Thursday, January 5, 2017

How "Global Health Threats" Contribute To "Global Security Threats" and International Terrorism


Assignment 1 Intl 500 Research Global Intelligence and Security Studies: Forum Post Week 1

Title: “How International Pandemics, Relate To, And Support: International Terrorism”

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

2nd Master’s Degree:

Intelligence Officer In Training

Cell: 1-352-872-4774

Thesis Statement:

How do International health standards fail to protect the healthy, while, at the same time, supporting the activities, of International terrorists, and their organizations.

Body of Paper:

          It is important, when looking at the current state, of International health affairs, to first briefly review, the contemporary response, to International health emergencies. WHO, the World Health Organization, is the most contemporary, of world health organizations, which deals specifically, with International pandemic disease threats. WHO, with all efforts mobilized, to combat threats of International disease, such as: flu and HIV/AIDS-has made almost no impact, to improving the health and lives, of people, anywhere in the world. In my opinion, WHO, is outdated, and intentionally ineffective, due to current world politics, which are not restricted the political processes within the US.

A Contemporary History of International “Health Security,” in the Framework, of WHO-the World Health Organization (WHO Online Hyperlink) :

In early 2007 the Indonesian government announced that it would cease sharing H5N1 influenza virus samples with the World Health Organization’s Global Influenza Surveillance Network. At the heart of the government’s complaint was the fact that samples were being passed by the WHO to pharmaceutical companies which developed, and patented, influenza vaccines that the Indonesian authorities could not purchase. The decision gained widespread support among advocates of greater equity of access to medicines, and in response the WHO established an intergovernmental process to agree a framework for influenza virus sharing. The process officially concluded in April 2011 and a new Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework (PIPF) was agreed at the 64thWorld Health Assembly in May 2011. (Kramradt-Scott and Lee, 2011, 831)

Relevant Historical Commentary, From A Director of: WHO, In Relation To Improving World Response, To Pandemic Flu, And Other Disease Threats, To: “Global Health” and Closely Related Security Issues:

Since 2001, attempts by the World Health Organization (WHO) to engage more actively with foreign policy have been framed in terms of ‘global health security’, with a particular focus on the spread of infectious diseases (McInnes and Lee,2006). As the WHO Director General Margaret Chan observed in 2007, ‘better security calls for global solidarity ’which, she argued, can only be achieved through greater ‘diplomacy, cooperation, transparency and preparedness’(WHO,2007a,p.vii). (Kramradt-Scott and Lee, 2011, 831)

Although it is clear, WHO-the World Health Organization, has made sincere efforts, to share publicly, their restructuring and creation of new rules, and new policies-at the very same time, it is also clear, that the changes made to the organization, have not effected enough alteration. WHO, is no more effective today, after a media blitz of change was last announced, than they were, before, when there was no change at all. Oft times, an Organization-even a country, such as the US, publicly announces, and runs media show and tells, based on massive; “Changes,” when in fact-no changes will occur at all, and, it is simply a distraction, from, the continued and prolonged: “status quo.”

Specific International Flu Virus Sharing Outline/Guidelines-Deemed As Insufficient and Not Workable-Even After Restructuring-Due To A Number of Reasons-Based On the Greed of An International Market Economy, And, The Continued Leadership, By: WHO:

Influenza is, arguably, the most democratic of viruses, with the potential for some strains in today’s globalised world to affect entire populations regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic status or geographical location (Jones, 2010; Kilbourne, 2006). The ease and speed with which influenza viruses can spread and, in the case of lethal strains such as H5N1, their potential to cause high numbers of infections and deaths, present a significant risk to the international community. It is this risk that led to the formation of the GISN 60 years ago under the auspices of WHO’s Global Influenza Programme (GIP). The network operates by receiving influenza virus samples from participating countries via their National Influenza Centres (NICs) which are then forwarded to one of six designated WHO Collaborating Centres (WHO CCs). The virus samples are then isolated to identify which strains of the virus are circulating and where at a given time. Augmenting GISN’s work is FluNet, an internet-based programme operated by WHO which links together the NICs and WHO CCs in a virtual worldwide network to ensure the rapid exchange of global surveillance data. The information generated by these two networks is then passed to pharmaceutical manufacturers which use the data to develop seasonal influenza vaccines and, in the event that a novel strain emerges against which there is limited or no human immunity, a new pandemic-specific vaccine. (Kamradt-Scott and Lee, 2011, 833).

Sometimes, a change in leadership, can lead to a positive forward movement, for an organization-or even for a country. If the new director/leader, is an improvement upon the last, and, if the new hire, takes the initiative, to improve, and to reinforce the organizational improvements. However, too often-even if a more effective director is hired, and takes the time to improve the rules, and, even if the new rules are written and, then widely shared-there is still, a reinforcement of rules-problem. Who is going ensure, that new rules, will be reinforced, by law? Police? Lawyers? Judges?

