected significant documented evidence for court, against the above mention: business and US banking institution. Thank you for your time, attention, and immediate assistance.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-872-4774


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