Thursday, January 19, 2017

AUT LLB Programme New Zealand Making An Appointment To Deliver Required LLB Application Materials: Certified Hard-Copy Required February 2017


To Whom It May Concern:

      Thank you for your reply, regarding my application, to the AUT LLB program. In regards to the required academic and personal documents, that were missing from my application, I intend to submit them in person. I just now, have received enough financial resources, to begin to make arrangements for the short visit. I am planning, for the 2nd week, in February, just before the Valentine's Day holiday, when the price of round trip plane tickets-increases. I would appreciate, an email of confirmation from your offices, in response to the fact, that I do want to proceed, with my application, to the LLB law school study program, that AUT offers, and, that as a qualified International applicant-I may be accepted to. Thank you again, for your recent communications. I will look, for your prompt response, by email-to this account:

        Examples of my recent homework assignments, from my: Intelligence Officer in Training program, with the US military, are posted online, as well as my resume, and others academic materials, that I will be adding, to my application for legal studies-at: AUT: Application For Political Asylum Oslo, Norway, My Life Is In Danger In The US  When I have received a response back from your offices, confirming the fact, that I may bring my required certified documents, to your admissions offices, to present in person-then, I would like to make arrangements for an appointment-a specific: date and time, to meet, with an admissions officer-when I submit the required the documents. I sincerely appreciate, you full and honest consideration, of my LLB application, for the next available term-after next you have had the opportunity, to fully considered my application materials.

Application For Political Asylum Oslo, Norway, My Life Is In Danger In The US

It is difficult to reach me. I am an applicant for political asylum in Norway. All of my legal complaints posted online, pertain to, violations of: civil and human rights-that must be heard, in: International Human Rights Court. I am applying to la school, because the political situation, in the US, is out of control-and to such an extent, that I could not find a single lawyer in the US, that would agree to take, any of my legal cases, to deal with the issues domestically.

        I do not receive most of my cell calls or voice mail messages. I do not know if I am receiving all of my emails, I have too many issues pertaining to my email accounts being hacked. I could not consider sending AUT, my application materials-the certified documents, by post mail-they would never arrive. Nothing in the US works right now. I have access, to almost nothing I need-all of the time. America is completely over-run by terrorist immigrants, that Obama invited to the US, and they are refusing to leave. America is soo dangerous right now, that-if I were Trump, I would skip, my own inauguration.

         I will have to deliver my certified application materials, required for my LLB application, in person. Thank you, for agreeing, to accept my application, to the AUT LLB programme. I look forward to meeting your International LLB admissions staff-in person. Please feel free to contact me, at any time, in regards to my pending law school application, and any additional information that I need to know, prior to my arrival, in Auckland New Zealand, the second week of February, 2017. I will forward ahead of me by email, my visiting housing arrangements, so the University, with have a clear idea, of where in Auckland, I will be arriving from, for my appointment. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-872-4774


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