             In regards to: WHO and IHR-when effective and safe rules, for an organization are in place, to create and support, effective positive movement forward, and then, there is no person, and organization, to reinforce the improvements-the situation is essentially: “status quo”-again. The IHR-International Health Regulations, supported by WHO, are not effectively supported or reinforced, by any legal system anywhere in the world-that I can detect. International human rights courts, do exist, and “bioterrorism,” is an issue, that should be able to be addressed, in such a legal environment. I have searched, and have found no reliable evidence, that the International court system-pertaining to human rights, or to any other issues, are accessible, to anyone in need.

In particular there is a high level of agreement evident over what the major threats to ‘health security’ are and what should be done about them. These are a particular set of health risks which are primarily seen as major threats by Western developed nations, and contemporary global responses – often couched in the language of global health security – have a tendency to focus on containment rather than prevention. (Rushton, 2011, 779)

“Health Security In General:”

           “In particular some have pointed to a danger that public health will become subjugated to powerful security interests, with potentially negative consequences for the health of individuals and communities” (Rushton, 2011, 779). I think the biggest concern, regarding public health and safety, can now be identified as an: “International Health Crisis” and not just an American situation. When dealing with something, that extends beyond US borders-due to increased accessibility to world travel-what needs to considered, is more than the American political perspective. America does not normally consider the needs or concerns of “under-funded” nations, and, as such- the US is not so beneficial, to the US-either.

         At this point, as the Obama Administration of America, comes to a close, health concerns in the US, have been subjugated, by a greed, displayed by Democrats in America, for more money, and for more control over other people, and other nations. The Obama Administration, supports organizations, and political leaders, who support International terrorism: illegal illicit drug trafficking, arms dealing, human trafficking, sex slaves, etc. In supporting International terrorism, by creating a prostitute economy in the US, America now, is a global threat, to the health and lives, in other countries, all over the world. The new America story, that the Obama Administration wrote, is: sick and sad, and an irreversible American reality-which, completely missed the promised: “American Dream.”

        The US, from what I can comprehend, has changed from a market economy, to a prostitute economy-like the ones utilized in Africa. Therefore, what America values the most, is not: intellect, it is a wet slimy: “blow-job.” Prostitute economies-regardless of where they are located in the world, support International terrorism, in part, by spreading and intentionally sharing, pandemic diseases. I did not vote for, or support the Obama Administration. I have been homeless, unemployed, denied almost everything I need in the US, and literally hunted, as an American dissident, as well as continuously tortured, for refusing to prostitute, in a country with legal, which clearly state, I have rights: The US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

“Health Security Threats:”

         “This, it is argued, centres around a relatively small number of health issues: rapidly spreading infectious diseases; HIV and AIDS; and biological weapons/bioterrorism.” (Rushton, 2011, 780). Although, it seems like: HIV/AIDS, is a small health risk, because it is only one incurable disease, that is not, in fact, the nature of the disease. There are many varieties of AIDS, people say, just AIDS, just like people say just: hepatitis.

           Additionally, as AIDS mutates-because of the nature of the disease, more antibiotics must be applied. As AIDS disease becomes more resistant to antibiotics, the more diseases, that AIDS patients catch and carry-opportunistic infections, which-have to be are treated with antibiotics as well, and the new diseases become resistant to antibiotics-as well, i.e.: antibiotic resistant TB. Thus, AIDS patients, actually create new diseases, which can be, in many ways, just as dangerous, and difficult to treat, as: HIV/AIDS itself. AIDS, is not a simple chronic illness.

The Current Gold Standard Response To International Health Threats:

            “The nature of existing global health governance responses, which tend to be overwhelmingly characterised by a focus on containment rather than prevention (Aldis, 2008; Labonté and Gagnon, 2010, p. 5), heightens unease about ‘whose security’ really counts” (Rushton, 2011, 780). If AIDS, were a simple chronic illness, like: diabetes, then continued treatment-with almost no alteration, of human interactions and behaviors-might be appropriate? However, HIV/AIDS-is a serious illness, that causes certain death-even if people can live a while, on strong antibiotics. Terrorists, utilize diseases like: HIV/AIDS, to effect genocide upon an entire: village, or community, or country. HIV/AIDS, is “bioterror” tool for terrorists, just like when: “crack cigarettes,’ are utilized for chemical warfare, and, just like when, atom bombs, were dropped during WWII, on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan-genocide.

