Thursday, January 5, 2017

APUS Intl 500 Assignment 1 How Do International Healthcare Standards Impact and Support International Terrorism

Assignment 1 Intl 500 Research: Rough Draft-Post 1

APUS: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

2nd Master’s Degree:

Intelligence Officer In Training

Cell: 1-352-872-4774


My Thesis Question:

How do International health standards fail to protect the healthy, while at the same time, support the activities, of International terrorists, and their organizations.

“In particular there is a high level of agreement evident over what the major threats to ‘health security’ are and what should be done about them. These are a particular set of health risks which are primarily seen as major threats by Western developed nations, and contemporary global responses – often couched in the language of global health security – have a tendency to focus on containment rather than prevention” (Rushton, 2011, 779).

“Health Security”

“In particular some have pointed to a danger that public health will become subjugated to powerful security interests, with potentially negative consequences for the health of individuals and communities” (Rushton, 2011, 779).

“Health Security Threats”

“. This, it is argued, centres around a relatively small number of health issues: rapidly spreading infectious diseases; HIV and AIDS; and biological weapons/bioterrorism.” (Rushton, 2011, 780).

Current Gold Standard Response To International Health Threats

“The nature of existing global health governance responses, which tend to be overwhelmingly characterised by a focus on containment rather than prevention (Aldis, 2008; Labonté and Gagnon, 2010, p. 5), heightens unease about ‘whose security’ really counts” (Rushton, 2011, 780).

2011 The Perspective On Global Pandemic And Uncontrolled Spreading Was Unrealistic: Border Containment

“Clearly, protecting populations from disease is a good in itself, and populations in the West have as much right as those elsewhere to benefit from such protection” (Rushton, 2011, 781).

Clarified Explanation About How International Security And International Health Problems Meet-Pandemic Nexus

“The characteristic claims associated with health security in the literature can be boiled down to three common arguments (see Feldbaum and Lee, 2004, pp. 22–4):1

(1) that the fast-moving nature of infectious disease in a globalised world poses a threat to individuals, populations or states;

(2) that pathogens may be weaponised, either by terrorists or through state-sponsored biological weapons programmes, and used against military forces and/or civilian populations;

 (3) that a severe burden of disease (HIV/AIDS is by far the most commonly cited) can have social, political, economic and military impacts which threaten the stability of states and regions” (Rushton, 2011, 782).

Some of  The Popular Organizations Internationally Actively Participating In International “Security Health” Conversations-Currently Contributing and Actively Affecting International Policy/Rules/Regulations/Medications, etc.:

1)      WHO (World Health Organization);

2)      IHR (International Health Regulations);

3)      U.N. (United Nations) Security Council;

4)      U.S. National Intelligence Council;

5)      U.S. Department of Health and Human Services;

6)      H.M. (Her Majesties) U.K. (United Kingdom) Government National Security Strategy. (Rushton, 2011, 782-783)

“Tobacco-related diseases, although they threaten health on a massive scale, are seldom if ever discussed in ‘health security’ terms” (Rushton, 2011, 783).

              In my opinion, International organizations, in considering International health risks, that can be safely associated with International terror, are too often, intentionally not considered-by International NGO’s and other International government organizations-when, looking at: causes of disease, chemical warfare, and bioterrorism. A specific example, that I can easily refer to, are the diseases created, and spread, by; tobacco, and other products-legal or not, that are mixed-into, and hand-stuffed into, tobacco products, sold and distributed Internationally.

        Often time-dangerous tobacco products, are: sold and distributed, by and for, countries that support: International terrorism, to raise additional monies, to support their International terror activities. Some Western countries, now-appropriately identify many tobacco products-if not all, as: chemical warfare, due to the toxic nature, of the smoke which emanates. In (YEAR), a Nobel Peace Prize, was granted, to an International organization-(NAME), for identifying, and complaining effectively, with scientific empirical evidence, against: “tobacco products,” for supporting International terrorism (COMPLETE REFERENCE HERE).

“Importantly for the argument here, the range of recognised health security threats is actually even more limited than this suggests since not all infectious diseases have come to be widely seen as threats to health security” (Rushton, 2011, 783).

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