Sunday, January 15, 2017

APUS Intelligence Officer In Training: Mass Transit Terror Attacks In The US-Do They Happen?


Posted By APUS Master’s Degree Student:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-872-4774


Response To My Classroom Peer#2, Week 2, RE:

What is the likelihood of a mass transit attack in the US?

I spent the week doing in-depth research on this topic and narrowing down what would be an (sic.) quality research question, and one that I would be able to find sufficient information on. I was able to zero in on a research question which is, “Is there a great risk, of terrorist using United States mass transit systems to carry out biological or chemical terrorist attacks? If so, what can be done to prevent these attacks on United States soil?” -Lyndsey Hogan

In both London and Madrid, in and around the years, of: 2004-2005, there were similar terror attacks, on “mass transit”-trains (Alexander 2005, 20). The attacks against both: Madrid and London, were performed by Israeli suicide bombers-determined, to end as many lives, in as crowded a location, with the least amount of security-possible (Alexander 2005, 20). When “suicide bomb terror attacks,” usually occur, the causation, is generally deferred to the Middle East, however, we in the US, rarely talk about the reality, that, Israel, is also part of the Middle East, and as such-also participates, in International terror attacks, which-are, by definition, are: “suicide bombings/attacks” (Alexander 2005, 20).

              America, has a great many Israeli, who have immigrated here, since the beginning of the Obama Administration, and, although not the only country from the Middle East, to immigrate to the US-they, must be viewed with skepticism as well, because, of the on-going participation by Israel, in International terror attacks. Indeed, many countries in Europe, do perceive Israeli-as “terrorists,” and, not as the: “friendly neighbor next door,” due to the on-going participation-by Israel, in “terrorist activities”-in Europe. Has the US, had any recent, mass transit terror attacks?

              Yes, the US has had recent mass transit terror attacks-although, many apparently, go unreported. I was recently in: Winter Park, FL-just outside of downtown Orlando, FL, area home to Disney World, when, in the middle of the night, terrorists, tried to blow up the local commuter train. Police from swat, were called in with machine guns, and riot gear, to investigate, and to quell fears-the situation-although I, as a freelance reporter-did report it-never made the local news. I was saddened and dismayed, by the fact, that there was no news coverage, of such an unusual circumstance, here in the US-a mass transit attempted terror attack-in the middle of the night-thankfully, no bomb exploded.

          I spoke to local US national news media, about the situation, and was informed, that: Mr. Obama, controls the news tightly.  All forms of US media, require permission from US police, and then-what is reported, must reside within the prescribed boundaries, that, the local police have set-within the mandates, of the: Mr. Obama Administration. I was told, that, just because it happened-never means, no matter how unusual, that Mr. Obama, is willing to call it news, and report it-whatever it is. That was all, new information, from US news media, and-news to me!

           After the March, 2005, “terror attacks,” in both: Madrid and London, the US, did take assertive measures, to increase security in the US, to thwart a following mass transit terror attack, in the US (Alexander 2005, 21). Because, as previously stated, the Obama Administration, chose to control US news, and to limit the scope, of what has been shared by media. Through-out the Obama Administration-it has not possible to ascertain, whether, the increased measures, to prevent “mass transit terror attacks in the US,” were ever effective at all.

            Based on my own experiences, I think it would be safe to say: “No, the increase in security measures, to prevent mass transit terror attacks in the US-very clearly, did not work at all.” In my opinion, Mr. Obama, chose not to report news, for political reasons, and additional control, over the image of the US, that is projected Internationally. Mass transit terror attacks have occurred in the US, and they present potential tourists, with an un-welcome greeting, and therefore, that particular genre of US news, has been “hushed.”

         Looking forward, from: 2005, how do Americans feel, about traveling in Europe, in 2016? After the attacks in Paris last fall, 64 percent of the association's agents found that their clients did not plan to delay or cancel travel to and from or within Europe (Workman 2016, “New York Times”). France has had several terror attacks, in the past few years, and so have many other countries in Europe.

The travel alerts issued by the State Department also fall far short of advising people to cancel their plans.  "We're not saying, 'Don't travel,' especially not to Europe, but we are saying, 'Be careful if you do,'" said Michelle Bernier-Toth, the managing director of the federal Office of Overseas Citizens Services. (Workman 2016, “New York Times”)

It would be wrong-after knowledge of how honest the Obama Administration has been, about US terror attacks, to presume, that every single terror attack, that occurs in Europe-is reported, in an accurate, and timely manner-either. I think you take your chances, with mass transit terror attacks, and, terror attacks in general-whether, you are traveling within the US, or abroad.


Alexander, Dean C. 2005. “Mass Transit Terror: Madrid & London;

                           Is America Next?” Security vol. 42, 10: 20-22.

Workman, Karen. 2016. “Is Europe Safe for Travelers? Yes, Experts

                        Say, but Here Are Some Tips.” New York Times, March 30.

                        Accessed January 15, 2016


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