2011 The Perspective On Global Pandemic And Uncontrolled Spreading Was Unrealistic: Border Containment:

           “Clearly, protecting populations from disease is a good in itself, and populations in the West have as much right as those elsewhere to benefit from such protection” (Rushton, 2011, 781). Protecting populations from disease, should be the overall design, and goal, of International organizations, like: WHO, and the United Nations-although, that is not the case. Sometimes, it is difficult for people to see the truth, even when you highlight everything important, in the brightest yellow pigment attainable. Ethics and morals, come into play, when a political situation, is not beneficial. Sometimes people care a little, while at other times, people do not care at all, and only pretend to care.

                 Many Americans, are soo lethargic, uncaring, and apathetic-even towards their own: family, friends, and neighbors-that, it is hard for me to believe, why anyone in the world, would trust a nonprofit organization, or NGO, sponsored by America, or Americans. There is no separation, of church and state, in the US anymore, because of the second Bush Administration. Americans go to church, and listen to a hateful sermon. American Christians oft times, act out illegal and inappropriate behaviors, with the consent, of US state financially sponsored, pro-Obama religion-which is not Christianity. Obama calls, his form of American government state sponsored Christianity, the: “Devil Worship Bank Church For Worship of Black ‘Illuminauti’ Money.”

Clarified Explanation About How International Security And International Health Problems Meet-Pandemic Nexus:

The characteristic claims associated with health security in the literature can be boiled down to three common arguments (see Feldbaum and Lee, 2004, pp. 22–4):

(1) that the fast-moving nature of infectious disease in a globalised world poses a threat to individuals, populations or states;

(2) that pathogens may be weaponised, either by terrorists or through state-sponsored biological weapons programmes, and used against military forces and/or civilian populations;

 (3) that a severe burden of disease (HIV/AIDS is by far the most commonly cited) can have social, political, economic and military impacts which threaten the stability of states and regions.

(Rushton, 2011, 782).

Some of Popular Organizations Internationally Actively Participating In International “Security Health” Conversations-Currently Contributing and Actively Affecting International Policy/Rules/Regulations/Medications, etc.:

1)      WHO (World Health Organization);

2)      IHR (International Health Regulations);

3)      U.N. (United Nations) Security Council;

4)      U.S. National Intelligence Council;

5)      U.S. Department of Health and Human Services;

6)      H.M. (Her Majesties) U.K. (United Kingdom) Government National Security Strategy. (Rushton, 2011, 782-783)

“Tobacco-related diseases, although they threaten health on a massive scale, are seldom if ever discussed in ‘health security’ terms” (Rushton, 2011, 783).  In my opinion, International organizations, in considering International health risks, that can be safely associated with International terror, are too often, intentionally not considered-by International NGO’s and other International government organizations. Intentionally overlooking, an International health risk, in support of a political stance or opinion, in support of terrorism, for one: religious/political belief, or another-and is wrong, while at the same time-illegal. Terrorism, is an illegal means, to create power and control, in the political environment-instead of reliance, upon the legal modality of choice in the West: Democracy and a Market economy.

               When, looking at: causes of disease (pathology), chemical warfare, and bioterrorism, tobacco, is not the only serious health risk, that US government refuses to consider, as: terror supported “bio-chemical warfare.” Specifically speaking, I can easily refer to diseases created, and spread, by; tobacco, and other products-legal or not, that are mixed-into, and hand-stuffed into, tobacco products, which are sold and distributed Internationally. Sometimes the root of evil, can be your next door neighbor, in the US, however, we have such an immigrant problem here now, because of the Obama Administration, that, the root of all evil, might be, your neighbor’s family, on the other side of the world.

                             “Importantly for the argument here, the range of recognised health security threats is actually even more limited than this suggests since not all infectious diseases have come to be widely seen as threats to health security” (Rushton, 2011, 783). Often time-dangerous tobacco products, are: sold and distributed, by and for, countries that support: International terrorism, to raise additional monies, to support their International terror activities.

           Some Western countries, now-appropriately identify many tobacco products-if not all, as: chemical warfare, due to the toxic nature, of the smoke which emanates-the US, is an exception. In 2013, a Nobel Peace Prize, was granted, to an International organization: (OPCW) Organization For the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (Online Hyperlink: ), for identifying, and complaining effectively, with scientific empirical evidence, against: “tobacco products,” for supporting International terrorism (Nobel Media AB, 2017, Nobel Peace Prize 2013).

             When International organizations, like WHO, fail to protect, the International public good-in regards to: International health standards-that present, a significant threat-an: “International security threat, to global health,” then, there are supposed to be, other organizations, to turn to. One such International organization, closely connected to WHO-is purportedly concerned, about: “Global Security Health Threats,”: The I.H.R. (International Health Regulations).

The International Health Regulations (IHR) remain the primary international legal treaty specifically focused on infectious disease control. In the mid-1990s, international public health officials recognised the need to overhaul the IHR to make them more relevant to the modern world. In revising the IHR, the treaty vastly expanded the scope of reportable conditions, strengthened and widened reporting requirements, and sought explicitly to incorporate human rights considerations – all in the name of reducing transborder risks associated with infectious disease. (Youde, 2011, 813).

Due to the fact, that it is evident, too many issues still persist Internationally, related to the rapid spread of infectious, and incurable diseases, such as: dangerous strains of the flu, and: HIV/AIDS-clearly, the close relationship between: WHO and IRH, is inhibiting the ability of IRH, to deal with legal issues, related to WHO. Too often, organizations, are separate, however, they work soo closely together-all of the time, that, therefore, the two organizations cannot consider their professional relationship, as: disinterested. Essentially, WHO and IRH, are the same organization, with no division of cares or interests.

             When two parties, are in constant interaction with each other-as organizations, and as individuals, their professional interests, become combined, and then-a final result, of the interactions, cannot legally be considered-in the best interest, of the: “public good.” Because parties relate to each other-as literally-the same organization, with no third-party evaluation or audit participation-the activities, of IRH, do not benefit the legal needs of WHO-in any meaningful way. In such a situation, the organizations, both need to be dissolved-if and when, they are unwilling, to reach out to a new, third-party, which-is really and honestly-disinterested.

The Stated Employment Objectives, Allocated To IHR-Which, Due To Lengthy Close Relations With WHO-They Are Unable To Effectively Accomplish-And, Unfortunately-To The Detriment, Of The Entire Planet:

The International Health Regulations (IHR) remain the only international legal treaty that explicitly regulates a state’s obligations to the international community on the spread of infectious diseases. The IHR empower the World Health Organization (WHO) to act as the central repository of all required disease surveillance information, and they detail the circumstances under which states have a legal obligation to report disease outbreaks to the rest of the world. They act as a key element of mediating the risk associated with infectious disease outbreaks in the international community and significantly influence how we perceive the nature of health risks. The IHR also provide the international legal underpinnings to global health governance systems, facilitating information sharing and surveillance activities among state and non-state actors involved in cross-border health concerns. (Youde, 2011, 813).

When International governments, talk of: White collar crime, collusion, corruption, and fraud, the reference, is usually to an accounting department somewhere. However, “criminal minds” in action, are not segregated, to the academic field of accounting. The medical profession, has its share, of dishonest: nursing, medical, pharmacy, and bio-medical engineering, university applicants. People wearing a lab coat, of any sort, are only as ethical, as their: country, academic program, community, and International milieu permit.

           When there are no systems of checks and balances, because the legal authoritative body, such as: the IHR-is not ethical or moral enough-in of its self, to put WHO in check, then, the health of the entire planet, is at risk, and out of balance-as is, the current state of the world, right now. Internationally, humans, are now experiencing, an: “International Global Security Health Threat and Crisis.” Turning to organizations, like: WHO, and IHR-which, have never helped in the past, will not be effective-again, and, is never going to be the answer, of how to, secure the planet, from: “Global Security Health Threats.”

       In my initial evaluation of: IHR and WHO-not effectively treating, or confronting, “Global Security Healthy Threats,” in the past, IHR and WHO-will never be trust worthy. An entirely new, and necessarily, not integrated through the US, or attached to old organizations, auditing third party organization and support network, must be created. The health issues are International in scope, and therefore, I argue, that new International health care organizations, need to be Internationally funded-to protect life, and to improve: International-morbidity and mortality actuarial table rates-as they relate to the global spread of pandemics.

          I assert, that, the continued: “Global Health Security Threat,” of pandemic diseases, do in fact support, International terrorism-in many documentable, and reportable ways. I had no difficulty, in locating online peer-reviewed information, that is genre and topic specific, in regards to my above stated, thesis statement.


Kamradt-Scott, Adam and Kelly, Lee. 2011. “The 2001 Influenza Pandemic Preparedness    

                   Framework: Global Health Secured or a Missed Opportunity?” Political Studies, vol.

                    59: 831-847.

Nobel Media AB. 2017. “Nobel Peace Prize 2013.” Nobel Peace Prize (OCPW).

                   Accessed January 5, 2017.

Rushton, Simon. 2011. “Global Health Security: Security For Whom? Security From What?”

                  Political Studies, vol. 59: 779-796.

Unknown Author. 2017. “WHO World Health Organization General and IHR Information.”

                   WHO International Organization. Accessed January 5, 2017.

Youde, Jeremy. 2011. “Mediating Risk Through The International Health Regulations and

                    Biopolitical Surveillance.” Political Studies, vol. 59: 813-830.

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